Browse Source


wufeng 2 years ago
4 changed files with 294 additions and 176 deletions
  1. 263 172
  2. 5 2
  3. 2 2
  4. 24 0

+ 263 - 172

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-declare (strict_types = 1);
+declare (strict_types=1);
 namespace app\admin\controller;
@@ -11,202 +11,293 @@ use think\App;
 class Action extends BaseController
-    public function __construct(App $app)
-    {
-        parent::__construct($app);
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $token = isset($post['token']) ? trim($post['token']) : "";
-        if($token==""){
-            return error_show(101,'token不能为空');
-        }
-        $effetc = VerifyTokens($token);
-        if(!empty($effetc) && $effetc['code']!=0){
-            return error_show($effetc['code'],$effetc['message']);
-        }
-    }
-     * 显示资源列表
+     * public function __construct(App $app)
+     * {
+     * parent::__construct($app);
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     * $token = isset($post['token']) ? trim($post['token']) : "";
+     * if($token==""){
+     * return json_show(101,'token不能为空');
-     * @return \think\Response
-     */
-    public function ActionList(){
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $pageid = isset($post['id']) ? intval($post['id']) : "";
-        if($pageid==""){
-            return error_show(1001,'页面id不能为空');
-        }
-        $condition = ['menuid'=>$pageid];
-        $data=Db::name('action')->alias("a")->leftJoin("action_list l","a.action_code=l.action_code")->field
-        ("a.*,action_name")->where($condition)->select();
-        return app_show(0,"获取成功",$data);
-    }
+     * }
+     * $effetc = VerifyTokens($token);
+     * if(!empty($effetc) && $effetc['code']!=0){
+     * return json_show($effetc['code'],$effetc['message']);
+     *
+     * }
+     * }
+     * public function ActionList(){
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     * $pageid = isset($post['id']) ? intval($post['id']) : "";
+     * if($pageid==""){
+     * return json_show(1001,'页面id不能为空');
+     * }
+     * $condition = ['menuid'=>$pageid];
+     * $data=Db::name('action')->alias("a")->leftJoin("action_list l","a.action_code=l.action_code")->field
+     * ("a.*,action_name")->where($condition)->select();
+     * return json_show(0,"获取成功",$data);
+     * }
+     *
+     * public function ActionSave(){
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     * $actionid = isset($post['id']) ? intval($post['id']) : "";
+     * if($actionid!=""){
+     * $isf= Db::name("action_list")->where("id","=",$actionid)->find();
+     * if($isf==false){
+     * return json_show(1005,"未找到数据");
+     * }
+     * }
+     * $action = isset($post['action_name']) ? trim($post['action_name']) : "";
+     * if($action==""){
+     * return json_show(1003,'功能名称不能为空');
+     * }
+     * $desc = isset($post['action_desc']) ? trim($post['action_desc']) : "";
+     * $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 0;
+     * $data=[
+     * "action_name"=>$action,
+     * "action_desc"=>$desc,
+     * "action_code"=>"",
+     * ];
+     *
+     * $isTrue =  Db::name("action_list")->where(["action_name"=>$action])->find();
+     * if($isTrue){
+     * if($isTrue['id']!=$actionid || $actionid==""){
+     * return json_show(1003,'功能名称不能重复');
+     * }
+     * }
+     *
+     * try{
+     * $message = "";
+     * if($actionid==""){
+     * $data['status']=$status;
+     * $data['is_show']=1;
+     * $message = "新建成功";
+     * }else{
+     * $data['status']=$status;
+     * $data['id']=$actionid;
+     * $message = "更新成功";
+     * }
+     * Db::name("action_list")->save($data);
+     * return json_show(0,$message);
+     * }catch (\Exception $e){
+     * return  json_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
+     * }
+     * }
+     *
+     * public function ActionStatus(){
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     *
+     * $actid = isset($post['id']) ? intval($post['id']) : "";
+     * if($actid==""){
+     * return json_show(1001,'功能id不能为空');
+     * }
+     * $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 1;
+     * try{
+     * $data = ['status'=>$status,"updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
+     * $result=Db::name("action")->where("id","=",$actid)->save($data);
+     * if($result){
+     * return json_show(0,"更新成功");
+     * }else{
+     * return json_show(1004,"更新失败");
+     * }
+     * }catch (\Exception $e){
+     * return json_show(1003,$e->getMessage());
+     * }
+     * }
+     *
+     * public function ActionAdd(){
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     *
+     * $pageid = isset($post['menuid']) ? intval($post['menuid']) : "";
+     * if($pageid==""){
+     * return json_show(1001,'页面id不能为空');
+     * }
+     * $code = isset($post['action_code']) ? trim($post['action_code']) : "";
+     *
+     * $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 1;
+     * if($code==""){
+     * return json_show(1002,'功能code不能为空');
+     * }
+     * try{
+     * $where = ['menuid'=>$pageid,'action_code'=>$code];
+     * $true =Db::name("action")->where($where)->find();
+     * $data = ['menuid'=>$pageid,'action_code'=>$code,'status'=>$status,"updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),"addtime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
+     * if($true){
+     * return json_show(1003,'此功能已存在');
+     * }else{
+     * Db::name("action")->insert($data);
+     * return json_show(0,"添加成功");
+     * }
+     * }catch (\Exception $e){
+     * return json_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
+     * }
+     * }
+     *
+     * public function index(){
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     * $data = Db::name("admin_menu")->where(["pid"=>0,"status"=>1,"is_del"=>0])->select();
+     * $result = [];
+     * if(empty($data)){
+     * return json_show(0,"获取成功",$result);
+     * }
