Browse Source


wufeng 2 years ago
3 changed files with 650 additions and 1 deletions
  1. 598 1
  2. 47 0
  3. 5 0

+ 598 - 1

@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ namespace app\abutment\controller;
 use app\admin\model\ActionLog;
+use app\admin\model\ProcessOrder;
 use app\BaseController;
 use think\facade\Db;
+use think\facade\Validate;
 class Consult extends BaseController
@@ -485,7 +487,6 @@ class Consult extends BaseController
     public function bidlistCopy()
         $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post();
         $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : "1";
         $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : "10";
         $where = [['cb.is_del', "=", 0]];
@@ -619,4 +620,600 @@ class Consult extends BaseController
         return json_show(0, "获取成功", ['count' => $count, 'list' => $data]);
+    //反馈商品详情
+    public function feadinfo()
+    {
+        $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post();
+        $bidNo = isset($this->post['bidNo']) && $this->post['bidNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['bidNo']) : "";
+        if ($bidNo == "") {
+            return json_show(1004, "参数bidNo不能为空");
+        }
+        $info = Db::name("consult_bids")->where(['bidNo' => $bidNo, "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($info == false) {
+            return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据");
+        }
+        $unit = Db::name("unit")->where(["id" => $info['unit_id']])->find();
+        $info['unit'] = isset($unit['unit']) ? $unit['unit'] : '';
+        $info['cat_info'] = made($info['cat_id'], []);
+        $info['noble_weight'] = $info['good_weight'];
+        $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(["code" => $info['supplierNo']])->find();
+        $info['supplierName'] = isset($supplier['name']) ? $supplier['name'] : "";
+        if ($info['brand_id'] != 0) {
+            $brand = Db::name("brand")->where(["id" => $info['brand_id']])->find();
+            $info["brand_name"] = isset($brand['brand_name']) ? $brand['brand_name'] : "";
+        } else {
+            $info["brand_name"] = "";
+            $info["brand_id"] = "";
+        }
+        $catinfo = Db::name("cat")->where(["id" => $info['cat_id']])->find();
+        $bidinfo = Db::name("consult_info")->where(["infoNo" => $info["infoNo"]])->find();
+        $budget = isset($catinfo['order_rate']) ? $catinfo['order_rate'] : 0;
+        $god = [
+            "metal_id" => $info['metal_id'],
+            "weight" => $info["good_weight"],
+            "demo_fee" => $info["demo_fee"],
+            "delivery_fee" => $info["delivery_fee"],
+            "open_fee" => $info["open_fee"],
+            "packing_fee" => $info["pakge_fee"],
+            "mark_fee" => $info["mark_fee"],
+            "nake_fee" => $info["nake_fee"],
+            "cert_fee" => $info["cert_fee"],
+            "cost_fee" => $info["cost_fee"],
+            "num" => $bidinfo["num"],
+        ];
+        if ($info['is_gold_price'] == 1) {
+            $price = GoldPrice($god, $budget / 100);
+            $info['sale_price'] = round($price, 2);
+        }
+        $info['specinfo'] = json_decode($info['specinfo'], true);
+        $place = ["provice_code" => "", "city_code" => "", "area_code" => ""];
+        if ($info['delivery_place'] != "") {
+            list($place['provice_code'], $place['city_code'], $place['area_code']) = explode(",", $info['delivery_place']);
+        }
+        $info['delivery_place_cn'] = GetAddr(json_encode($place));
+        $place = ["provice_code" => "", "city_code" => "", "area_code" => ""];
+        if ($info['origin_place'] != "") {
+            list($place['provice_code'], $place['city_code'], $place['area_code']) = explode(",", $info['origin_place']);
+        }
+        $info['origin_place_cn'] = GetAddr(json_encode($place));
+        $info['metal_name'] = isset($info['metal_id']) && $info['metal_id'] != 0 ? $this->noble[$info['metal_id']] : "";
+        $bargain = Db::name("bargain_order")->where(['bidsNo' => $bidNo, "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        $info['bargain'] = $bargain;
+        $info['good_img'] = explode(',', $info['good_img']);
+        return json_show(0, "获取成功", $info);
+    }
+    //反馈商品添加
+    public function feadback()
+    {
+        $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post();
+        $infoNo = isset($this->post['infoNo']) && $this->post['infoNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['infoNo']) : "";
+        if ($infoNo == "") {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数infoNo不能为空");
+        }
+        $zxinfo = Db::name("consult_info")->where(["infoNo" => $infoNo, "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($zxinfo == false) {
+            return json_show(1003, "未找到信息数据");
+        }
+        if ($zxinfo['status'] != 1) {
+            return json_show(1004, "任务未进行");
+        }
+        $zx = Db::name("consult_order")->where(["zxNo" => $zxinfo['zxNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($zx == false) {
