wugg 2 years ago
3 changed files with 399 additions and 286 deletions
  1. 137 0
  2. 261 286
  3. 1 0

+ 137 - 0

@@ -762,4 +762,141 @@ public function vesio(){
         return error_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
+	public function goodlist()
+    {
+        $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : 1;
+        $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : 10;
+        $condtion = [['b.is_del', "=", 0], ['c.is_del', "=", 0],["d.balance_num",">=",0]];
+        $wsmcode = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']) : "";
+        if ($wsmcode !== "") {
+            //return error_show(1002,"仓库code不能为空");
+            $condtion[] = ['c.wsm_code', "=", $wsmcode];
+            // $typecode= Db::name("good_stock")->where(["wsm_code"=>$wsmcode,'is_del'=>0])->column("good_type_code");
+        }
+        $goodcode = isset($this->post['good_code']) && $this->post['good_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_code'])
+            : "";
+        if ($goodcode != "") {
+            // $condtion['a.good_code'] = Db::raw("like '%{$goodcode}%'");
+            $condtion[] = ['b.spuCode', "like", "%{$goodcode}%"];
+        }
+        $good_name = isset($this->post['good_name']) && $this->post['good_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_name'])
+            : "";
+        if ($good_name != "") {
+            //  $condtion['a.good_name'] = Db::raw("like '%{$good_name}%'");
+            $condtion[] = ['b.good_name', "like", "%{$good_name}%"];
+        }
+        $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : "";
+        if ($supplierNo != "") {
+            $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(["code" => $supplierNo])->find();
+            if (empty($supplier)) {
+                return error_show(1004, "未找到供应商信息");
+            }
+            $wsmcode = Db::name("warehouse_info")->where(["is_del" => 0, "supplierNo" => $supplierNo])->column("wsm_code");
+            $condtion[] = ['c.wsm_code', "in", $wsmcode];
+        }
+        $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) : "";
+        if ($companyNo !== "") {
+            $wsmcode = Db::name("warehouse_info")->where(['companyNo' => $companyNo, "is_del" => 0])->column("wsm_code");
+            $condition[] = ["c.wsm_code", "in", $wsmcode];
+        }
+        $stock_low = isset($this->post['stock_low']) && $this->post['stock_low'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['stock_low'])
+            : "";
+        if ($stock_low != "") {
+            $condtion[] = ['c.usable_stock', ">=", $stock_low];
+        }
+        $stock_max = isset($this->post['stock_max']) && $this->post['stock_max'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['stock_max'])
+            : "";
+        if ($stock_max != "") {
+            $condtion[] = ['c.usable_stock', ">=", $stock_max];
+        }
+        $stock_up = isset($this->post['stock_up']) && $this->post['stock_up'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['stock_up'])
+            : "";
+        if ($stock_up != "") {
+            $condtion[] = ['c.usable_stock', "<=", $stock_up];
+        }
+        $warn_low = isset($this->post['warn_low']) && $this->post['warn_low'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['warn_low'])
+            : "";
+        if ($warn_low !== "") {
+            $condtion[] = ['c.warn_stock', ">=", $warn_low];
+        }
+        $warn_up = isset($this->post['warn_up']) && $this->post['warn_up'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['warn_up'])
+            : "";
+        if ($warn_up != "") {
+            $condtion[] = ['c.warn_stock', "<=", $warn_up];
+        }
+        $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['cat_id']) : "";
+        if ($cat_id != "") {
+            $at = Db::name('cat')->where(['id' => $cat_id])->find();
+            if (empty($at)) {
+                return error_show(1004, "未找到分类信息");
+            }
+            $cat = manger([$at['id']], $at['level']);
+            $condtion[] = ['b.cat_id', "in", $cat];
+        }
+        $company_name = isset($this->post['company_name']) && $this->post['company_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['company_name']) : "";
+        if ($company_name !== "") $condtion[] = ["b.createrid", 'in', get_company_item_user_by_name($company_name)];
+        $count = Db::name("good")
+            ->alias("b")
+            ->join("good_stock c", "c.spuCode=b.spuCode", "left")
