leftJoin('group b', 'b.id=a.group_id AND b.is_del=' . CommonModel::$del_normal) ->leftJoin('company c', 'c.id=b.company_id AND c.is_del=' . CommonModel::$del_normal) ->leftJoin('card d', 'd.id=b.card_id AND d.is_del=' . CommonModel::$del_normal) ->where('a.is_del', CommonModel::$del_normal); if ($data['company_title'] !== '') $db->whereLike('c.title', '%' . $data['company_title'] . '%'); if ($data['card_title']) $db->whereLike('d.title', '%' . $data['card_title'] . '%'); if ($data['status']) $db->where('a.status', $data['status']); $count = $db->count('a.id'); $video = $db ->field('a.id,c.title company_title,d.title card_title,a.code,a.status,a.creater,a.addtime') ->page($data['page'], $data['size']) ->order('a.addtime', 'desc') ->select() ->toArray(); return json_show(CommonModel::$success, '获取成功', ['list' => $video, 'count' => $count]); } //添加 public static function add(array $data = []): Json { Db::startTrans(); try { $rs = GroupModel::field('id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['group_id']]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if ($rs) throw new Exception('该分组不存在'); $rs = ThemeModel::field('id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'code' => $data['code']]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if (!$rs) throw new Exception('该主题编码已存在'); $rs = ThemeModel::field('id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'group_id' => $data['group_id']]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if (!$rs) throw new Exception('该分组已存在对应手机主题'); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //手机主题 $theme_id = Db::name('theme')->insertGetId([ 'group_id' => $data['group_id'], 'code' => $data['code'], 'status' => CommonModel::$status_normal, 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'createrid' => self::$uid, 'creater' => self::$uname, 'addtime' => $date, 'updaterid' => self::$uid, 'updater' => self::$uname, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); //模块验证规则 $val_modular = Validate::rule([ 'type|模块类型' => 'require|number|in:' . ThemeModel::$type_advantage . ',' . ThemeModel::$type_banner . ',' . ThemeModel::$type_exhibition . ',' . ThemeModel::$type_propaganda, 'status|状态' => 'require|number|in:' . CommonModel::$status_normal . ',' . CommonModel::$status_disable, 'title|模块名称' => 'requireIf:type,' . ThemeModel::$type_advantage . '|requireIf:type,' . ThemeModel::$type_exhibition . '|requireIf:type,' . ThemeModel::$type_propaganda . '|max:255', 'data|模块数据' => 'require|array|max:100', ]); //数据验证规则 $val_data = Validate::rule([ 'img|图片' => 'require|max:255', 'jump_type|跳转类型' => 'require|number|in:' . ThemeModel::$jump_type_external . ',' . ThemeModel::$jump_type_inside . ',' . ThemeModel::$jump_type_no, 'jump_param|跳转参数' => 'max:255', 'good_id|商品id' => 'number|gt:0' ]); foreach ($data['modular'] as $modular) { if (!$val_modular->check($modular)) throw new Exception('模块参数有误,' . $val_modular->getError()); //模块记录表 $modular_id = Db::name('theme_modular')->insertGetId([ 'theme_id' => $theme_id, 'title' => $modular['title'], 'type' => $modular['type'], 'status' => $modular['status'], 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); $insert_data = []; $da = $modular['data']; $goods = GoodModel::whereIn('id', array_column($da, 'good_id')) ->where('is_del', CommonModel::$del_normal) ->column('good_name', 'id'); foreach ($da as &$v) { if ($modular['type'] == ThemeModel::$type_exhibition) $val_data->append('good_id', 'require'); if (!$val_data->check($v)) throw new Exception('模块数据参数有误,' . $val_data->getError()); $v['theme_modular_id'] = $modular_id; $v['is_del'] = CommonModel::$del_normal; $v['good_name'] = $modular['type'] == ThemeModel::$type_exhibition ? $goods[$v['good_id']] ?? '' : ''; $v['addtime'] = $date; $v['updatetime'] = $date; } $insert_data = array_merge($insert_data, $da); //模块数据记录表 Db::name('theme_modular_data')->insertAll($insert_data); } Db::commit(); return json_show(CommonModel::$success, '添加手机主题成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '添加手机主题失败,' . $exception->getMessage()); } } //详情 public static function read(int $id = 0): Json { $rs = ThemeModel::field(true) ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $id]) ->append(['modular']) ->withAttr('modular', function ($val, $data) { return Db::name('theme_modular') ->field(true) ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'theme_id' => $data['id']]) ->order(['addtime' => 'desc', 'id' => 'desc']) ->append(['data']) ->withAttr('data', function ($v, $d) { return Db::name('theme_modular_data') ->field(true) ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'theme_modular_id' => $d['id']]) ->order(['addtime' => 'desc', 'id' => 'desc']) ->select() ->toArray(); }) ->select() ->toArray(); }) ->findOrEmpty() ->toArray(); return empty($rs) ? json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该手机主题不存在') : json_show(CommonModel::$success, '获取手机主题详情成功', $rs); } //修改 public static function edit(array $data = []): Json { Db::startTrans(); try { $rs = ThemeModel::field('id,code,group_id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['id']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if ($rs->isEmpty()) throw new Exception('该主题不存在'); if ($rs->code != $data['code']) { //校验code是否重复 $temp = ThemeModel::field('id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'code' => $data['code']]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if (!