+            return json_show(1003, "未找咨询信息数据");
+        }
+        $pname = isset($this->post['pname']) && $this->post['pname'] != "" ? trim($this->post['pname']) : "";
+        if ($pname == "") {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数pname不能为空");
+        }
+        $brandid = isset($this->post['brandid']) && $this->post['brandid'] != "" ? intval($this->post['brandid']) : "";
+        $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] != "" ? trim($this->post['cat_id']) : "";
+        if ($cat_id == "") {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数cat_id不能为空");
+        }
+        $specin = isset($this->post['specinfo']) && !empty($this->post['specinfo']) ? $this->post['specinfo'] : "";
+        if ($specin == "") {
+            return json_show(1003, "参数specinfo不能为空");
+        }
+        $specinfo = [];
+        foreach ($specin as $v) {
+            $spec = Db::name("specs")->where(["id" => $v['specid']])->find();
+            $spec_value = Db::name("spec_value")->where(["id" => $v['spec_value_id']])->find();
+            $v['spec_name'] = isset($spec['spec_name']) ? $spec['spec_name'] : "";
+            $v['spec_value_name'] = isset($spec_value['spec_value']) ? $spec_value['spec_value'] : "";
+            $specinfo[] = $v;
+        }
+        $unit_id = isset($this->post['unit_id']) && $this->post['unit_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['unit_id']) : "";
+        $cost_desc = isset($this->post['cost_desc']) && $this->post['cost_desc'] != "" ? trim($this->post['cost_desc']) : "";
+        $work_day = isset($this->post['work_day']) && $this->post['work_day'] != "" ? intval($this->post['work_day']) : "";
+        $delivery_day = isset($this->post['delivery_day']) && $this->post['delivery_day'] != "" ? intval($this->post['delivery_day']) : "";
+        $good_img = isset($this->post['good_img']) && $this->post['good_img'] != "" ? $this->post['good_img'] : [];
+        $expire_day = isset($this->post['expire_day']) && $this->post['expire_day'] != "" ? intval($this->post['expire_day'])
+            : "";
+        $origin_place = isset($this->post['origin_place']) && $this->post['origin_place'] != "" ? trim($this->post['origin_place']) : "";
+        $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : "";
+        $pay_way = isset($this->post['pay_way']) && $this->post['pay_way'] != "" ? intval($this->post['pay_way']) : "";
+        $tax = isset($this->post['tax']) && $this->post['tax'] != "" ? trim($this->post['tax']) : "";
+        $send_way = isset($this->post['send_way']) && $this->post['send_way'] != "" ? intval($this->post['send_way']) : "";
+        $metal_id = isset($this->post['metal_id']) && $this->post['metal_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['metal_id']) : "0";
+        $is_gold_price = isset($this->post['is_gold_price']) && $this->post['is_gold_price'] != "" ? intval($this->post['is_gold_price']) : "0";
+        $config = isset($this->post['config']) && $this->post['config'] != "" ? $this->post['config'] : "";
+        $other_config = isset($this->post['other_config']) && $this->post['other_config'] != "" ? $this->post['other_config'] : "";
+        $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['weight']) : "0";
+        $good_weight = isset($this->post['noble_weight']) && $this->post['noble_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['noble_weight']) : "0";
+        $demo_fee = isset($this->post['demo_fee']) && $this->post['demo_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['demo_fee']) : "0";
+        $delivery_fee = isset($this->post['delivery_fee']) && $this->post['delivery_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['delivery_fee']) : "0";
+        $open_fee = isset($this->post['open_fee']) && $this->post['open_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['open_fee']) : "0";
+        $pakge_fee = isset($this->post['pakge_fee']) && $this->post['pakge_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['pakge_fee']) : "0";
+        $nake_fee = isset($this->post['nake_fee']) && $this->post['nake_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['nake_fee']) : "0";
+        $mark_fee = isset($this->post['mark_fee']) && $this->post['mark_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['mark_fee']) : "0";
+        $cert_fee = isset($this->post['cert_fee']) && $this->post['cert_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cert_fee']) : "0";
+        $cost_fee = isset($this->post['cost_fee']) && $this->post['cost_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cost_fee']) : "0";
+        if ($nake_fee === "") {
+            return json_show(1004, "参数nake_fee不能为空");
+        }
+        $is_diff = isset($this->post['is_diff']) && $this->post['is_diff'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_diff']) : "";
+        $supply_area = isset($this->post['supply_area']) && $this->post['supply_area'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['supply_area']) : "";
