request->only(['page' => 1, 'size' => 10, 'returnCode' => '', 'status' => '', 'orderCode' => '', 'outCode' => ''], 'post', 'trim'); $where = [['a.is_del', '=', 0]]; if ($param['returnCode'] != '') $where[] = ['a.returnCode', 'like', '%' . $param['returnCode'] . '%']; if ($param['status'] !== '') $where[] = ['a.status', '=', $param['status']]; if ($param['orderCode'] != '') $where[] = ['a.orderCode', 'like', '%' . $param['orderCode'] . '%']; if ($param['outCode'] != '') $where[] = ['a.outCode', 'like', '%' . $param['outCode'] . '%']; $count = Db::name('order_return_child') ->alias('a') ->leftJoin('warehouse_info b', 'b.wsm_code=a.send_wsm_code') ->leftJoin('warehouse_info c', 'c.wsm_code=a.return_wsm_code') ->where($where) ->count(''); $list = Db::name('order_return_child') ->alias('a') ->field(',a.returnCode,a.orderCode,a.outCode,a.order_out_child_status,a.outChildCode,b.supplierName send_supplierName,b.supplierNo send_supplierNo, send_wsm_name,a.send_wsm_code,b.contactor_name send_contactor_name,a.send_num,a.return_num,c.supplierName return_supplierName,c.supplierNo return_supplierNo, return_wsm_name,a.return_wsm_code,c.contactor_name return_contactor_name,a.status') ->leftJoin('warehouse_info b', 'b.wsm_code=a.send_wsm_code') ->leftJoin('warehouse_info c', 'c.wsm_code=a.return_wsm_code') ->where($where) ->order(['a.addtime' => 'desc', '' => 'desc']) ->page($param['page'], $param['size']) ->select() ->toArray(); return json_show(0, '获取列表成功', ['count' => $count, 'list' => $list]); } //设置退货工单 public function setOrderReturnChild() { $param = $this->request->only(['returnCode', 'list'], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'returnCode|售后申请单编码' => 'require', 'list|工单集合' => 'require|array|max:100', ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $info = Db::name('order_return') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($info)) return json_show(1004, '售后申请单不存在'); if ($info['status'] != 11) return json_show(1004, '售后申请单状态错误'); if ($info['is_receive'] != 1) return json_show(1004, '未收到货,无需设置退货工单'); $order_out = Db::name('order_out') ->field('id,status order_out_status,orderCode') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'outCode' => $info['outCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($order_out)) return json_show(1004, '未找到对应的发货单'); $val_child = Validate::rule([ 'outChildCode|发货工单号' => 'require', 'return_num|退货数量' => 'require|number|gt:0|max:999999999999', 'return_wsm_code|退货仓库编码' => 'require' ]); //发货工单详情 $order_out_child = Db::name('order_out_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'outCode' => $info['outCode'], 'outChildCode' => array_column($param['list'], 'outChildCode')]) ->column('num,wsm_code,status', 'outChildCode'); //所有仓库详情 $wsm_info = Db::name('warehouse_info') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'wsm_code' => array_unique(array_merge(array_column($order_out_child, 'wsm_code'), array_column($param['list'], 'return_wsm_code')))]) ->column('id', 'wsm_code'); Db::startTrans(); try { $insert = []; $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach ($param['list'] as $value) { if ($val_child->check($value) == false) throw new Exception($val_child->getError()); if (!isset($order_out_child[$value['outChildCode']])) throw new Exception($value['outChildCode'] . '发货工单不存在'); if (!isset($wsm_info[$value['return_wsm_code']])) throw new Exception($value['return_wsm_code'] . '退货仓库不存在'); $insert[] = [ 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode'], 'orderCode' => $order_out['orderCode'], 'outCode' => $info['outCode'], 'order_out_child_status' => $order_out_child[$value['outChildCode']]['status'], 'outChildCode' => $value['outChildCode'], 'send_wsm_code' => $order_out_child[$value['outChildCode']]['wsm_code'], 'send_num' => $order_out_child[$value['outChildCode']]['num'], 'return_num' => $value['return_num'], 'return_wsm_code' => $value['return_wsm_code'], 'can_sell_num' => 0, 'defective_num' => 0, 'loss_num' => 0, 'apply_id' => $this->uid, 'apply_name' => $this->uname, 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0, 'remark' => '', 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]; } if ($insert) Db::name('order_return_child')->insertAll($insert); Db::name('order_return') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $info['id'], 'status' => 11]) ->update(['status' => 4, 'updatetime' => $date]); Db::commit(); return json_show(0, '设置退货工单成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $exception->getMessage()); } } //库管收货 public function deliveryOrderReturnChild() { $param = $this->request->only(['returnCode', 'list'], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'returnCode|退货申请单号' => 'require', 'list|退货工单集合' => 'require|array|max:100', ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $order_return = Db::name('order_return') ->alias('a') ->field(',a.good_code,a.outCode,b.orderCode,c.is_stock,c.order_type,a.status') ->leftJoin('order_out b', 'b.outCode=a.outCode AND b.is_del=0') ->leftJoin('sale c', 'c.orderCode=b.orderCode AND c.is_del=0') ->where(['a.is_del' => 0, 'a.returnCode' => $param['returnCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($order_return)) return