+            ->join("good_stock_info d", "c.id=b.stockid", "left")
+            ->where($condtion)
+            ->count();
+        $page >= ceil($count / $size) ? $page = ceil($count / $size) : "";
+        $list = Db::name("good")
+            ->alias("b")
+            ->leftJoin("good_stock c", "c.spuCode=b.spuCode")
+            ->join("good_stock_info d", "c.id=d.stockid", "left")
+            ->leftJoin("depart_user u", "u.uid=b.createrid AND u.is_del=0")
+            ->where($condtion)
+            ->field("b.*,c.id as stock_id,c.usable_stock,c.wait_in_stock,c.wait_out_stock,c.wsm_code,u.uid,u.nickname,u.itemid,d.bnCode,d.balance_num")
+            ->page($page, $size)
+            ->select()
+            ->toArray();
+        $data = [];
+        if ($list) {
+            //品牌信息
+            $brands = Db::name('brand')->whereIn('id', array_column($list, 'brand_id'))->where('is_del', 0)->column('brand_name', 'id');
+            $units = Db::name('unit')->whereIn('id', array_column($list, 'good_unit'))->where('is_del', 0)->column('unit', 'id');
+            $business = Db::name('business')->whereIn('companyNo', array_column($list, 'companyNo'))->where('is_del', 0)->column('company', 'companyNo');
+            foreach ($list as $key => $value) {
+                $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(["code" => $value['supplierNo']])->find();
+                $value['supplier_name'] = isset($supplier['name']) ? $supplier['name'] : "";
+                $wsmcode = Db::name("warehouse_info")->alias("a")->leftJoin("supplier b", "a.supplierNo=b.code")->where(["a.wsm_code" => $value['wsm_code']])->field("a.name as wsm_name,b.name,b.code")->find();
+                $value['wsm_name'] = isset($wsmcode['wsm_name']) ? $wsmcode['wsm_name'] : "";
+                $value['wsm_supplier'] = isset($wsmcode['name']) ? $wsmcode['name'] : "";
+                $value['wsm_supplierNo'] = isset($wsmcode['code']) ? $wsmcode['code'] : "";
+                $value['can'] = isset($value['cat_id']) && $value['cat_id'] != 0 ? made($value['cat_id']) : [];
+                $value['brand_name'] = isset($brands[$value['brand_id']]) ? $brands[$value['brand_id']] : '';
+                $value['unit'] = isset($units[$value['good_unit']]) ? $units[$value['good_unit']] : '';
+                $value['companyName'] = isset($business[$value['companyNo']]) ? $business[$value['companyNo']] : '';
+                //规格信息
+                $spec = Db::name("good_spec")->where(["spuCode" => $value['spuCode'], "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray();
+                $speclist = [];
+                if (!empty($spec)) {
+                    foreach ($spec as $val) {
+                        $temp = [];
+                        $temp['spec_id'] = $val['spec_id'];
+                        $temp['spec_value_id'] = $val['spec_value_id'];
+                        $sp = Db::name("specs")->where(["id" => $val['spec_id']])->find();
+                        $temp['spec_name'] = isset($sp["spec_name"]) ? $sp["spec_name"] : "";
+                        $spv = Db::name("spec_value")->where(["id" => $val['spec_value_id']])->find();
+                        $temp['spec_value'] = isset($spv["spec_value"]) ? $spv["spec_value"] : "";
+                        $speclist[] = $temp;
+                    }
+                }
+                $value['specinfo'] = $speclist;
+                $value['cgder'] = isset($supplier['person']) ? $supplier['person'] : '';
+                $value['company_name'] = implode('/', array_column(GetPart($value['itemid']), 'name'));
+                $data[] = $value;
+            }
+        }
+        return app_show(0, "获取成功", ["list" => $data, "count" => $count]);
+    }

+ 261 - 286

@@ -159,295 +159,270 @@ public function __construct(App $app)
         return app_show(0, "获取成功", ["list" => $data, "count" => $count]);
-public function list()
-    $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : "1";
-    $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : "10";
-    $where = [['a.is_del',"=",0],['b.is_del',"=",0]];
-    $start= isset($this->post['start']) && $this->post['start'] !== "" ? $this->post['start']:"";
-    if ($start !="") {
-      //  $where["a.addtime"]=Db::raw(">= '{$start}'");
-        $where[]=['a.addtime',">=",$start];
-    }
-    $end = isset($this->post['end']) && $this->post['end'] !== "" ? $this->post['end'] :"";
-    if($end !=""){