+        $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] != "" ? trim($this->post['remark']) : "";
+        $delivery_place = isset($this->post['delivery_place']) && $this->post['delivery_place'] != '' ? trim($this->post['delivery_place']) : "";
+        if ($delivery_place == '') {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数delivery_place不能为空");
+        }
+//        $token = isset($this->post['token']) && $this->post['token'] != '' ? trim($this->post['token']) : "";
+//        if ($token == '') {
+//            return json_show(1002, "参数token不能为空");
+//        }
+//        $user = GetUserInfo($token);
+//        if (empty($user) || $user['code'] != 0) {
+//            return json_show(1005, "用户数据不存在");
+//        }
+        $createrid = $this->request->user['uid'];
+        $creater = $this->request->user['nickname'];
+        $bidNo = makeNo("BD");
+        $spucode = makeNo("SKU");
+        $catinfo = Db::name("cat")->where(["id" => $cat_id])->find();
+        $budget = isset($catinfo['order_rate']) ? $catinfo['order_rate'] / 100 : 0;
+        //部分参数的大小校验
+        $vali = Validate::rule([
+            'expire_day|有效时长' => 'require|elt:214748364',
+            'delivery_day|物流时长' => 'require|elt:214748364',
+            'work_day|生产工期' => 'require|elt:214748364',
+            'weight|总重量' => 'require|max:10',
+        ]);
+        $temp = [
+            'expire_day' => $expire_day,
+            'delivery_day' => $delivery_day,
+            'work_day' => $work_day,
+            'weight' => $weight,
+        ];
+        if (!$vali->check($temp)) return json_show(0, $vali->getError());
+        $sale_cost_fee = $cost_fee;//销售工艺费默认取传值
+        $cat_top_list = made($cat_id);
+        $cat_top_id = isset($cat_top_list[0]['id']) ? $cat_top_list[0]['id'] : 0;
+        if ($is_gold_price == 1 && $cat_top_id == 6) {
+            $gold = Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type" => $metal_id, "is_del" => 0, "status" => 1])->order("addtime desc")->find();
+            //$total_fee = $open_fee/$zxinfo['num'] + $weight* $gold["price"] + $cost_fee*$weight+$pakge_fee+$mark_fee+$cert_fee+$nake_fee;
+            //$total_fee(成本合计初始价格) =打样费/购买数量 + 开模费/购买数量 + 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价0+运费;
+            $total_fee = $demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $good_weight * $gold["price"] + $cost_fee * $good_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee + $delivery_fee;
+//            $saleprice = $open_fee/$zxinfo['num'] + $weight* $gold["price"] + $cost_fee/(1-$budget)* $weight+$pakge_fee+$mark_fee+$cert_fee+$nake_fee;
+            //$saleprice(最终售价) = (开模费/购买数量 + 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价)/(1-成本售价/100);
+//            $saleprice = ($open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $weight * $gold["price"] + $cost_fee * $weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee) / (1 - $budget);
+            $saleprice = $total_fee / (1 - $budget);
+            //销售工艺费=((开模费/购买数量 + 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价)/(1-成本售价/100)-(打样费/购买数量 + 开模费/购买数量 +包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价0+运费) )/商品重量-最新金价
+            $sale_cost_fee = ($saleprice - ($demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee + $delivery_fee)) / $good_weight - $gold["price"];
+        } else {
+            if ($nake_fee) {
+                $saleprice = ($demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $delivery_fee + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $cost_fee * $good_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee) / (1 - $budget);
+                $total_fee = $demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $delivery_fee + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $cost_fee * $good_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee;
+            } else {
+                $saleprice = ($demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $delivery_fee + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $cost_fee * $good_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee) / (1 - $budget);
+                $total_fee = $demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $delivery_fee + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $cost_fee * $good_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee;
+            }
+        }
+        $data = [
+            "bidNo" => $bidNo,
+            "infoNo" => $infoNo,
+            "zxNo" => $zxinfo['zxNo'],
+            "spuCode" => $spucode,
+            "good_name" => $pname,
+            "brand_id" => $brandid,
+            "cat_id" => $cat_id,
+            "specinfo" => json_encode($specinfo),
+            "unit_id" => $unit_id,
+            "cost_desc" => $cost_desc,
+            "work_day" => $work_day,
+            "delivery_day" => $delivery_day,
+            "good_img" => is_array($good_img) ? implode(',', $good_img) : $good_img,
+            "expire_day" => $expire_day,
+            "origin_place" => $origin_place,