json_show(1004, '售后申请单不存在'); if ($order_return['status'] != 12) return json_show(1004, '售后申请单状态有误'); $info = Db::name('order_return_child') ->alias('a') ->leftJoin('order_out_child b', 'b.outChildCode=a.outChildCode') ->where(['a.is_del' => 0, 'a.returnCode' => $param['returnCode'], '' => array_column($param['list'], 'id')]) ->column(',a.return_wsm_code,a.outChildCode,b.wsm_code,a.status', ''); if (empty($info)) return json_show(1004, '退货工单不存在'); $val_child = Validate::rule([ 'id|退货工单id' => 'require|gt:0|max:999999999', 'can_sell_num|销售仓入库数量' => 'require|number|egt:0|max:999999999999', 'defective_num|次品仓入库数量' => 'require|number|egt:0|max:999999999999', 'loss_num|丢失数量' => 'require|number|egt:0|max:999999999999', 'remark|备注' => 'max:255' ]); Db::startTrans(); try { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach ($param['list'] as $value) { if ($val_child->check($value) == false) throw new Exception($val_child->getError()); if (!isset($info[$value['id']])) throw new Exception($value['id'] . '退货工单不存在'); if ($info[$value['id']]['status'] != 1) throw new Exception($value['id'] . '退货工单状态有误'); //退货工单 Db::name('order_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $value['id']]) ->update([ 'can_sell_num' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'defective_num' => $value['defective_num'], 'loss_num' => $value['loss_num'], 'remark' => $value['remark'] ?? '', 'updatetime' => $date, 'status' => 2 ]); } $total = array_sum(array_column($param['list'], 'can_sell_num')); if ($total > 0) { if ($order_return['is_stock'] != 1) { //根据转化表判断该非库存品是否转化为库存品 $spuCode = Db::name('good_change_stock') ->where(['old_spuCode' => $order_return['good_code'], 'old_order_type' => $order_return['order_type']]) ->value('spuCode', ''); if ($spuCode == '') { //将非库存品转化为库存品 $spuCode = makeNo('SKU'); if ($order_return['order_type'] == 2) { $good = Db::name('good_basic') ->where('spuCode', $order_return['good_code']) ->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($good)) { Db::name('good_basic')->insert(array_merge($good, [ 'id' => null, 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ])); } } else { $good = Db::name('good_zixun') ->where([]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($good)) { Db::name('good_basic')->insert([ 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'good_code' => $good['good_code'], 'good_name' => $good['good_name'], 'cat_id' => $good['cat_id'], 'brand_id' => $good['brand_id'], 'companyNo' => $good['companyNo'], 'companyName' => $good['companyName'], 'good_unit' => $good['good_unit'], 'good_type' => $good['good_type'], 'moq' => $good['moq'], 'is_exclusive' => 0, 'customized' => $good['customized'], 'tax' => $good['tax'], 'supplierNo' => $good['supplierNo'], 'supplierName' => $good['supplierName'], 'is_auth' => $good['is_auth'], 'auth_img' => $good['auth_img'], 'is_stock' => 1, 'after_sales' => '', 'craft_desc' => $good['craft_desc'], 'good_remark' => $good['good_remark'], 'good_size' => '', 'weight' => $good['weight'], 'packing_way' => '', 'packing_size' => '', 'packing_spec' => '', 'packing_list' => '', 'packing_weight' => 0, 'good_bar' => '', 'supply_area' => $good['supply_area'], 'delivery_place' => '', 'origin_place' => '', 'delivery_day' => '', 'lead_time' => '', 'sample_day' => '', 'sample_fee' => '', 'good_img' => $good['good_img'], 'good_thumb_img' => $good['good_thumb_img'], 'good_info_img' => $good['good_info_img'], 'cert_fee' => 0, 'packing_fee' => 0, 'cost_fee' => 0, 'mark_fee' => 0, 'demo_fee' => 0, 'open_fee' => 0, 'noble_metal' => $good['noble_metal'], 'noble_weight' => 0, 'is_gold_price' => $good['is_gold_price'], 'cgd_gold_price' => 0, 'market_price' => 0, 'nake_price' => 0, 'is_step' => 0, 'is_online' => 0, 'status' => 0, 'createrid' => $good['createrid'], 'creater' => $good['creater'], 'field_change' => '', 'is_del' => 0, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, 'is_diff' => 0, 'config' => '', 'other_config' => '', 'stock_moq' => 0, 'is_support_barter' => 1, 'chargerid' => $good['createrid'], 'charger' => $good['creater'], 'is_support_stock' => 1 ]); } } if (!empty($good)) { //关联表增数据 Db::name('good_change_stock') ->insert([ 'old_spuCode' => $order_return['good_code'], 'old_order_type' => $order_return['order_type'], 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } else throw new Exception('未找到对应的商品数据'); } //新增bn记录,维护旧有bn记录 $child_bns = Db::name('child_bn') ->field('id,num,origin_price') ->where(['orderCode' => $order_return['orderCode'], 'outCode' => $order_return['outCode']]) ->order(['num' => 'desc', 'id' => 'asc']) ->cursor(); $origin_price = $j = 0; foreach ($child_bns as $child_bn) { if ($origin_price === 0) $origin_price = $child_bn['origin_price']; Db::name('child_bn') ->where(['id' => $child_bn['id']]) ->dec('num', ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num']) ->update(['updatetime' => $date]); $total = ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? 