-      //  $where["a.addtime"] = Db::raw("<= '{$end}'");
-        $where[]=['a.addtime',"<=",$end];
-    }
-    $check_code = isset($this->post['check_code']) && $this->post['check_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['check_code']) : "";
-    if ($check_code !== "") {
-       // $where['a.check_code'] = Db::raw("like '%$check_code%'");
-        $where[]=['a.check_code',"like","%$check_code%"];
-    }
-    $wsm_code = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']) : "";
-    if ($wsm_code  !== "") {
-      //  $where['a.wsm_code'] =  Db::raw("like '%$wsm_code%'");
-        $where[]=['a.wsm_code',"like","%$wsm_code%"];
-    }
-    $apply_name = isset($this->post['apply_name']) && $this->post['apply_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['apply_name']) : "";
-    if ($apply_name !== "") {
-     //   $where['a.apply_name'] = $apply_name;
-        $where[]=['a.apply_name',"like","%$apply_name%"];
-    }
-    $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['type']) : "";
-    if ($type !== "") {
-       // $where['a.type'] = $type;
-        $where[]=['a.type',"=",$type];
-    }
-    $apply_id = isset($this->post['apply_id']) && $this->post['apply_id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['apply_id']) : "";
-    if ($apply_id!== "") {
-       // $where['a.apply_id'] = $apply_id;
-        $where[]=['a.apply_id',"=",$apply_id];
-    }
-    $status= isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['status']) : "";
-    if ($status !== "") {
-       // $where['a.status '] = $status;
-        $where[]=['a.status',"=",$status];
-    }
-    $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) : "";
-    if ($companyNo !== "") {
-        $condition[]=["a.companyNo ","=",$companyNo ];
-    }
-    $count = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join("warehouse_info b","a.wsm_code = b.wsm_code","left")
-        ->join("supplier v","v.code=b.supplierNo","left")
-        ->where($where)->count();
-    $total = ceil($count / $size);
-    $page = $page <= $total ? $page : $total;
-    $list = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join("warehouse_info b","a.wsm_code = b.wsm_code","left")
-        ->join("supplier v","v.code=b.supplierNo","left")
-        ->field("a.status,a.apply_id,a.apply_name,a.type,a.addtime,a.wsm_code,a.check_code,b.name,a.id,v.name as 'caname',v.code")->where($where)->page($page,$size)->order("a.id desc")->select();
-    $data=[];
-    foreach ($list as $key=>$value){
-        $value['rename'] ='';
-        if($value['apply_id']!=0){
-            $depart = Db::name("depart_user")->alias("a")->leftJoin("company_item b","a.itemid = b.id")->where(['a.uid'=>$value['apply_id'],'a.is_del'=>0])
-                ->column('b.name');
-           // var_dump(Db::name("depart_user")->getLastSql());
-            $value['rename'] =implode(",",$depart);
-        }
-        $data[] = $value;
-    }
-    return app_show(0,"获取成功",['count'=>$count,'list'=>$data]);
+	public function list()
+	{
+	    $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : "1";
+	    $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : "10";
+	    $where = [['a.is_del',"=",0],['b.is_del',"=",0]];
+	    $start= isset($this->post['start']) && $this->post['start'] !== "" ? $this->post['start']:"";
+	    if ($start !="") {
+	      //  $where["a.addtime"]=Db::raw(">= '{$start}'");
+	        $where[]=['a.addtime',">=",$start];
+	    }
+	    $end = isset($this->post['end']) && $this->post['end'] !== "" ? $this->post['end'] :"";
+	    if($end !=""){
+	      //  $where["a.addtime"] = Db::raw("<= '{$end}'");
+	        $where[]=['a.addtime',"<=",$end];
+	    }
+	    $check_code = isset($this->post['check_code']) && $this->post['check_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['check_code']) : "";
+	    if ($check_code !== "") {
+	       // $where['a.check_code'] = Db::raw("like '%$check_code%'");
+	        $where[]=['a.check_code',"like","%$check_code%"];
+	    }
+	    $wsm_code = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']) : "";
+	    if ($wsm_code  !== "") {
+	      //  $where['a.wsm_code'] =  Db::raw("like '%$wsm_code%'");
+	        $where[]=['a.wsm_code',"like","%$wsm_code%"];
+	    }
+	    $apply_name = isset($this->post['apply_name']) && $this->post['apply_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['apply_name']) : "";
+	    if ($apply_name !== "") {
+	     //   $where['a.apply_name'] = $apply_name;