+            "supplierNo" => $supplierNo,
+            "pay_way" => $pay_way,
+            "tax" => $tax,
+            "send_way" => $send_way,
+            "metal_id" => $metal_id,
+            "is_gold_price" => $is_gold_price,
+            "config" => $config,
+            "other_config" => $other_config,
+            "weight" => $weight,
+            "good_weight" => $good_weight,
+            "gold_price" => isset($gold["price"]) ? $gold["price"] : 0,
+            "is_diff" => $is_diff,
+            "demo_fee" => $demo_fee,
+            "delivery_fee" => $delivery_fee,
+            "open_fee" => $open_fee,
+            "pakge_fee" => $pakge_fee,
+            "nake_fee" => $nake_fee,
+            "mark_fee" => $mark_fee,
+            "cert_fee" => $cert_fee,
+            "cost_fee" => $cost_fee,
+            "total_fee" => $total_fee,
+            "supply_area" => $supply_area,
+            "remark" => $remark,
+            "sale_price" => $saleprice,
+            "sale_cost_fee" => $sale_cost_fee,
+            "origin_cost_fee" => $sale_cost_fee,
+            "origin_price" => $saleprice,
+            "createrid" => $createrid,
+            "creater" => $creater,
+            "status" => $zxinfo['status'] == 1 ? 1 : 2,
+            "is_del" => 0,
+            "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+            "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+            'delivery_place' => $delivery_place//发货地
+        ];
+        Db::startTrans();
+        try {
+            $insert = Db::name("consult_bids")->insert($data);
+            if ($insert) {
+                if ($zx['is_project'] == 1 && $zx['projectNo'] != "" && $zxinfo['pgNo'] != "") {
+                    $projectinfo = Db::name("project_info")->where(["pgNo" => $zxinfo["pgNo"], "projectNo" => $zx['projectNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find();
+                    if ($projectinfo == false) {
+                        Db::rollback();
+                        return json_show(1006, "未找到项目信息");
+                    }
+                    $temp = [];
+                    $temp['spuCode'] = $spucode;
+                    $temp['skuCode'] = "";
+                    $temp['pgNo'] = $zxinfo['pgNo'];
+                    $temp['projectNo'] = $zx['projectNo'];
+                    $temp['good_name'] = $pname;
+                    $temp['good_type'] = $projectinfo['good_type'];
+                    $temp['data_source'] = 2;
+                    $temp['cat_id'] = $cat_id;
+                    $temp['budget_price'] = $projectinfo['budget_price'];
+                    $temp['sale_price'] = $saleprice;
+                    $temp['origin_price'] = $total_fee;
+                    $temp['num'] = $zxinfo['num'];
+                    $temp['status'] = 0;
+                    $temp['is_del'] = 0;
+                    $temp['creater'] = $creater;
+                    $temp['createrid'] = $createrid;
+                    $temp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                    $temp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                    $nu = Db::name("project_feedback")->insert($temp);
+                    if ($nu == false) {
+                        Db::rollback();
+                        return json_show(1006, "项目反馈失败");
+                    } else {
+                        $old_projectinfo_status = $projectinfo['status'];
+                        $projectinfo['status'] = 2;
+                        $projectinfo['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                        $up = Db::name("project_info")->save($projectinfo);
+                        if ($up) {
+                            //修改状态,添加待办,只记录动作
+                            ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [
+                                "order_code" => $projectinfo['pgNo'],//编码
+                                "status" => $old_projectinfo_status,//这里的status是之前的值
+                                "action_remark" => '',//备注
+                                "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status
+                            ], "PRI", 2, $projectinfo);
+                            $count = Db::name("project_info")->where(["projectNo" => $projectinfo['projectNo'], "status" => 1])->count();
+                            if ($count == 0) {
+                                $projetc = Db::name("project")->where(["projectNo" => $projectinfo['projectNo'], "status" => 1])->find();
+                                if ($projetc != false) {
+                                    $proc = Db::name("project")->where(["projectNo" => $projectinfo['projectNo'], "status" => 1])->save
+                                    (["status" => 2, "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]);
+                                    if ($proc == false) {
+                                        Db::rollback();
+                                        return json_show(1006, "项目反馈失败");
+                                    } else {
