@@ -295,23 +295,93 @@ class Data extends BaseController
- public function orderTransferRateToday(){
-// sale order_type==2 咨询生成订单数
+ public function orderTransferRateToday()
+ {
+ $consulting = Db::name('sale')
+ ->alias('s')
+ ->leftJoin('depart_user u', 'u.uid=s.apply_id AND u.is_del=0')
+ ->where(['s.order_type' => 2, 's.is_del' => 0])
+ ->whereDay('s.addtime')
+ ->group('u.itemid')
+ ->column('count(s.id) consulting', 'u.itemid');
+ $rs = Db::name('consult_order')
+ ->alias('c')
+ ->field('count(c.id) total,c.depart companyId,i.name companyName')
+ ->leftJoin('company_item i', 'i.id=c.depart AND i.is_del=0')
+ ->where(['c.is_del' => 0])
+ ->whereDay('c.addtime')
+ ->group('c.depart')
+ ->append(['transfer_rate'])
+ ->withAttr('transfer_rate', function ($val, $data) use ($consulting) {
+ $consult = isset($consulting[$data['companyId']]) ? $consulting[$data['companyId']] : 0;
+ return round(($consult / $data['total']) * 100, 2);
+ })
+ ->select()
+ ->toArray();
+ return app_show(0, '请求成功', $rs);
- public function orderTransferRateMonth(){
+ public function orderTransferRateMonth()
+ {
+ $consulting = Db::name('sale')
+ ->alias('s')
+ ->leftJoin('depart_user u', 'u.uid=s.apply_id AND u.is_del=0')
+ ->where(['s.order_type' => 2, 's.is_del' => 0])
+ ->whereMonth('s.addtime')
+ ->group('u.itemid')
+ ->column('count(s.id) consulting', 'u.itemid');
+ $rs = Db::name('consult_order')
+ ->alias('c')
+ ->field('count(c.id) total,c.depart companyId,i.name companyName')
+ ->leftJoin('company_item i', 'i.id=c.depart AND i.is_del=0')
+ ->where(['c.is_del' => 0])
+ ->whereMonth('c.addtime')
+ ->group('c.depart')
+ ->append(['transfer_rate'])
+ ->withAttr('transfer_rate', function ($val, $data) use ($consulting) {
+ $consult = isset($consulting[$data['companyId']]) ? $consulting[$data['companyId']] : 0;
+ return round(($consult / $data['total']) * 100, 2);
+ })
+ ->select()
+ ->toArray();
+ return app_show(0, '请求成功', $rs);
- public function orderTransferRateYear(){
+ public function orderTransferRateYear()
+ {
+ $consulting = Db::name('sale')
+ ->alias('s')
+ ->leftJoin('depart_user u', 'u.uid=s.apply_id AND u.is_del=0')
+ ->where(['s.order_type' => 2, 's.is_del' => 0])
+ ->whereYear('s.addtime', date('Y'))
+ ->group('u.itemid')
+ ->column('count(s.id) consulting', 'u.itemid');
+ $rs = Db::name('consult_order')
+ ->alias('c')
+ ->field('count(c.id) total,c.depart companyId,i.name companyName')
+ ->leftJoin('company_item i', 'i.id=c.depart AND i.is_del=0')
+ ->where(['c.is_del' => 0])
+ ->whereYear('c.addtime', date('Y'))
+ ->group('c.depart')
+ ->append(['transfer_rate'])
+ ->withAttr('transfer_rate', function ($val, $data) use ($consulting) {
+ $consult = isset($consulting[$data['companyId']]) ? $consulting[$data['companyId']] : 0;
+ return round(($consult / $data['total']) * 100, 2);
+ })
+ ->select()
+ ->toArray();
+ return app_show(0, '请求成功', $rs);