+	        $where[]=['a.apply_name',"like","%$apply_name%"];
+	    }
+	    $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['type']) : "";
+	    if ($type !== "") {
+	       // $where['a.type'] = $type;
+	        $where[]=['a.type',"=",$type];
+	    }
+	    $apply_id = isset($this->post['apply_id']) && $this->post['apply_id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['apply_id']) : "";
+	    if ($apply_id!== "") {
+	       // $where['a.apply_id'] = $apply_id;
+	        $where[]=['a.apply_id',"=",$apply_id];
+	    }
+	    $status= isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['status']) : "";
+	    if ($status !== "") {
+	       // $where['a.status '] = $status;
+	        $where[]=['a.status',"=",$status];
+	    }
+	    $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) : "";
+	    if ($companyNo !== "") {
+	        $condition[]=["a.companyNo ","=",$companyNo ];
+	    }
+	    $count = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join("warehouse_info b","a.wsm_code = b.wsm_code","left")
+	        ->join("supplier v","v.code=b.supplierNo","left")
+	        ->where($where)->count();
+	    $total = ceil($count / $size);
+	    $page = $page <= $total ? $page : $total;
+	    $list = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join("warehouse_info b","a.wsm_code = b.wsm_code","left")
+	        ->join("supplier v","v.code=b.supplierNo","left")
+	        ->field("a.status,a.apply_id,a.apply_name,a.type,a.addtime,a.wsm_code,a.check_code,b.name,a.id,v.name as 'caname',v.code")->where($where)->page($page,$size)->order("a.id desc")->select();
+	    $data=[];
+	    foreach ($list as $key=>$value){
+	        $value['rename'] ='';
+	        if($value['apply_id']!=0){
+	            $depart = Db::name("depart_user")->alias("a")->leftJoin("company_item b","a.itemid = b.id")->where(['a.uid'=>$value['apply_id'],'a.is_del'=>0])
+	                ->column('b.name');
+	           // var_dump(Db::name("depart_user")->getLastSql());
+	            $value['rename'] =implode(",",$depart);
+	        }
+	        $data[] = $value;
+	    }
+	    return app_show(0,"获取成功",['count'=>$count,'list'=>$data]);
-    }
-public function goodlist(){
-    $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['page']) :"1";
-    $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['size']) :"10";
-    $where = ['is_del'=>0];
-    $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']) :"";
-    if($id==""){
-        return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
-    }
-    $fo = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join('warehouse_info b',"b.wsm_code=a.wsm_code","left")
-        ->join('supplier c',"c.code=b.supplierNo","left")->field("c.name,c.code,a.*")
-        ->where(['a.id'=>$id,'a.is_del'=>0])->find();
-    if(empty($fo)){
-        return error_show(1003,"未找到盘点信息");
-    }
-    if ($fo['check_code'] !== "") {
-        $where['check_code'] = $fo['check_code'];
-    }
-    $count = Db::name('check_item')->where($where)->count();
-    $total = ceil($count / $size);
-    $page = $page >= $total ?  $total: $page;
-    $list = Db::name('check_item')->where($where)->page($page,$size)->select();
-    return app_show(0,"获取成功",['count'=>$count,'list'=>$list]);
-public function create(){
-    $token =isset($this->post['token']) && $this->post['token'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['token']) :"";
+	    }
+	public function goodlist(){
+	    $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['page']) :"1";
+	    $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['size']) :"10";
+	    $where = ['is_del'=>0];
+	    $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']) :"";
+	    if($id==""){
+	        return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $fo = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join('warehouse_info b',"b.wsm_code=a.wsm_code","left")
+	        ->join('supplier c',"c.code=b.supplierNo","left")->field("c.name,c.code,a.*")
+	        ->where(['a.id'=>$id,'a.is_del'=>0])->find();
+	    if(empty($fo)){
+	        return error_show(1003,"未找到盘点信息");
+	    }
+	    if ($fo['check_code'] !== "") {
+	        $where['check_code'] = $fo['check_code'];
+	    }
+	    $count = Db::name('check_item')->where($where)->count();
+	    $total = ceil($count / $size);
+	    $page = $page >= $total ?  $total: $page;
+	    $list = Db::name('check_item')->where($where)->page($page,$size)->select();
+	    return app_show(0,"获取成功",['count'=>$count,'list'=>$list]);