+                                        //修改状态,添加待办
+                                        ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [
+                                            "order_code" => $projetc['projectNo'],//项目编码
+                                            "status" => 1,//这里的status是之前的值
+                                            "action_remark" => '',//备注
+                                            "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status
+                                        ], "PRO", 2, $projetc);
+                                        ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [
+                                            "order_type" => 'PRO',
+                                            "order_code" => $projetc['projectNo'],
+                                            "order_id" => $projetc['id'],
+                                            "order_status" => 2, "before_status" => 1
+                                        ]);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Db::commit();
+                return json_show(0, "反馈成功", ["bidNo" => $bidNo]);
+            } else {
+                Db::rollback();
+                return json_show(1006, "反馈失败");
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            return json_show(1006, $e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }
+    //反馈商品编辑
+    public function feededit()
+    {
+        $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post();
+        $bidNo = isset($this->post['bidNo']) && $this->post['bidNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['bidNo']) : "";
+        if ($bidNo == "") {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数bidNo不能为空");
+        }
+        $bidinfo = Db::name("consult_bids")->where(["bidNo" => $bidNo, "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($bidinfo == false) {
+            return json_show(1003, "未找到信息数据");
+        }
+        if ($bidinfo['status'] >= 5) {
+            return json_show(1004, "咨询单已确认无法修改");
+        }
+        $zxinfo = Db::name("consult_info")->where(["infoNo" => $bidinfo['infoNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($zxinfo == false) {
+            return json_show(1003, "未找到信息数据");
+        }
+        $zx = Db::name("consult_order")->where(["zxNo" => $zxinfo['zxNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($zx == false) {
+            return json_show(1003, "未找咨询信息数据");
+        }
+        $pname = isset($this->post['pname']) && $this->post['pname'] != "" ? trim($this->post['pname']) : "";
+        if ($pname == "") {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数pname不能为空");
+        }
+        $brandid = isset($this->post['brandid']) && $this->post['brandid'] != "" ? intval($this->post['brandid']) : "";
+//        if($brandid==""){
+//            return json_show(1002,"参数brandid不能为空");
+//        }
+        $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] != "" ? trim($this->post['cat_id']) : "";
+        if ($cat_id == "") {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数cat_id不能为空");
+        }
+        $specin = isset($this->post['specinfo']) && !empty($this->post['specinfo']) ? $this->post['specinfo'] : "";
+        if ($specin == "") {
+            return json_show(1003, "参数specinfo不能为空");
+        }
+        $specinfo = [];
+        foreach ($specin as $v) {
+            $spec = Db::name("specs")->where(["id" => $v['specid']])->find();
+            $spec_value = Db::name("spec_value")->where(["id" => $v['spec_value_id']])->find();
+            $v['spec_name'] = isset($spec['spec_name']) ? $spec['spec_name'] : "";
+            $v['spec_value_name'] = isset($spec_value['spec_value']) ? $spec_value['spec_value'] : "";
+            $specinfo[] = $v;
+        }
+        $unit_id = isset($this->post['unit_id']) && $this->post['unit_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['unit_id']) : "";
+        $cost_desc = isset($this->post['cost_desc']) && $this->post['cost_desc'] != "" ? trim($this->post['cost_desc']) : "";
+        $work_day = isset($this->post['work_day']) && $this->post['work_day'] != "" ? intval($this->post['work_day']) : "";
+        $delivery_day = isset($this->post['delivery_day']) && $this->post['delivery_day'] != "" ? intval($this->post['delivery_day']) : "";
+        $good_img = isset($this->post['good_img']) && $this->post['good_img'] != "" ? $this->post['good_img'] : [];
+        $expire_day = isset($this->post['expire_day']) && $this->post['expire_day'] != "" ? intval($this->post['expire_day']) : "";
+        $origin_place = isset($this->post['origin_place']) && $this->post['origin_place'] != "" ? trim($this->post['origin_place']) : "";
+        $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : "";
+        $pay_way = isset($this->post['pay_way']) && $this->post['pay_way'] != "" ? intval($this->post['pay_way']) : "";
+        $tax = isset($this->post['tax']) && $this->post['tax'] != "" ? trim($this->post['tax']) : "";
