@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ class Export extends BaseController
$param = $this->request->only(['companyNo' => '', 'start' => '', 'end' => ''], 'post', 'trim');
- $where = [['a.is_del', '=', 0], ['d.is_del', '=', 0]];
+ $where = [['a.is_del', '=', 0], ['d.is_del', '=', 0], ['a.status', '=', 4]];
if (($param['start'] != '') && ($param['end'] != '')) $where[] = ['a.addtime', 'between', [$param['start'] . ' 00:00:00', $param['end'] . ' 23:59:59']];
if ($param['companyNo'] != '') $where[] = ['a.inv_out', '=', $param['companyNo']];
@@ -387,14 +387,14 @@ class Export extends BaseController
b.seller_title 销售方抬头,
e.department 业务部门,
e.ownerName 业务人员,
- e.goodNum 本次开票数量,
+ ifnull((SELECT goodNum from cfp_invoice_good w where w.invNo =a.invNo and w.orderCode=e.sequenceNo),"") 本次开票数量,
d.cancel_fee 本次开票金额,
- a.addtime 本次开票时间,
+ c.open_date 本次开票时间,
c.inv_number 发票号,
e.tax 开票税点,
a.status 开票状态,
e.customerName 客户名称,
- f.fundCode 财务核算码,
+ e.fundCode 财务核算码,
e.firstCat 一级分类,
e.secCat 二级分类,
e.thirdCat 三级分类,
@@ -402,19 +402,19 @@ class Export extends BaseController
f.qrdCode 采购单编号,
f.supplierName 卖出方公司,
f.sendType 发货方式,
- f.cgdType 商品类型,
+ e.qrdType 商品类型,
f.ownerName 采购员,
- e.goodNum 采购下单数量,
- e.goodPrice 采购裸价,
+ ifnull(f.goodNum,e.goodNum) 采购下单数量,
+ f.barePrice 采购裸价,
f.markPrice 加标费,
f.packPrice 包装费,
f.certPrice 证书费,
f.openPrice 开模费,
f.costPrice 工艺费,
f.deliveryPrice 物流费,
- e.goodPrice 成本合计,
- e.totalPrice 采购货款,
- e.tax 采购单税点,
+ f.goodPrice 成本合计,
+ ifnull(f.totalPrice,e.total_origin_price) 采购货款,
+ f.tax 采购单税点,
g.returnCode 退票编号,
a.inv_value 退票金额,
g.status 退票状态,
@@ -423,11 +423,11 @@ class Export extends BaseController
f.th_fee 退货金额
->leftJoin('invoice_pool_info b', 'b.invNo=a.invNo')
- ->leftJoin('invoice_ticket c', 'c.invNo=a.invNo and c.type=0')
- ->leftJoin('assoc d', 'd.viceCode=a.invNo')
+ ->leftJoin('invoice_ticket c', 'c.invNo=a.invNo and c.type=0 and c.status=1')
+ ->leftJoin('assoc d', 'd.viceCode=a.invNo and d.status=2 and d.type=1')
->leftJoin('qrd_info e', 'e.sequenceNo=d.orderCode')
->leftJoin('cgd_info f', 'f.qrdCode=d.orderCode')
- ->leftJoin('invoice_return g', 'g.invNo=a.invNo')
+ ->leftJoin('invoice_return g', 'g.invNo=a.invNo and g.status=2')
->order(['a.id' => 'desc'])
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@ class Export extends BaseController
foreach ($data as $value) {
$value['开票状态'] = $this->invoice_pool_status[$value['开票状态']] ?? '';
$value['发货方式'] = $this->sendType[$value['发货方式']] ?? '';
- $value['商品类型'] = $this->cgdType[$value['商品类型']] ?? '';
+ $value['商品类型'] = $this->qrdType[$value['商品类型']] ?? '';
$value['退票状态'] = $this->invoice_return_status[$value['退票状态']] ?? '';
$list[] = $value;