+	}
+	public function create(){
+	    $token =isset($this->post['token']) && $this->post['token'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['token']) :"";
-    $wsm_code = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']):"";
-    if($wsm_code==""){
-        return error_show(1002,"盘点仓库编号不能为空");
-    }
-    $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['type']) :"";
-    if($type==""){
-        return error_show(1002,"盘点类型不能为空");
-    }
-    $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) :"";
-    if($companyNo==""){
-        return error_show(1002,"参数companyNo不能为空");
-    }
-    $company =Db::name("business")->where(['companyNo'=>$companyNo,"is_del"=>0])->find();
-    if($company==false){
-        return error_show(1002,"未找到业务公司");
-    }
-    $check_code = makeNo("CK");
-    $apply_id=GetUserInfo($token);
-    if(empty($apply_id)||$apply_id['code']!=0){
-        return error_show(1002,"申请人数据不存在");
-    }
-    $rm= isset($apply_id["data"]['id']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['id'] : "";
-    $ri= isset($apply_id["data"]['nickname']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['nickname'] : "";
-    $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']) :"0";
-    $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['remark']) :"";
-    Db::startTrans();
-    try{
-        $data=[
-            "check_code"=>$check_code,
-            "wsm_code"=>$wsm_code,
-            "type"=>$type,
-            "status"=>$status,
-            "companyNo"=>$companyNo,
-            "remark"=>$remark,
-            "apply_id"=>$rm,
-            "apply_name"=>$ri,
-            "is_del"=>0,
-            "addtime"=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
-            "updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
-        ];
-        $da= Db::name('good_check')->insert($data,true);
-//        $dio=[];
-//        if($da>0){
-//            foreach ($dain as $value){
-//            $st=Db::name("good_type")->alias("b")->join("good a","a.good_code = b.good_code","left")
-//                ->join("good_stock c","c.good_type_code = b.type_code","left")->where(['c.wsm_code'=>$wsm_code,'good_type_code'=>$value['type_code'],'b.is_del'=>0,'a.is_del'=>0])->where("c.is_del=0 or c.is_del is null")
-//                ->field("b.type_code,a.good_name,c.wsm_code,c.wait_in_stock,c.wait_out_stock,c.usable_stock,c.good_type_code,a.original_price")->find();
-//            $temp=[];
-//            $temp['good_name']=$st['good_name'];
-//            $temp['origin_price']=$st['original_price'];
-//            $temp['good_type_code']=$st['good_type_code'];
-//            $temp['origin_num']=$st['usable_stock'];
-//            $temp['check_num']=0;
-//            $temp['diff_num']=0;
-//            $temp['status']=0;
-//            $temp['remark']="";
-//            $temp['is_del']=0;
-//            $temp['check_time']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
-//            $temp['check_code']=$check_code;
-//            $temp['addtime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
-//            $temp['updatetime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
-//            $dio[] =$temp;
-//            }
-//            $in= Db::name('check_item')->insertAll($dio);
-//        }
-        if($da){
-            $orde = ["order_code"=>$check_code,"status"=>$data['status'],"action_remark"=>'',"action_type"=>"create"];
-            ActionLog::logAdd($this->post['token'],$orde,'PDD',$data['status'],$orde);
-            $process=["order_code"=>$check_code,"order_id"=>$da,"order_status"=>$data['status'],"order_type"=>'PDD',"before_status"=>$data['status']];
-            ProcessOrder::AddProcess($this->post['token'],$process);
-           Db::commit();
-            return error_show(0,"盘点创建成功");
-        }else{
-            Db::rollback();
-           return error_show(1002,"创建失败");
-        }
-    }catch (\Exception $e){
-        Db::rollback();
-        return error_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
-   }
-    }
-public function info(){
-    $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']) :"";
-    if($id==""){
-        return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
-    }
-    $fo = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join('warehouse_info b',"b.wsm_code=a.wsm_code","left")
-        ->join('supplier c',"c.code=b.supplierNo","left")->field("c.name,c.code,a.*")
