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Merge branch 'dev_wf' of wugg/phpstock into version1.5

wufeng 2 years ago
2 changed files with 146 additions and 43 deletions
  1. 134 43
  2. 12 0

+ 134 - 43

@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ namespace app\admin\controller;
 use think\App;
+use think\Exception;
 use think\facade\Db;
+use think\facade\Validate;
 class Exclusive extends Base
@@ -89,7 +91,9 @@ class Exclusive extends Base
-    public function  status(){
+    //业务参数-专属类型管理的启用/禁用
+    public function status()
+    {
 //            $id=isset($this->post['id'])&&$this->post['id']!=="" ? intval($this->post['id']):"";
 //            if($id===""){
 //                return error_show(1004,"参数id不能为空");
@@ -107,51 +111,138 @@ class Exclusive extends Base
 //            }else{
 //                return error_show(1004,"{$msg}失败");
 //            }
-        $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']):"";
-        if($id===""){
-            return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
-        }
-        $stn = Db::name('exclusive')->where(['id'=>$id])->find();
-        if(empty($stn)){
-            return error_show(1002,"未找到商品数据");
-        }
-        $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']) :"";
-        if($status===""){
-            return error_show(1002,"参数status不能为空");
-        }
-        if ($stn['level']==2) {
-            if($status==1){
-                $can = mai($stn['id']);
-                $cat=array_column($can,'id');
-            }else{
-                $cat =$stn['id'];
-            }
-            // return error_show(1002, "所在级别不能启用");
-        }
-        if($stn['level']==1){
-            if($status==1){
-                return error_show(1002,"所在等级不能启用");
-            }else{
-                $db= Db::name('exclusive')->where(['pid'=>$stn['id'],'status'=>1,'is_del'=>0])->count();
-                if($db==0){
-                    $cat = $stn['id'];
-                }else{
-                    return error_show(1002,"子级分类未禁用");
+        $param = $this->request->only(['id', 'status']);
+        $val = Validate::rule([
+            'id' => 'require|number|gt:0',
+            'status' => 'require|number|in:0,1',
+        ]);
+        if (!$val->check($param)) return error_show(1004, $val->getError());
+        Db::startTrans();
+        try {
+            $res = Db::name('exclusive')
+                ->field('id,level,status,pid')
+                ->where('id', $param['id'])
+                ->find();
+            if (empty($res)) throw new Exception('该专属类型不存在');
+            //启用
+            if ($param['status'] == 1) {
+                //一级
+                if ($res['level'] == 1) {
+                    //是否存在子级
+                    $total = Db::name('exclusive')
+                        ->where(['pid' => $param['id'], 'is_del' => 0])
+                        ->count('id');
+                    if ($total) {
+                        //有子级的话,子级有一个启用,即可启用
+                        $child_id = Db::name('exclusive')
+                            ->field('id')
+                            ->where(['pid' => $param['id'], 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1])
+                            ->find();
+                        if (empty($child_id)) throw new Exception('请先启用一个子级');
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    //二级的话,顺便把它的上级也启用了
+                    Db::name('exclusive')
+                        ->where(['id' => $res['pid'], 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 0])
+                        ->update(['status' => $param['status'], 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+            } elseif ($param['status'] == 0) {
+                //禁用
+                if ($res['level'] == 1) {
+                    //是否存在子级
+                    $total = Db::name('exclusive')
+                        ->where(['pid' => $param['id'], 'is_del' => 0])
+                        ->count('id');
+                    if ($total) {
+                        //有子级的话,子级全部禁用,方可禁用
+                        $child_id = Db::name('exclusive')
+                            ->field('id')
+                            ->where(['pid' => $param['id'], 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1])
+                            ->find();
+                        if (!empty($child_id)) throw new Exception('请先禁用全部子级');
+                    }
+                }
+            //修改自己
+            Db::name('exclusive')
+                ->where(['id' => $param['id'], 'is_del' => 0])
+                ->update(['status' => $param['status'], 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+            Db::commit();
+            return error_show(0, "状态更新成功");
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            return error_show(1005, $e->getMessage());
-        // $pd= $stn['status'];
-        $it=[];
-        $it['status']=$status;
-        $it['updatetime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
-        $str = Db::name('exclusive')->where(['id'=>$cat,'is_del'=>0])->save($it);
-        if($str){
-//        $order = ["order_code"=>$id,"status"=>$pd,"action_remark"=>'',"action_type"=>"edit"];
-//        ActionLog::logAdd($this->post['token'],$order,"sxd",$stn['status'],$order);
-            return error_show(0,"状态更新成功");
-        }else{
-            return error_show(1002,"状态更新失败");
-        }
+//        $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']):"";
+//        if($id===""){
+//            return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
+//        }
+//        $stn = Db::name('exclusive')->where(['id'=>$id])->find();
+//        if(empty($stn)){
+//            return error_show(1002,"未找到商品数据");
+//        }
+//        $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']) :"";
+//        if($status===""){
+//            return error_show(1002,"参数status不能为空");
+//        }
+//            if ($stn['level'] == 2) {
+//                if ($status == 1) {
+//                    $can = mai($stn['id']);
+//                    $cat = array_column($can, 'id');//子级如果启用,连同它的父级一起启用
+//                } else {
+//                    $cat = $stn['id'];
+//                }
+//                // return error_show(1002, "所在级别不能启用");
+//            }
+//            if ($stn['level'] == 1) {
+//                if ($status == 1) {
+//                    return error_show(1002, "所在等级不能启用");
+//                } else {
+//                    $db = Db::name('exclusive')->where(['pid' => $stn['id'], 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0])->count();
+//                    if ($db == 0) {
+//                        $cat = $stn['id'];
+//                    } else {
+//                        return error_show(1002, "子级分类未禁用");
+//                    }
+//                }
+//            }
+//            // $pd= $stn['status'];
+//            $it = [];
+//            $it['status'] = $status;
+//            $it['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+//            $str = Db::name('exclusive')->where(['id' => $cat, 'is_del' => 0])->save($it);
+//            if ($str) {
+////        $order = ["order_code"=>$id,"status"=>$pd,"action_remark"=>'',"action_type"=>"edit"];
+////        ActionLog::logAdd($this->post['token'],$order,"sxd",$stn['status'],$order);
+//                return error_show(0, "状态更新成功");
+//            } else {
+//                return error_show(1002, "状态更新失败");
+//            }
     public function query(){

+ 12 - 0

@@ -438,6 +438,18 @@ class Purchin extends BaseController
         $return['return_contactor']=isset($return['return_contactor'])&&$return['return_contactor']!="" ?$return['return_contactor']:'';
         $return['return_addr']=isset($return['return_addr'])&&$return['return_addr']!="" ?$return['return_addr']:'';
         $return['return_mobile']=isset($return['return_mobile'])&&$return['return_mobile']!="" ?$return['return_mobile']:'';
+        //以下字段临时补充到return中
+        $return['wsm_in_code'] = $incode;
+        $return['wsm_num'] = $info['wsm_num'];
+        $return['reissue_num'] = isset($return['reissue_num']) ? isset($return['reissue_num']) : 0;
+        $return['return_num'] = isset($return['return_num']) ? isset($return['return_num']) : 0;
+        $return['contactor'] = $return['return_contactor'];
+        $return['addr'] = $return['return_addr'];
+        $return['mobile'] = $return['return_mobile'];
+        $return['error_remark'] = isset($return['error_remark']) ? isset($return['error_remark']) : '';
+        $return['remark'] = isset($return['remark']) ? isset($return['remark']) : '';
         $info['return']= $return;