+     * foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
+     * $val["child"]=[];
+     * $result[$val['id']] =$val;
+     * }
+     *
+     * $child =Db::name("admin_menu")->where([["pid","<>",0],['status',"=",1],["is_del","=",0]])->select();
+     * foreach ($child as $k=>$value){
+     * // $act = PasAction::all(['menuid'=>$value['id'],"status"=>1]);
+     * $act =Db::name("action")
+     * ->alias("a")
+     * ->leftJoin("action_list l","a.action_code=l.action_code")
+     * ->field("a.*,action_name")
+     * ->where(['a.menuid'=>$value['id'],"a.status"=>1])
+     * ->withAttr('id',function($val){
+     * return (string)$val;
+     * })
+     * ->select()
+     * ->toArray();
+     * $act_data = Db::name("action_field")->where(['menuid'=>$value['id'],"status"=>1])->select();
+     * $value['action'] = $act;
+     * $value['action_data'] = $act_data;
+     * if(array_key_exists($value['pid'],$result)){
+     * $result[$value['pid']]["child"][]=$value;
+     * }
+     * }
+     *
+     * return json_show(0,"获取成功",array_values($result));
+     * }
+     *
+     * public function ActionInfo(){
+     * $post  =$this->request->post();
+     * $token = isset($post['token']) ? trim($post['token']) : "";
+     * if($token==""){
+     * return json_show(101,'token不能为空');
+     * }
+     * $effetc = VerifyTokens($token);
+     * if(!empty($effetc) && $effetc['code']!=0){
+     * return json_show($effetc['code'],$effetc['message']);
+     * }
+     * $id = isset($post['id'])? intval($post['id']) :"";
+     * if($id==""){
+     * return json_show(1002,'功能id不能为空');
+     * }
+     * $menu =  Db::name("action_list")->where("id","=",$id)->find();
+     * if(empty($menu)){
+     * return json_show(1003,"未找到对应的数据");
+     * }
+     * return json_show(0,"获取成功!",$menu);
+     * }
+     * **/
-    public function ActionSave(){
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $actionid = isset($post['id']) ? intval($post['id']) : "";
-        if($actionid!=""){
-            $isf= Db::name("action_list")->where("id","=",$actionid)->find();
-            if($isf==false){
-                return error_show(1005,"未找到数据");
-            }
-        }
-        $action = isset($post['action_name']) ? trim($post['action_name']) : "";
-        if($action==""){
-            return error_show(1003,'功能名称不能为空');
-        }
-        $desc = isset($post['action_desc']) ? trim($post['action_desc']) : "";
-        $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 0;
-        $data=[
-            "action_name"=>$action,
-            "action_desc"=>$desc,
-            "action_code"=>"",
-        ];
-        $isTrue =  Db::name("action_list")->where(["action_name"=>$action])->find();
-        if($isTrue){
-            if($isTrue['id']!=$actionid || $actionid==""){
-                return error_show(1003,'功能名称不能重复');
-            }
-        }
+    //11获取素有菜单列表数据
+    public function index()
+    {
+        $post = $this->request->post();
-        try{
-            $message = "";
-            if($actionid==""){
-                $data['status']=$status;
-                $data['is_show']=1;
-                $message = "新建成功";
-            }else{
-                $data['status']=$status;
-                $data['id']=$actionid;
-                $message = "更新成功";
-            }
-            Db::name("action_list")->save($data);
-            return app_show(0,$message);
-        }catch (\Exception $e){
-            return  error_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
+        $where = [["status", "=", 1], ["is_del", "=", 0], ["level", ">=", $post["level"] ?? 1], ['menu_type', "=", 2]];
+        $data = Db::name("admin_menu")->where($where)->order("weight desc")->column("id,menu_name,menu_img,menu_route,menu_url,pid,level,is_show,is_private,menu_type,status");
+        $result = [];
+        if (empty($data)) {
+            return json_show(0, "获取成功", $result);
+        $list = [];
+        $menu = [];
+        foreach ($data as $k => $value) {
+            $action = Db::name("action")
+                ->alias("a")
+                ->leftJoin("action_list b", "a.action_code=b.action_code")
+                ->where(["menuid" => $value['id'], "a.status" => 1, "a.is_del" => 0, "b.is_del" => 0])
+                ->column(",a.action_code,b.action_name");
+            if ($value['menu_type'] == 2) $value['action'] = $action;
+            $list[] = $value;
+        }
+        menuAction($list, $menu);
+        return json_show(0, "获取成功", array_values($menu));
-    public function ActionStatus(){
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $actid = isset($post['id']) ? intval($post['id']) : "";
-        if($actid==""){
-            return error_show(1001,'功能id不能为空');
-        }
-        $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 1;
-        try{
-            $data = ['status'=>$status,"updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
-            $result=Db::name("action")->where("id","=",$actid)->save($data);
-            if($result){
-                return app_show(0,"更新成功");
-            }else{
-                return error_show(1004,"更新失败");
-            }
-        }catch (\Exception $e){
-            return error_show(1003,$e->getMessage());
-        }
+    public function ActionList()
+    {
+        $post = $this->post;
+        $page = isset($post['page']) ? intval($post['page']) : 1;
+        $size = isset($post['size']) ? intval($post['size']) : 10;
+        $count = Db::name("action_list")->where(["is_del" => 0])->count();
+        $total = ceil($count / $size) > 1 ? ceil($count / $size) : 1;
+        $page = $page >= $total ? intval($total) : $page;
+        $list = Db::name("action_list")->where(["is_del" => 0])->page($page, $size)->select()->toArray();
+        $data = ['list' => $list, "count" => $count];
+        return json_show(0, '获取成功', $data);
-    /**
+    /** 菜单下功能信息状态修改
      * @return \think\response\Json|void