$temp) throw new Exception('该编码已存在'); } if ($rs->group_id != $data['group_id']) { //校验分组id是否存在 $temp = GroupModel::field('id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['group_id']]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if ($temp) throw new Exception('该分组不存在'); //校验分组id是否重复 $temp = ThemeModel::field('id') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'group_id' => $data['group_id']]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if (!$temp) throw new Exception('该分组下手机主题重复'); } $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //手机主题 ThemeModel::where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['id']])->save([ 'group_id' => $data['group_id'], 'code' => $data['code'], 'updaterid' => self::$uid, 'updater' => self::$uname, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); //模块验证规则 $val_modular = Validate::rule([ 'id|主题模块id' => 'require|number|gt:0', 'type|模块类型' => 'require|number|in:' . ThemeModel::$type_advantage . ',' . ThemeModel::$type_banner . ',' . ThemeModel::$type_exhibition . ',' . ThemeModel::$type_propaganda, 'status|状态' => 'require|number|in:' . CommonModel::$status_normal . ',' . CommonModel::$status_disable, 'title|模块名称' => 'requireIf:type,' . ThemeModel::$type_advantage . '|requireIf:type,' . ThemeModel::$type_exhibition . '|requireIf:type,' . ThemeModel::$type_propaganda . '|max:255', 'data|模块数据' => 'require|array|max:100', ]); //数据验证规则 $val_data = Validate::rule([ 'id|主题模块数据id' => 'number', 'img|图片' => 'require|max:255', 'jump_type|跳转类型' => 'require|number|in:' . ThemeModel::$jump_type_external . ',' . ThemeModel::$jump_type_inside . ',' . ThemeModel::$jump_type_no, 'jump_param|跳转参数' => 'max:255', 'good_id|商品id' => 'number' ]); $del = $ins = []; foreach ($data['modular'] as $modular) { if (!$val_modular->check($modular)) throw new Exception('模块参数有误,' . $val_modular->getError()); //模块记录表 Db::name('theme_modular') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $modular['id']]) ->update([ 'title' => $modular['title'], 'status' => $modular['status'], 'updatetime' => $date, ]); $da = $modular['data']; $goods = GoodModel::whereIn('id', array_column($da, 'good_id')) ->where('is_del', CommonModel::$del_normal) ->column('good_name', 'id'); foreach ($da as &$v) { if ($modular['type'] == ThemeModel::$type_exhibition) $val_data->append('good_id', 'require'); if (!$val_data->check($v)) throw new Exception('模块数据参数有误,' . $val_data->getError()); if (isset($v['id'])) { if ($v['is_del'] == CommonModel::$del_deleted) $del[] = $v['id']; else { Db::name('theme_modular_data') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $v['id']]) ->update([ 'img' => $v['img'], 'jump_type' => $v['jump_type'], 'jump_param' => $v['jump_param'], 'good_name' => $modular['type'] == ThemeModel::$type_exhibition ? $goods[$v['good_id']] ?? '' : '', 'good_id' => $v['good_id'], 'style_type' => $v['style_type'], 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } } else { $ins[] = array_merge($v, [ 'theme_modular_id' => $modular['id'], 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'good_name' => $modular['type'] == ThemeModel::$type_exhibition ? $goods[$v['good_id']] ?? '' : '', 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } } } if ($del) { Db::name('theme_modular_data') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal]) ->whereIn('id', $del) ->update([ 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_deleted, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } if ($ins) { Db::name('theme_modular_data')->insertAll($ins); } Db::commit(); return json_show(CommonModel::$success, '修改手机主题成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '修改手机主题失败,' . $exception->getMessage()); } } //启禁用 public static function status(array $data = []): Json { Db::startTrans(); try { $where = [ ['id', '=', $data['id']], ['is_del', '=', CommonModel::$del_normal], ['status', '<>', $data['status']], ]; $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $res = ThemeModel::where($where)->save(array_merge($data, ['updater' => self::$uname, 'updaterid' => self::$uid, 'updatetime' => $date])); if (!$res) throw new Exception('该手机主题不存在或重复操作'); Db::name('theme_modular') ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'theme_id' => $data['id']]) ->update(['status' => $data['status'], 'updatetime' => $date]); Db::commit(); return json_show(CommonModel::$success, '操作成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '操作失败,' . $exception->getMessage()); } } }