-        ->where(['a.id'=>$id,'a.is_del'=>0])->find();
-    if(empty($fo)){
-        return error_show(1003,"未找到盘点信息");
-    }
-    $fi = Db::name('check_item')->where(['check_code'=>$fo['check_code'],'is_del'=>0])->select();
-    $fo['item']=$fi;
-    if(empty($fo)){
-        return error_show(1002,"未找到盘点编号");
-    }else{
-        return app_show(0,"获取成功",$fo);
-    }
-public function edit()
-    $token =isset($this->post['token']) && $this->post['token'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['token']) :"";
-    $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['id']) : "";
-    $eid = Db::name('good_check')->where(['id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0])->find();
-    if ($eid ==="") {
-        return error_show(1002, "未找到盘点编号信息");
-    }
-    $wsm_code = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']) : "";
-    if ($wsm_code == "") {
-        return error_show(1002, "盘点仓库不能为空");
-    }
-    $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['type']) : "";
-    $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['remark']) : "";
-    if ($type == "") {
-        return error_show(1002, "盘点类型不能为空");
-    }
-    $apply_id=GetUserInfo($token);
-    if(empty($apply_id)||$apply_id['code']!=0){
-        return error_show(1002,"申请人数据不存在");
-    }
-    $rm= isset($apply_id["data"]['id']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['id'] : "";
-    $ri= isset($apply_id["data"]['nickname']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['nickname'] : "";
-//    $dain=isset($this->post['good']) && $this->post['good'] !=="" ? $this->post['good']:"";
-//    if($type==2){
-//       // var_dump($dain);
-//        if($dain==""||empty($dain)){
-//            return error_show(1002,"商品不能为空");
-//        }
-//    }else{
-//        if($type==1) {
-//            $dain= Db::name("good_type")->alias("b")->join("good a","a.good_code = b.good_code","left")
-//                ->join("good_stock c","c.good_type_code = b.type_code","left")->where(['c.wsm_code'=>$wsm_code,'b.is_del'=>0,'a.is_del'=>0])->where("c.is_del=0 or c.is_del is null")
-//                ->field("b.type_code,a.good_name")->select();
-//            //var_dump($dain);
-//        }
-//        if($dain==""){
-//            return error_show(1003,"商品不能为空");
-//        }
-//    }
-    Db::startTrans();
-    try {
-        $var = [
-            "wsm_code" => $wsm_code,
-            "type" => $type,
-            "apply_id" => $rm,
-            "apply_name" => $ri,
-            "remark" => $remark,
-            "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
-        ];
-        $up = Db::name('good_check')->where(['id'=>$id,'is_del' => 0])->save($var);
-//            $dn =[];
-//            if($up>0){
-//                foreach ($dain as $value){
-//                    $st=Db::name("good_type")->alias("b")->join("good a","a.good_code = b.good_code","left")
-//                        ->join("good_stock c","c.good_type_code = b.type_code","left")->where(['c.wsm_code'=>$wsm_code,'good_type_code'=>$value['type_code'],'b.is_del'=>0,'a.is_del'=>0])->where("c.is_del=0 or c.is_del is null")
-//                        ->field("b.type_code,a.good_name,c.wsm_code,c.wait_in_stock,c.wait_out_stock,c.usable_stock,c.good_type_code,a.original_price")->find();
-//                    $temp=[];
-//                    $temp['good_name']=$st['good_name'];
-//                    $temp['origin_price']=$st['original_price'];
-//                    $temp['good_type_code']=$st['good_type_code'];
-//                    $temp['origin_num']=$st['usable_stock'];
-//                    $temp['check_num']=0;
-//                    $temp['diff_num']=0;
-//                    $temp['status']=0;
-//                    $temp['remark']="";
-//                    $temp['is_del']=0;
-//                    $temp['check_time']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
-//                    $temp['check_code']=$eid['check_code'];
-//                    $temp['addtime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
-//                    $temp['updatetime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
-//                    $dn[] =$temp;
-//                }
-//                $np = Db::name('check_item')->where(['check_code'=>$eid['check_code'],'is_del'=>0])->update(['is_del'=>1,'updatetime'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
-//               $io = db::name('check_item')->insertAll($up);