0 : ($total - $child_bn['num']); if ($total == 0) break; } foreach ($param['list'] as $value) { if ($value['can_sell_num'] > 0) { $stockid = Db::name('good_stock') ->insertGetId([ 'project_code' => '', 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'wsm_code' => $info[$value['id']]['return_wsm_code'], 'wait_in_stock' => 0, 'wait_out_stock' => 0, 'usable_stock' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'intra_stock' => 0, 'total_stock' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0, 'warn_stock' => 0, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); Db::name('good_stock_info') ->insert([ 'stockid' => $stockid, 'bnCode' => substr(makeNo("BN"), 0, -2) . str_pad($j++, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'total_num' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'used_num' => 0, 'balance_num' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'origin_price' => $origin_price, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } } } else { //库存品,直接维护stock和info $stockids = Db::name('good_stock') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'spuCode' => $order_return['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => array_column($info, 'return_wsm_code')]) ->column('id', 'wsm_code'); foreach ($param['list'] as $value) { //定义了stockid,维护bn if (isset($stockids[$info[$value['id']]['return_wsm_code']])) { $good_stock_info = Db::name('good_stock_info') ->where(['stockid' => $stockids[$info[$value['id']]['return_wsm_code']]]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($good_stock_info)) { //从child_bn查询bn号并维护,新建到good_stock_info中 $child_bns = Db::name('child_bn') ->field('id,num,bnCode,origin_price') ->where(['orderCode' => $order_return['orderCode'], 'outCode' => $order_return['outCode'], 'childCode' => $info[$value['id']]['outChildCode']]) ->order(['num' => 'desc', 'id' => 'asc']) ->cursor(); $total = $value['can_sell_num']; foreach ($child_bns as $child_bn) { Db::name('child_bn') ->where(['id' => $child_bn['id']]) ->dec('num', ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num']) ->update(['updatetime' => $date]); Db::name('good_stock_info') ->insert([ 'stockid' => $stockids[$info[$value['id']]['return_wsm_code']], 'bnCode' => $child_bn['bnCode'], 'total_num' => ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num'], 'used_num' => 0, 'balance_num' => ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num'], 'origin_price' => $child_bn['origin_price'], 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); $total = ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? 0 : ($total - $child_bn['num']); if ($total == 0) break; } } else { //维护记录 Db::name('good_stock_info') ->where(['id' => $good_stock_info['id']]) ->inc('balance_num', $value['can_sell_num'])//可用数量增加 ->dec('used_num', $value['can_sell_num'])//已用数量减少 ->update(['updatetime' => $date]); } } else { //新建good_stock和good_stock_info $stockid = Db::name('good_stock') ->insertGetId([ 'project_code' => '', 'spuCode' => $order_return['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => $value['return_wsm_code'], 'wait_in_stock' => 0, 'wait_out_stock' => 0, 'usable_stock' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'intra_stock' => 0, 'total_stock' => $value['can_sell_num'], 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0, 'warn_stock' => 0, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); //从child_bn查询bn号并维护,新建到good_stock_info中 $child_bns = Db::name('child_bn') ->field('id,num,bnCode,origin_price') ->where(['orderCode' => $order_return['orderCode'], 'outCode' => $order_return['outCode'], 'childCode' => $info[$value['id']]['outChildCode']]) ->order(['num' => 'desc', 'id' => 'asc']) ->cursor(); $total = $value['can_sell_num']; foreach ($child_bns as $child_bn) { Db::name('child_bn') ->where(['id' => $child_bn['id']]) ->dec('num', ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num']) ->update(['updatetime' => $date]); Db::name('good_stock_info') ->insert([ 'stockid' => $stockid, 'bnCode' => $child_bn['bnCode'], 'total_num' => ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num'], 'used_num' => 0, 'balance_num' => ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num'], 'origin_price' => $child_bn['origin_price'], 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); $total = ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? 0 : ($total - $child_bn['num']); if ($total == 0) break; } } } } } //售后申请单状态维护 Db::name('order_return') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode'], 'status' => 12]) ->update(['status' => 5, 'updatetime' => $date]); Db::commit(); return json_show(0, '库管收货成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $exception->getMessage()); } } //更新退货工单标记 public function setRecord() { $param = $this->request->only(['id', 'record'], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'id|退货工单id' => 'require|number|gt:0', 'record|标记内容' => 'require', ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $temp = Db::name('order_return_child') ->field('id') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $param['id']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($temp)) return json_show(1004, '该退货工单不存在'); $rs = Db::name('order_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $param['id']]) ->update(['record' => $param['record'], 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); return $rs ? json_show(0, '更新退货工单标记内容成功') : json_show(1004, '更新退货工单标记内容失败'); } }