+        $send_way = isset($this->post['send_way']) && $this->post['send_way'] != "" ? intval($this->post['send_way']) : "0";
+        $metal_id = isset($this->post['metal_id']) && $this->post['metal_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['metal_id']) : "0";
+        $is_gold_price = isset($this->post['is_gold_price']) && $this->post['is_gold_price'] != "" ? intval($this->post['is_gold_price']) : "0";
+        $config = isset($this->post['config']) && $this->post['config'] != "" ? $this->post['config'] : "";
+        $other_config = isset($this->post['other_config']) && $this->post['other_config'] != "" ? $this->post['other_config'] : "";
+        $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['weight']) : "0";
+        $noble_weight = isset($this->post['noble_weight']) && $this->post['noble_weight'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['noble_weight']) : "0";
+        $demo_fee = isset($this->post['demo_fee']) && $this->post['demo_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['demo_fee']) : "0";
+        $delivery_fee = isset($this->post['delivery_fee']) && $this->post['delivery_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['delivery_fee']) : "0";
+        $open_fee = isset($this->post['open_fee']) && $this->post['open_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['open_fee']) : "0";
+        $pakge_fee = isset($this->post['pakge_fee']) && $this->post['pakge_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['pakge_fee']) : "0";
+        $nake_fee = isset($this->post['nake_fee']) && $this->post['nake_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['nake_fee']) : 0;
+        $mark_fee = isset($this->post['mark_fee']) && $this->post['mark_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['mark_fee']) : "0";
+        $cert_fee = isset($this->post['cert_fee']) && $this->post['cert_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['cert_fee']) : "0";
+        $cost_fee = isset($this->post['cost_fee']) && $this->post['cost_fee'] != "" ? floatval($this->post['cost_fee']) : "0";
+        $is_diff = isset($this->post['is_diff']) && $this->post['is_diff'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_diff']) : "";
+        $supply_area = isset($this->post['supply_area']) && $this->post['supply_area'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['supply_area']) : "";
+        $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] != "" ? trim($this->post['remark']) : "";
+        $delivery_place = isset($this->post['delivery_place']) && $this->post['delivery_place'] != '' ? trim($this->post['delivery_place']) : "";
+        if ($delivery_place == '') {
+            return json_show(1002, "参数delivery_place不能为空");
+        }
+        $catinfo = Db::name("cat")->where(["id" => $cat_id])->find();
+        $budget = isset($catinfo['order_rate']) ? $catinfo['order_rate'] / 100 : 0;
+        $sale_cost_fee = $bidinfo['sale_cost_fee'];
+        $cat_top_list = made($cat_id);
+        $cat_top_id = isset($cat_top_list[0]['id']) ? $cat_top_list[0]['id'] : 0;
+        if ($is_gold_price == 1 && $cat_top_id == 6) {
+            $gold = Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type" => $metal_id, "is_del" => 0, "status" => 1])->order("addtime desc")->find();
+            //$total_fee(成本合计初始价格) =打样费/购买数量 + 开模费/购买数量 + 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价0+运费;
+            $total_fee = $demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $noble_weight * $gold["price"] + $cost_fee * $noble_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee + $delivery_fee;
+//            $saleprice = $open_fee/$zxinfo['num'] + $weight* $gold["price"] + $cost_fee/(1-$budget)* $weight+$pakge_fee+$mark_fee+$cert_fee+$nake_fee;
+            //$saleprice(最终售价) = (开模费/购买数量 + 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价)/(1-成本售价/100);
+            $saleprice = $total_fee / (1 - $budget);
+            //销售工艺费=((开模费/购买数量 + 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价)/(1-成本售价/100)-(打样费/购买数量 + 开模费/购买数量 +包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价0+运费) )/商品重量-最新金价
+            $sale_cost_fee = ($saleprice - ($demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee + $delivery_fee)) / $noble_weight - $gold["price"];
+        } else {
+            $saleprice = ($demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $delivery_fee + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $cost_fee * $noble_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee) / (1 - $budget);
+            $total_fee = $demo_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $delivery_fee + $open_fee / $zxinfo['num'] + $cost_fee * $noble_weight + $pakge_fee + $mark_fee + $cert_fee + $nake_fee;
+        }
+        Db::startTrans();
+        try {
+            $createrid = $this->request->user['uid'];
+            $creater = $this->request->user['nickname'];
+            $data = [
+                "good_name" => $pname,
+                "brand_id" => $brandid,
+                "cat_id" => $cat_id,
+                "specinfo" => json_encode($specinfo),