-               // var_dump(Db::name('check_item')->getLastSql());
-                if ($up) {
-                    $orde = ["order_code"=>$eid['check_code'],"status"=>$eid['status'],"action_remark"=>'',"action_type"=>"edit"];
-                    ActionLog::logAdd($this->post['token'],$orde,'qrd',$eid['status'],$orde);
-                    Db::commit();
-                    return error_show(0, "盘点更新成功");
-                }
+	    $wsm_code = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']):"";
+	    if($wsm_code==""){
+	        return error_show(1002,"盘点仓库编号不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['type']) :"";
+	    if($type==""){
+	        return error_show(1002,"盘点类型不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) :"";
+	    if($companyNo==""){
+	        return error_show(1002,"参数companyNo不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $company =Db::name("business")->where(['companyNo'=>$companyNo,"is_del"=>0])->find();
+	    if($company==false){
+	        return error_show(1002,"未找到业务公司");
+	    }
+	    $check_code = makeNo("CK");
+	    $apply_id=GetUserInfo($token);
+	    if(empty($apply_id)||$apply_id['code']!=0){
+	        return error_show(1002,"申请人数据不存在");
+	    }
+	    $rm= isset($apply_id["data"]['id']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['id'] : "";
+	    $ri= isset($apply_id["data"]['nickname']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['nickname'] : "";
+	    $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']) :"0";
+	    $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['remark']) :"";
+	    Db::startTrans();
+	    try{
+	        $data=[
+	            "check_code"=>$check_code,
+	            "wsm_code"=>$wsm_code,
+	            "type"=>$type,
+	            "status"=>$status,
+	            "companyNo"=>$companyNo,
+	            "remark"=>$remark,
+	            "apply_id"=>$rm,
+	            "apply_name"=>$ri,
+	            "is_del"=>0,
+	            "addtime"=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
+	            "updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
+	        ];
+	        $da= Db::name('good_check')->insert($data,true);
+	        if($da){
+	            $orde = ["order_code"=>$check_code,"status"=>$data['status'],"action_remark"=>'',"action_type"=>"create"];
+	            ActionLog::logAdd($this->post['token'],$orde,'PDD',$data['status'],$orde);
+	            $process=["order_code"=>$check_code,"order_id"=>$da,"order_status"=>$data['status'],"order_type"=>'PDD',"before_status"=>$data['status']];
+	            ProcessOrder::AddProcess($this->post['token'],$process);
+	           Db::commit();
+	            return error_show(0,"盘点创建成功");
+	        }else{
+	            Db::rollback();
+	           return error_show(1002,"创建失败");
+	        }
+	    }catch (\Exception $e){
+	        Db::rollback();
+	        return error_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
+	   }
+	    }
+	public function info(){
+	    $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']) :"";
+	    if($id==""){
+	        return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $fo = Db::name('good_check')->alias('a')->join('warehouse_info b',"b.wsm_code=a.wsm_code","left")
+	        ->join('supplier c',"c.code=b.supplierNo","left")->field("c.name,c.code,a.*")
+	        ->where(['a.id'=>$id,'a.is_del'=>0])->find();
+	    if(empty($fo)){
+	        return error_show(1003,"未找到盘点信息");
+	    }
+	    $fi = Db::name('check_item')->where(['check_code'=>$fo['check_code'],'is_del'=>0])->select();
+	    $fo['item']=$fi;
+	    if(empty($fo)){
+	        return error_show(1002,"未找到盘点编号");
+	    }else{
+	        return app_show(0,"获取成功",$fo);
+	    }
+	}
+	public function edit()
+	{
+	    $token =isset($this->post['token']) && $this->post['token'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['token']) :"";
+	    $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['id']) : "";
+	    $eid = Db::name('good_check')->where(['id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0])->find();
+	    if ($eid ==="") {
+	        return error_show(1002, "未找到盘点编号信息");
+	    }
+	    $wsm_code = isset($this->post['wsm_code']) && $this->post['wsm_code'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['wsm_code']) : "";
+	    if ($wsm_code == "") {
+	        return error_show(1002, "盘点仓库不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['type']) : "";
+	    $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['remark']) : "";
