'手机号格式错误!', 'Please install curl extension' => '请为PHP安装curl扩展!', 'Please configure curl.cainfo in the php.ini file' => '请在php.ini内配置curl.cainfo', 'Frequent SMS sending' => '短信发送频繁!', 'Mobile number has been registered, please log in directly' => '手机号已注册,请直接登录~', 'The mobile number has been occupied' => '手机号已被占用!', 'Mobile number not registered' => '手机号未注册!', 'Failed to send SMS. Please contact the website administrator' => '短信发送失败,请联系网站管理员!', 'SMS sent successfully' => '短信发送成功~', 'SMS template does not exist' => '短信模板不存在!', 'SMS template error' => '短信模板错误!', 'Please configure available service providers for SMS sending' => '请配置短信发送可用服务商!', 'Please use the account registration mobile to send the verification code' => '请使用账户注册手机号发送验证码!', 'Password error' => '密码错误!', ];