      * @throws \think\exception\DbException
-    public function ActionAdd(){
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $pageid = isset($post['menuid']) ? intval($post['menuid']) : "";
-        if($pageid==""){
-            return error_show(1001,'页面id不能为空');
+    public function ActionAdd()
+    {
+        $post = $this->post;
+        $action_name = isset($post['action_name']) ? trim($post['action_name']) : "";
+        if ($action_name == "") {
+            return json_show(1001, '功能名称不能为空');
+        $action_desc = isset($post['action_desc']) ? trim($post['action_desc']) : "";
         $code = isset($post['action_code']) ? trim($post['action_code']) : "";
-        $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 1;
-        if($code==""){
-            return error_show(1002,'功能code不能为空');
+        if ($code == "") {
+            return json_show(1001, '功能代码不能为空');
-        try{
-            $where = ['menuid'=>$pageid,'action_code'=>$code];
-            $true =Db::name("action")->where($where)->find();
-            $data = ['menuid'=>$pageid,'action_code'=>$code,'status'=>$status,"updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),"addtime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
-            if($true){
-                return error_show(1003,'此功能已存在');
-            }else{
-                Db::name("action")->insert($data);
-                return app_show(0,"添加成功");
-            }
-        }catch (\Exception $e){
-            return error_show(1005,$e->getMessage());
+        $status = isset($post['status']) ? intval($post['status']) : 1;
+        try {
+            $action = [
+                "action_name" => $action_name,
+                "action_code" => $code,
+                "action_desc" => $action_desc,
+                "status" => $status,
+                "is_show" => 1,
+                "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
+                "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
+            ];
+            $up = Db::name("action_list")->insert($action);
+            return $up ? json_show(0, "新建成功") : json_show(1004, "新建失败");
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            return json_show(1005, $e->getMessage());
-    /**
-     * @return \think\response\Json
-     * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
-     * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
-     * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
+    /** 菜单下功能信息状态修改
+     * @return \think\response\Json|void
      * @throws \think\exception\DbException
-    public function index(){
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $data = Db::name("admin_menu")->where(["pid"=>0,"status"=>1,"is_del"=>0])->select();
-        $result = [];
-        if(empty($data)){
-            return app_show(0,"获取成功",$result);
+    public function ActionDel()
+    {
+        $post = $this->post;
+        $action_id = isset($post['action_id']) ? intval($post['action_id']) : "";
+        if ($action_id === "") {
+            return json_show(1001, '参数action_id不能为空');
-        foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
-            $val["child"]=[];
-            $result[$val['id']] =$val;
+        $action = Db::name("action_list")->where(["id" => $action_id, "is_del" => 0])->find();
+        if ($action == false) {
+            return json_show(1004, "未找到功能数据");
-        $child =Db::name("admin_menu")->where([["pid","<>",0],['status',"=",1],["is_del","=",0]])->select();
-        foreach ($child as $k=>$value){
-            // $act = PasAction::all(['menuid'=>$value['id'],"status"=>1]);
-            $act =Db::name("action")
-                ->alias("a")
-                ->leftJoin("action_list l","a.action_code=l.action_code")
-                ->field("a.*,action_name")
-                ->where(['a.menuid'=>$value['id'],"a.status"=>1])
-                ->withAttr('id',function($val){
-                    return (string)$val;
-                })
-                ->select()
-                ->toArray();
-            $act_data = Db::name("action_field")->where(['menuid'=>$value['id'],"status"=>1])->select();
-            $value['action'] = $act;
-            $value['action_data'] = $act_data;
-            if(array_key_exists($value['pid'],$result)){
-                $result[$value['pid']]["child"][]=$value;
+        $upda = ["is_del" => 0, "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")];
+        Db::startTrans();
+        try {
+            $up = Db::name("action_list")->where($action)->update($upda);
+            if ($up) {
+                $upall = Db::name("action")->where(["action_code" => $action['action_code'], "is_del" => 0])->update($upda);
+                Db::commit();
+                return json_show(0, "删除成功");
+            Db::rollback();
+            return json_show(1005, "删除失败");
+        } catch (\Exception $e) {
+            Db::rollback();
+            return json_show(1005, $e->getMessage());
-        return app_show(0,"获取成功",array_values($result));
-    /**@param id menu 主键id
-     * @return \think\response\Json
-     * @throws \think\exception\DbException
-     */
-    public function ActionInfo(){
-        $post  =$this->request->post();
-        $token = isset($post['token']) ? trim($post['token']) : "";
-        if($token==""){
-            return error_show(101,'token不能为空');
-        }
-        $effetc = VerifyTokens($token);
-        if(!empty($effetc) && $effetc['code']!=0){
-            return error_show($effetc['code'],$effetc['message']);
-        }
-        $id = isset($post['id'])? intval($post['id']) :"";
-        if($id==""){
-            return error_show(1002,'功能id不能为空');
-        }
-        $menu =  Db::name("action_list")->where("id","=",$id)->find();
-        if(empty($menu)){
-            return error_show(1003,"未找到对应的数据");
-        }
-        return app_show(0,"获取成功!",$menu);
-    }