+	    if ($type == "") {
+	        return error_show(1002, "盘点类型不能为空");
+	    }
+	    $apply_id=GetUserInfo($token);
+	    if(empty($apply_id)||$apply_id['code']!=0){
+	        return error_show(1002,"申请人数据不存在");
+	    }
+	    $rm= isset($apply_id["data"]['id']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['id'] : "";
+	    $ri= isset($apply_id["data"]['nickname']) ?  $apply_id["data"]['nickname'] : "";
+	//    $dain=isset($this->post['good']) && $this->post['good'] !=="" ? $this->post['good']:"";
+	//    if($type==2){
+	//       // var_dump($dain);
+	//        if($dain==""||empty($dain)){
+	//            return error_show(1002,"商品不能为空");
+	//        }
+	//    }else{
+	//        if($type==1) {
+	//
+	//            $dain= Db::name("good_type")->alias("b")->join("good a","a.good_code = b.good_code","left")
+	//                ->join("good_stock c","c.good_type_code = b.type_code","left")->where(['c.wsm_code'=>$wsm_code,'b.is_del'=>0,'a.is_del'=>0])->where("c.is_del=0 or c.is_del is null")
+	//                ->field("b.type_code,a.good_name")->select();
+	//            //var_dump($dain);
+	//        }
+	//        if($dain==""){
+	//            return error_show(1003,"商品不能为空");
+	//        }
+	//    }
+	    Db::startTrans();
+	    try {
+	        $var = [
+	            "wsm_code" => $wsm_code,
+	            "type" => $type,
+	            "apply_id" => $rm,
+	            "apply_name" => $ri,
+	            "remark" => $remark,
+	            "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
+	        ];
+	        $up = Db::name('good_check')->where(['id'=>$id,'is_del' => 0])->save($var);
+	//            $dn =[];
+	//            if($up>0){
+	//                foreach ($dain as $value){
+	//                    $st=Db::name("good_type")->alias("b")->join("good a","a.good_code = b.good_code","left")
+	//                        ->join("good_stock c","c.good_type_code = b.type_code","left")->where(['c.wsm_code'=>$wsm_code,'good_type_code'=>$value['type_code'],'b.is_del'=>0,'a.is_del'=>0])->where("c.is_del=0 or c.is_del is null")
+	//                        ->field("b.type_code,a.good_name,c.wsm_code,c.wait_in_stock,c.wait_out_stock,c.usable_stock,c.good_type_code,a.original_price")->find();
+	//                    $temp=[];
+	//                    $temp['good_name']=$st['good_name'];
+	//                    $temp['origin_price']=$st['original_price'];
+	//                    $temp['good_type_code']=$st['good_type_code'];
+	//                    $temp['origin_num']=$st['usable_stock'];
+	//                    $temp['check_num']=0;
+	//                    $temp['diff_num']=0;
+	//                    $temp['status']=0;
+	//                    $temp['remark']="";
+	//                    $temp['is_del']=0;
+	//                    $temp['check_time']=date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
+	//                    $temp['check_code']=$eid['check_code'];
+	//                    $temp['addtime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+	//                    $temp['updatetime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
+	//                    $dn[] =$temp;
+	//                }
+	//                $np = Db::name('check_item')->where(['check_code'=>$eid['check_code'],'is_del'=>0])->update(['is_del'=>1,'updatetime'=>date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]);
+	//               $io = db::name('check_item')->insertAll($up);
+	               // var_dump(Db::name('check_item')->getLastSql());
+	                if ($up) {
+	                    $orde = ["order_code"=>$eid['check_code'],"status"=>$eid['status'],"action_remark"=>'',"action_type"=>"edit"];
+	                    ActionLog::logAdd($this->post['token'],$orde,'qrd',$eid['status'],$orde);
+	                    Db::commit();
+	                    return error_show(0, "盘点更新成功");
+	                }
-        Db::rollback();
-        return error_show(1003,"盘点更新失败");
-    } catch (\Exception $e) {
-        Db::rollback();
-        return error_show(1005, $e->getMessage());
-    }
+	        Db::rollback();
+	        return error_show(1003,"盘点更新失败");
+	    } catch (\Exception $e) {
+	        Db::rollback();
+	        return error_show(1005, $e->getMessage());
+	    }
+	}
      * @return \think\response\Json|void

+ 1 - 0

@@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ Route::rule('allotstatus','admin/Allot/status');
 Route::rule('userlist', 'admin/User/list');
 Route::rule('userinfo', 'admin/User/userInfo');