// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace ba; use think\Response; use ba\module\Manage; use think\facade\Config; use think\facade\Cookie; use app\admin\library\Auth; use think\exception\HttpResponseException; class Terminal { /** * @var object 对象实例 */ protected static $instance; /** * 当前执行的命令,$command 的 key */ protected $commandKey = null; /** * proc_open 的参数 */ protected $descriptorsPec = []; protected $process = null; protected $pipes = null; protected $procStatus = null; /** * 命令在前台的uuid */ protected $uuid = null; /** * 扩展信息 */ protected $extend = null; /** * 命令执行输出文件 */ protected $outputFile = null; /** * 命令执行实时输出内容 */ protected $outputContent = ''; /** * 自动构建的前端文件的 outDir(相对于根目录) */ protected static $distDir = 'web' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dist'; /** * 状态标识 */ protected $flag = [ // 连接成功 'link-success' => 'command-link-success', // 执行成功 'exec-success' => 'command-exec-success', // 执行完成 'exec-completed' => 'command-exec-completed', // 执行出错 'exec-error' => 'command-exec-error', ]; /** * 初始化 */ public static function instance() { if (is_null(self::$instance)) { self::$instance = new static(); } return self::$instance; } /** * 构造函数 */ public function __construct() { $this->uuid = request()->param('uuid'); $this->extend = request()->param('extend'); // 初始化日志文件 $outputDir = root_path() . 'runtime' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'terminal'; $this->outputFile = $outputDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'exec.log'; if (!is_dir($outputDir)) { mkdir($outputDir, 0755, true); } file_put_contents($this->outputFile, ''); /** * 命令执行结果输出到文件而不是管道 * 因为输出到管道时有延迟,而文件虽然需要频繁读取和对比内容,但是输出实时的 */ $this->descriptorsPec = [0 => ['pipe', 'r'], 1 => ['file', $this->outputFile, 'w'], 2 => ['file', $this->outputFile, 'w']]; } /** * 获取命令 * @param string $key 命令key * @return array|false */ public static function getCommand(string $key) { if (!$key) { return false; } $commands = Config::get('terminal.commands'); if (stripos($key, '.')) { $key = explode('.', $key); if (!array_key_exists($key[0], $commands) || !is_array($commands[$key[0]]) || !array_key_exists($key[1], $commands[$key[0]])) { return false; } $command = $commands[$key[0]][$key[1]]; } else { if (!array_key_exists($key, $commands)) { return false; } $command = $commands[$key]; } if (!is_array($command)) { $command = [ 'cwd' => root_path(), 'command' => $command, ]; } else { $command = [ 'cwd' => root_path() . $command['cwd'], 'command' => $command['command'], ]; } $command['cwd'] = str_replace(['/', '\\'], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $command['cwd']); return $command; } public function exec(bool $authentication = true) { header('Content-Type: text/event-stream'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache'); $this->commandKey = request()->param('command'); if (ob_get_level()) ob_end_clean(); if (!ob_get_level()) ob_start(); $command = self::getCommand($this->commandKey); if (!$command) { $this->execError('The command was not allowed to be executed', true); } if ($authentication) { $token = request()->server('HTTP_BATOKEN', request()->request('batoken', Cookie::get('batoken') ?: false)); $auth = Auth::instance(); $auth->init($token); if (!$auth->isLogin()) { $this->execError('Please login first', true); } } $this->beforeExecution(); $this->outputFlag('link-success'); $this->output('> ' . $command['command'], false); $this->process = proc_open($command['command'], $this->descriptorsPec, $this->pipes, $command['cwd']); if (!is_resource($this->process)) { $this->execError('Failed to execute', true); } while ($this->getProcStatus()) { $contents = file_get_contents($this->outputFile); if (strlen($contents) && $this->outputContent != $contents) { $newOutput = str_replace($this->outputContent, '', $contents); if (preg_match('/\r\n|\r|\n/', $newOutput)) { $this->output($newOutput); $this->outputContent = $contents; } } usleep(500000); } foreach ($this->pipes as $pipe) { fclose($pipe); } proc_close($this->process); $this->outputFlag('exec-completed'); } public function getProcStatus(): bool { $status = proc_get_status($this->process); if ($status['running']) { $this->procStatus = 1; return true; } elseif ($this->procStatus === 1) { $this->procStatus = 0; $this->output('exitcode: ' . $status['exitcode']); if ($status['exitcode'] === 0) { if ($this->successCallback()) { $this->outputFlag('exec-success'); } else { $this->output('Error: Command execution succeeded, but callback execution failed'); $this->outputFlag('exec-error'); } } else { $this->outputFlag('exec-error'); } return true; } else { return false; } } /** * 输出 EventSource 数据 * @param string $data * @param bool $callback */ public function output(string $data, bool $callback = true) { $data = self::outputFilter($data); $data = [ 'data' => $data, 'uuid' => $this->uuid, 