+//            "material"=>$material,
+                "unit_id" => $unit_id,
+                "cost_desc" => $cost_desc,
+                "work_day" => $work_day,
+                "delivery_day" => $delivery_day,
+                "good_img" => is_array($good_img) ? implode(',', $good_img) : $good_img,
+                "expire_day" => $expire_day,
+                "origin_place" => $origin_place,
+                "supplierNo" => $supplierNo,
+                "pay_way" => $pay_way,
+                "tax" => $tax,
+                "send_way" => $send_way,
+                "metal_id" => $metal_id,
+                "is_gold_price" => $is_gold_price,
+                "config" => $config,
+                "other_config" => $other_config,
+                "weight" => $weight,
+                "good_weight" => $noble_weight,
+                "is_diff" => $is_diff,
+                "demo_fee" => $demo_fee,
+                "gold_price" => isset($gold["price"]) ? $gold["price"] : 0,
+                "delivery_fee" => $delivery_fee,
+                "open_fee" => $open_fee,
+                "pakge_fee" => $pakge_fee,
+                "nake_fee" => $nake_fee,
+                "mark_fee" => $mark_fee,
+                "cert_fee" => $cert_fee,
+                "cost_fee" => $cost_fee,
+                "sale_cost_fee" => $sale_cost_fee,
+                "origin_cost_fee" => $sale_cost_fee,
+                "total_fee" => $total_fee,
+                "sale_price" => $saleprice,
+                "origin_price" => $saleprice,
+                "supply_area" => $supply_area,
+                "remark" => $remark,
+                "status" => 0,
+                "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+                'delivery_place' => $delivery_place
+            ];
+            $insert = Db::name("consult_bids")->where($bidinfo)->save($data);
+            if ($insert) {
+                if ($zxinfo['bargain_status'] == 1) {
+                    $zxinfo['bargain_status'] = 0;
+                    $infoip = Db::name("consult_info")->save($zxinfo);
+                    if ($infoip == false) {
+                        Db::rollback();
+                        return json_show(1006, "咨询信息状态更新失败");
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($zx['is_project'] == 1 && $zx['projectNo'] != "" && $zxinfo['pgNo'] != "") {
+                    $projectinfo = Db::name("project_info")->where(["pgNo" => $zxinfo["pgNo"], "projectNo" => $zx['projectNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find();
+                    if ($projectinfo == false) {
+                        Db::rollback();
+                        return json_show(1006, "未找到项目信息");
+                    }
+                    $feed = Db::name("project_feedback")->where(["pgNo" => $zxinfo["pgNo"], "projectNo" => $zx['projectNo'], "spuCode" => $bidinfo['spuCode'], "is_del" => 0])->find();
+                    if ($feed != false) {
+                        $feed['good_name'] = $pname;
+                        $feed['good_type'] = $projectinfo['good_type'];
+                        $feed['cat_id'] = $cat_id;
+                        $feed['sale_price'] = $saleprice;
+                        $feed['origin_price'] = $total_fee;
+                        $feed['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                        $temp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                        $nu = Db::name("project_feedback")->save($feed);
+                        if ($nu == false) {
+                            Db::rollback();
+                            return json_show(1006, "项目反馈失败");
+                        } else {
+                            $old_projectinfo_status = $projectinfo['status'];
+                            $projectinfo['status'] = 2;
+                            $projectinfo['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+                            $up = Db::name("project_info")->save($projectinfo);
+                            if ($up) {
+                                //修改状态,添加待办,只记录动作
+                                ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [
+                                    "order_code" => $projectinfo['pgNo'],//编码
+                                    "status" => $old_projectinfo_status,//这里的status是之前的值
+                                    "action_remark" => '',//备注
+                                    "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status
+                                ], "PRI", 2, $projectinfo
+                                );
+                                $count = Db::name("project_info")->where(["projectNo" => $projectinfo['projectNo'], "status" => 1])->count();
+                                if ($count == 0) {
+                                    //先查询是否存在status==1的项目,有的话再更新,否则跳过
+                                    $project_id = Db::name("project")->where(["projectNo" => $projectinfo['projectNo'], "status" => 1])->value('id', 0);
+                                    if ($project_id) {