+ 5 - 2

@@ -303,10 +303,13 @@ class Role extends Base
         $where = [];
         if (isset($post['relaComNo']) && $post['relaComNo'] != '') $where[] = ["companyNo", "=", $post['relaComNo']];
         if (isset($post['companyNo']) && $post['companyNo'] != '') $where[] = ["companyNo", "=", $post['companyNo']];
-        $list = Db::name("role")->alias("a")
+        $list = Db::name("role")
+            ->alias("a")
             ->leftJoin("supplier_info b", "a.companyNo=b.code")
             ->field("a.*, as companyName")
-            ->where($where)->select();
+            ->where($where)
+            ->select()
+            ->toArray();
         return app_show(0, "获取成功", $list);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ Route::rule('menudel', 'admin/Menu/MenuDel');
 Route::rule('menustatus', 'admin/Menu/MenuStatus');
 Route::rule("menulist", "admin/Menu/MenuAllList");
 Route::rule('menuaction', 'admin/Action/ActionList');
-Route::rule('menuactionsave', 'admin/Action/ActionSave');
-Route::rule('menuactionstatus', 'admin/Action/ActionStatus');
+//Route::rule('menuactionsave', 'admin/Action/ActionSave');
+//Route::rule('menuactionstatus', 'admin/Action/ActionStatus');
 Route::rule('menuactionadd', 'admin/Action/ActionAdd');
 Route::rule("menuactionlist", "admin/Action/index");
 Route::rule("menuactiondel", "admin/Menu/MenuActionDel");

+ 24 - 0

@@ -1512,4 +1512,28 @@ if (!function_exists('MenuTree')) {
         return $meun;
+    function menuAction($row,&$list=[]){
+        $temp=[];
+        foreach ($row as $key=>$value){
+            if($value['pid']==0){
+                $list[]=$value;
+            }else{
+                $menu=Db::name("admin_menu")
+                    ->where(["id"=>$value['pid'],"is_del"=>0,"status"=>1])
+                    ->field("id,menu_name,menu_img,menu_route,menu_url,pid,level,is_show,is_private,menu_type,status")
+                    ->findOrEmpty();
+                if(empty($menu)) continue;
+                if(!isset($temp[$value['pid']]))$temp[$value['pid']]=$menu;
+                $temp[$value['pid']]['child'][]=$value;
+            }
+        }
+//		$list=$temp;
+        if (!empty($temp)){
+            menuAction($temp,$list);
+        }
+    }