'extend' => $this->extend, 'key' => $this->commandKey, ]; $data = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if ($data) { echo 'data: ' . $data . "\n\n"; if ($callback) $this->outputCallback($data); @ob_flush();// 刷新浏览器缓冲区 } } /** * 输出状态标记 * @param string $flag */ public function outputFlag(string $flag) { $this->output($this->flag[$flag], false); } /** * 输出后回调 */ public function outputCallback($data) { } /** * 成功后回调 * @return bool */ public function successCallback(): bool { if (stripos($this->commandKey, '.')) { $commandKeyArr = explode('.', $this->commandKey); $commandPKey = $commandKeyArr[0] ?? ''; } else { $commandPKey = $this->commandKey; } if ($commandPKey == 'web-build') { if (!self::mvDist()) { $this->output('Build succeeded, but move file failed. Please operate manually.'); return false; } } elseif ($commandPKey == 'web-install' && $this->extend) { [$type, $value] = explode(':', $this->extend); if ($type == 'module-install' && $value) { Manage::instance($value)->dependentInstallComplete('npm'); } } elseif ($commandPKey == 'composer' && $this->extend) { [$type, $value] = explode(':', $this->extend); if ($type == 'module-install' && $value) { Manage::instance($value)->dependentInstallComplete('composer'); } } elseif ($commandPKey == 'nuxt-install' && $this->extend) { [$type, $value] = explode(':', $this->extend); if ($type == 'module-install' && $value) { Manage::instance($value)->dependentInstallComplete('nuxt_npm'); } } return true; } /** * 执行前埋点 */ public function beforeExecution() { if ($this->commandKey == 'test.pnpm') { @unlink(root_path() . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'npm-install-test' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pnpm-lock.yaml'); } elseif ($this->commandKey == 'web-install.pnpm') { @unlink(root_path() . 'web' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pnpm-lock.yaml'); } } /** * 输出过滤 */ public static function outputFilter($str) { $str = trim($str); $preg = '/\[(.*?)m/i'; $str = preg_replace($preg, '', $str); $str = str_replace(["\r\n", "\r", "\n"], "", $str); return mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8,GBK,GB2312,BIG5'); } /** * 执行错误 */ public function execError($error, $break = false) { $this->output('Error:' . $error); $this->outputFlag('exec-error'); if ($break) $this->break(); } /** * 退出执行 */ public function break() { throw new HttpResponseException(Response::create()->contentType('text/event-stream')); } /** * 执行一个命令并以字符串的方式返回执行输出 * 代替 exec 使用,这样就只需要解除 proc_open 的函数禁用了 * @param $commandKey * @return string | bool */ public static function getOutputFromProc($commandKey) { if (!function_exists('proc_open') || !function_exists('proc_close')) { return false; } $command = self::getCommand($commandKey); if (!$command) { return false; } $descriptorsPec = [1 => ['pipe', 'w'], 2 => ['pipe', 'w']]; $process = proc_open($command['command'], $descriptorsPec, $pipes, null, null); if (is_resource($process)) { $info = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); $info .= stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); fclose($pipes[1]); fclose($pipes[2]); proc_close($process); return self::outputFilter($info); } return ''; } public static function mvDist(): bool { $distPath = root_path() . self::$distDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $indexHtmlPath = $distPath . 'index.html'; $assetsPath = $distPath . 'assets'; if (!file_exists($indexHtmlPath) || !file_exists($assetsPath)) { return false; } $toIndexHtmlPath = root_path() . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.html'; $toAssetsPath = root_path() . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'assets'; @unlink($toIndexHtmlPath); deldir($toAssetsPath); if (rename($indexHtmlPath, $toIndexHtmlPath) && rename($assetsPath, $toAssetsPath)) { deldir($distPath); return true; } else { return false; } } public static function changeTerminalConfig($config = []): bool { // 不保存在数据库中,因为切换包管理器时,数据库资料可能还未配置 $oldPort = Config::get('terminal.install_service_port'); $oldPackageManager = Config::get('terminal.npm_package_manager'); $newPort = request()->post('port', $config['port'] ?? $oldPort); $newPackageManager = request()->post('manager', $config['manager'] ?? $oldPackageManager); if ($oldPort == $newPort && $oldPackageManager == $newPackageManager) { return true; } $buildConfigFile = config_path() . 'terminal.php'; $buildConfigContent = @file_get_contents($buildConfigFile); $buildConfigContent = preg_replace("/'install_service_port'(\s+)=>(\s+)'$oldPort'/", "'install_service_port'\$1=>\$2'$newPort'", $buildConfigContent); $buildConfigContent = preg_replace("/'npm_package_manager'(\s+)=>(\s+)'$oldPackageManager'/", "'npm_package_manager'\$1=>\$2'$newPackageManager'", $buildConfigContent); $result = @file_put_contents($buildConfigFile, $buildConfigContent); return (bool)$result; } }