+                                        $proc = Db::name("project")->where(["id" => $project_id])->update(["status" => 2, "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]);
+                                        if ($proc == false) {
+                                            Db::rollback();
+                                            return json_show(1006, "项目反馈失败");
+                                        } else {
+                                            //修改状态,添加待办
+                                            ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [
+                                                "order_code" => $projectinfo['projectNo'],//项目编码
+                                                "status" => 1,//这里的status是之前的值
+                                                "action_remark" => '',//备注
+                                                "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status
+                                            ], "PRO", 2, $this->post);
+                                            ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [
+                                                    "order_type" => 'PRO',
+                                                    "order_code" => $projectinfo['projectNo'],
+                                                    "order_id" => $project_id,
+                                                    "order_status" => 2,
+                                                    "before_status" => 1
+                                                ]
+                                            );
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                Db::commit();
+                return json_show(0, "编辑成功");
+            } else {
+                Db::rollback();
+                return json_show(1004, "编辑失败");
+            }
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            return json_show(1004, $e->getMessage());
+        }
+    }

+ 47 - 0

@@ -1497,5 +1497,52 @@ class Good extends BaseController
         return json_show(0, "获取成功", $data);
+    //贵金属种类列表
+    public function linst(){
+        $data=[];
+        foreach ($this->gold as $key=>$value){
+            $v =[];
+            $v['type']=$key;
+            $v['type_cn']=$value;
+            $data[]=$v;
+        }
+        return app_show(0,"获取成功",$data);
+    }
+    //分类列表
+    public function wlist(){
+        $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post();
+        $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['page']) :"1";
+        $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['size']) :"10";
+        $where =[["is_del","=",0],['level',"=",3]];
+        $cat_name=isset($this->post['cat_name']) && $this->post['cat_name'] !==""? trim($this->post['cat_name']) :"";
+        if($cat_name!==""){
+            $where[]=['cat_name',"like","%$cat_name%"];
+        }
+        $search=isset($this->post['search']) && $this->post['search'] !==""? trim($this->post['search']) :"";
+        if($search!==""){
+            $where[]=['search',"like","%$search%"];
+        }
+        $pid=isset($this->post['pid']) && $this->post['pid'] !==""? intval($this->post['pid']) :"";
+        if($pid!==""){
+            $where[]=['pid',"=",$pid];
+        }
+        $status=isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !==""? intval($this->post['status']) :"";
+        if($status!==""){
+            $where[]=['status',"=",$status];
+        }
+        $count = Db::name("cat")->where($where)->count();
+        $total = ceil($count / $size);
+        $page = $page >= $total ? $total : $page;
+        $list = Db::name('cat')->where($where)->page($page, $size)->select();
+        $data=[];
+        foreach ($list as $value){
+            $temp= isset($value['id']) && $value['id'] !=0 ? made($value['id']):[];
+            $value['item'] = array_column($temp,'id');
+            $data[]=$value;
+        }
+        return app_show(0, "获取成功", ['list' =>$data, 'count' => $count]);
+    }

+ 5 - 0

@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@ route::rule('allSpec', 'abutment/Good/allSpec');//所有规格值
 route::rule('editGoodUp', 'abutment/Good/editGoodUp');//修改商品成本全部信息
 route::rule('catInfo', 'abutment/Good/catInfo');//分类信息
 route::rule('goldPriceLastList', 'abutment/Good/goldPriceLastList');//实时金价列表
+route::rule('goldLinst', 'abutment/Good/linst');//贵金属种类列表
+route::rule('catList', 'abutment/Good/wlist');//分类列表
 route::rule('getOrderList', 'abutment/Order/getList');//列表
@@ -49,5 +51,8 @@ route::rule('consultZxInfo', 'abutment/Consult/zxinfo');//招标工作台详情
 route::rule('consultBidList', 'abutment/Consult/bidlist');//招标工作台商品列表
 route::rule('consultCreate', 'abutment/Consult/create');//创建采反商品
 route::rule('consultBidListCopy', 'abutment/Consult/bidlistCopy');//咨询采反查询
+route::rule('consultFeadInfo', 'abutment/Consult/feadinfo');//反馈商品详情
+route::rule('consultFeadback', 'abutment/Consult/feadback');//反馈商品添加
+route::rule('consultFeadEdit', 'abutment/Consult/feededit');//反馈商品编辑