123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140 |
- import { ref, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount } from 'vue';
- import { FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED, FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED_OPTS } from './tokens.mjs';
- const focusReason = ref();
- const lastUserFocusTimestamp = ref(0);
- const lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp = ref(0);
- let focusReasonUserCount = 0;
- const obtainAllFocusableElements = (element) => {
- const nodes = [];
- const walker = document.createTreeWalker(element, NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT, {
- acceptNode: (node) => {
- const isHiddenInput = node.tagName === "INPUT" && node.type === "hidden";
- if (node.disabled || node.hidden || isHiddenInput)
- return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
- return node.tabIndex >= 0 || node === document.activeElement ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
- }
- });
- while (walker.nextNode())
- nodes.push(walker.currentNode);
- return nodes;
- };
- const getVisibleElement = (elements, container) => {
- for (const element of elements) {
- if (!isHidden(element, container))
- return element;
- }
- };
- const isHidden = (element, container) => {
- if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "test")
- return false;
- if (getComputedStyle(element).visibility === "hidden")
- return true;
- while (element) {
- if (container && element === container)
- return false;
- if (getComputedStyle(element).display === "none")
- return true;
- element = element.parentElement;
- }
- return false;
- };
- const getEdges = (container) => {
- const focusable = obtainAllFocusableElements(container);
- const first = getVisibleElement(focusable, container);
- const last = getVisibleElement(focusable.reverse(), container);
- return [first, last];
- };
- const isSelectable = (element) => {
- return element instanceof HTMLInputElement && "select" in element;
- };
- const tryFocus = (element, shouldSelect) => {
- if (element && element.focus) {
- const prevFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
- element.focus({ preventScroll: true });
- lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
- if (element !== prevFocusedElement && isSelectable(element) && shouldSelect) {
- element.select();
- }
- }
- };
- function removeFromStack(list, item) {
- const copy = [...list];
- const idx = list.indexOf(item);
- if (idx !== -1) {
- copy.splice(idx, 1);
- }
- return copy;
- }
- const createFocusableStack = () => {
- let stack = [];
- const push = (layer) => {
- const currentLayer = stack[0];
- if (currentLayer && layer !== currentLayer) {
- currentLayer.pause();
- }
- stack = removeFromStack(stack, layer);
- stack.unshift(layer);
- };
- const remove = (layer) => {
- var _a, _b;
- stack = removeFromStack(stack, layer);
- (_b = (_a = stack[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.resume) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a);
- };
- return {
- push,
- remove
- };
- };
- const focusFirstDescendant = (elements, shouldSelect = false) => {
- const prevFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
- for (const element of elements) {
- tryFocus(element, shouldSelect);
- if (document.activeElement !== prevFocusedElement)
- return;
- }
- };
- const focusableStack = createFocusableStack();
- const isFocusCausedByUserEvent = () => {
- return lastUserFocusTimestamp.value > lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp.value;
- };
- const notifyFocusReasonPointer = () => {
- focusReason.value = "pointer";
- lastUserFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
- };
- const notifyFocusReasonKeydown = () => {
- focusReason.value = "keyboard";
- lastUserFocusTimestamp.value = window.performance.now();
- };
- const useFocusReason = () => {
- onMounted(() => {
- if (focusReasonUserCount === 0) {
- document.addEventListener("mousedown", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
- document.addEventListener("touchstart", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
- document.addEventListener("keydown", notifyFocusReasonKeydown);
- }
- focusReasonUserCount++;
- });
- onBeforeUnmount(() => {
- focusReasonUserCount--;
- if (focusReasonUserCount <= 0) {
- document.removeEventListener("mousedown", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
- document.removeEventListener("touchstart", notifyFocusReasonPointer);
- document.removeEventListener("keydown", notifyFocusReasonKeydown);
- }
- });
- return {
- focusReason,
- lastUserFocusTimestamp,
- lastAutomatedFocusTimestamp
- };
- };
- const createFocusOutPreventedEvent = (detail) => {
- return new CustomEvent(FOCUSOUT_PREVENTED, {
- detail
- });
- };
- export { createFocusOutPreventedEvent, focusFirstDescendant, focusableStack, getEdges, getVisibleElement, isFocusCausedByUserEvent, isHidden, obtainAllFocusableElements, tryFocus, useFocusReason };
- //# sourceMappingURL=utils.mjs.map