123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163 |
- <?php
- namespace app\admin\logic;
- use app\model\CardModel;
- use app\model\CommonModel;
- use app\model\CompanyModel;
- use app\model\GroupModel;
- use app\model\ThemeModel;
- use think\Exception;
- use think\exception\ValidateException;
- use think\facade\Db;
- use think\response\Json;
- class GroupLogic extends BaseLogic
- {
- //获取列表
- public static function list(array $data = []): Json
- {
- $db = GroupModel::alias('a')
- ->leftJoin('company b', 'b.id=a.company_id AND b.is_del=' . CommonModel::$del_normal)
- ->leftJoin('card c', 'c.id=a.card_id AND c.is_del=' . CommonModel::$del_normal)
- ->where('a.is_del', CommonModel::$del_normal);
- if ($data['status'] != '') $db->where('a.status', $data['status']);
- if ($data['company_title'] != '') $db->whereLike('b.title', '%' . $data['company_title'] . '%');
- if ($data['card_title'] != '') $db->whereLike('c.title', '%' . $data['card_title'] . '%');
- if ($data['combination'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.combination', '%' . $data['combination'] . '%');
- $count = $db->count('a.id');
- $list = $db->field('a.id,b.title company_title,c.title card_title,a.combination,a.status,a.addtime')
- ->page($data['page'], $data['size'])
- ->order(['a.id' => 'desc'])
- ->select()
- ->toArray();
- return json_show(CommonModel::$success, '获取列表成功', ['count' => $count, 'list' => $list]);
- }
- //添加
- public static function add(array $data = []): Json
- {
- $rs = GroupModel::field('id')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'company_id' => $data['company_id'], 'card_id' => $data['card_id']])
- ->findOrEmpty()
- ->isEmpty();
- if (!$rs) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该分组已存在');
- $company = CompanyModel::field('id,title')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['company_id']])
- ->findOrEmpty();
- if ($company->isEmpty()) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该企业不存在');
- $card = CardModel::field('id,title')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['card_id']])
- ->findOrEmpty();
- if ($card->isEmpty()) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该卡类型不存在');
- $res = GroupModel::create(array_merge($data, [
- 'combination' => $company->title . '_' . $card->title,
- 'status' => CommonModel::$status_disable,//默认禁用
- 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal,
- 'addtime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
- 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
- ]))->save();
- return $res ? json_show(CommonModel::$success, '添加分组成功') : json_show(CommonModel::$success, '添加分组失败');
- }
- //获取详情
- public static function read(int $id = 0): Json
- {
- $res = GroupModel::field(true)
- ->where(['id' => $id, 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal])
- ->findOrEmpty()
- ->toArray();
- if (empty($res)) throw new ValidateException('该分组为空');
- return json_show(CommonModel::$success, '获取详情成功', $res);
- }
- //编辑
- public static function edit(array $data = []): Json
- {
- $rs = GroupModel::field('id,company_id,card_id')
- ->where([
- 'id' => $data['id'],
- 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal,
- ])
- ->findOrEmpty();
- if ($rs->isEmpty()) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该分组不存在');
- if (($rs->company_id != $data['company_id']) || ($rs->card_id != $data['card_id'])) {
- $temp = GroupModel::field('id')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'company_id' => $data['company_id'], 'card_id' => $data['card_id']])
- ->findOrEmpty()
- ->isEmpty();
- if (!$temp) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该分组已存在');
- $company = CompanyModel::field('id,title')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['company_id']])
- ->findOrEmpty();
- if ($company->isEmpty()) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该企业不存在');
- $card = CardModel::field('id,title')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'id' => $data['card_id']])
- ->findOrEmpty();
- if ($card->isEmpty()) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该卡类型不存在');
- $data['combination'] = $company->title . '_' . $card->title;
- }
- $res = GroupModel::where(['id' => $data['id'], 'is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal])
- ->save(array_merge($data, ['updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]));
- return $res ? json_show(CommonModel::$success, '编辑成功') : json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '编辑失败');
- }
- //启禁用
- public static function status(array $data = []): Json
- {
- if ($data['status'] == CommonModel::$status_normal) {
- //启用组合时,要验证组合下是否有启用的手机主题
- $rs = ThemeModel::field('id')
- ->where(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_normal, 'status' => CommonModel::$status_normal])
- ->findOrEmpty()
- ->isEmpty();
- if ($rs) return json_show(CommonModel::$error_param, '该分组没有启用的手机主题,无法启用');
- }
- $res = GroupModel::where('id', $data['id'])
- ->where('status', '<>', $data['status'])
- ->save([
- 'status' => $data['status'],
- 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
- ]);
- return $res ? json_show(CommonModel::$success, '操作成功') : json_show(CommonModel::$success, '操作失败,该分组不存在或重复操作');
- }
- //删除
- public static function delete(array $ids = []): Json
- {
- $rs = GroupModel::whereIn('id', $ids)
- ->where('is_del', CommonModel::$del_normal)
- ->save(['is_del' => CommonModel::$del_deleted, 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
- return $rs ? json_show(CommonModel::$success, '删除成功') : json_show(CommonModel::$success, '删除失败');
- }
- }