request->only(['returnCode', 'outCode' => '', 'list'], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'returnCode|退货单编号' => 'require', // 'outCode|发货单编号' => 'require', 'list|退货工单集合' => 'require|array|max:100', ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $saleReturn = Db::name('sale_return') ->field('id,orderCode,status,companyNo,companyName,customer_code,customer_name,num,apply_id') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($saleReturn)) return json_show(1004, '该退货单不存在'); if ($saleReturn['status'] != 11) return json_show(1004, '退货单状态有误'); $sale = Db::name('sale') ->field('id,sale_price,good_num,total_price,is_stock') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'orderCode' => $saleReturn['orderCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($sale)) return json_show(1004, '销售单不存在'); if ($param['outCode'] != '') { //所有发货工单 $orderOutChild = Db::name('order_out_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'outChildCode' => array_unique(array_column($param['list'], 'outChildCode'))]) ->column('id,outCode,wsm_code,num,status,is_del', 'outChildCode'); $saleReturnAddr = Db::name('sale_returnaddr') ->field('id,return_num,is_sale_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode'], 'outCode' => $param['outCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($saleReturnAddr)) return json_show(1004, '该退货地址不存在'); if ($saleReturnAddr['is_sale_return_child'] == 1) return json_show(1004, '该退货地址不能重复设置退货工单'); if ($saleReturnAddr['return_num'] != array_sum(array_column($param['list'], 'return_num'))) return json_show(1004, '数量错误'); $out_code_info = Db::name('order_out') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'outCode' => $param['outCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($out_code_info)) return json_show(1004, '发货申请单不存在'); } $val_child = Validate::rule([ 'outChildCode|发货工单号' => 'max:255', 'return_num|退货数量' => 'require|number|gt:0|max:999999999999', 'return_wsm_code|退货仓库编码' => 'require' ]); if ($saleReturn['num'] < array_sum(array_column($param['list'], 'return_num'))) return json_show(1004, '数量错误'); Db::startTrans(); try { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //维护退货地址 if (isset($saleReturnAddr)) { Db::name('sale_returnaddr') ->where(['id' => $saleReturnAddr['id'], 'is_del' => 0, 'is_sale_return_child' => 0]) ->update(['is_sale_return_child' => 1, 'updatetime' => $date]); } //生成售前退货工单 $i = 0; foreach ($param['list'] as $value) { if ($val_child->check($value) == false) throw new Exception($val_child->getError()); $saleReturnChildCode = substr(makeNo('KCC'), 0, -2) . str_pad($i++, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $insert = [ 'orderCode' => $saleReturn['orderCode'], 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode'], 'outCode' => $param['outCode'], 'outChildCode' => $value['outChildCode'] ?? '', 'order_out_child_status' => isset($value['outChildCode']) ? ($orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['status'] ?? 0) : 0, 'saleReturnChildCode' => $saleReturnChildCode, // 'type' => $param['type'], 'companyNo' => $saleReturn['companyNo'], 'companyName' => $saleReturn['companyName'], 'customer_code' => $saleReturn['customer_code'], 'customerName' => $saleReturn['customer_name'], 'num' => $sale['good_num'], 'sale_price' => $sale['sale_price'], 'total_price' => $sale['total_price'], 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, 'record' => '', 'send_wsm_code' => isset($value['outChildCode']) ? ($orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['wsm_code'] ?? '') : "", 'send_num' => isset($value['outChildCode']) ? ($orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['num'] ?? 0) : "", 'return_num' => $value['return_num'], 'return_wsm_code' => $value['return_wsm_code'], 'good_receive_type' => 0, 'loss_num' => 0, 'remark' => '', 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0, 'apply_id' => $this->uid, 'apply_name' => $this->uname, ]; $id = Db::name('sale_return_child')->insertGetId($insert); //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $saleReturnChildCode,//单号 "status" => 0,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "create"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "THGD", 1, $insert); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'THGD', "order_code" => $saleReturnChildCode,//单号 "order_id" => $id, "order_status" => 1, "before_status" => 0, 'holder_id' => $this->uid ]); if(isset($value['outChildCode'])){ //维护发货工单 $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['num'] -= $value['return_num']; if ($orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['num'] <= 0) { $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['status'] = 4; $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['is_del'] = 1; }//4已全部退货 Db::name('order_out_child') ->where('id', $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['id']) ->update([ 'updatetime' => $date, 'num' => $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['num'], 'status' => $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['status'], 'is_del' => $orderOutChild[$value['outChildCode']]['is_del'], ]); } if ($param['outCode'] != '') { //维护发货单 $addrinfo = Db::name("order_addr") ->where('id', $out_code_info['addrid']) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($addrinfo)) throw new Exception('地址发货数据不存在'); if ($addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] < $value['return_num']) throw new Exception("地址发货数量不足"); $addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] -= $value['return_num']; $addrinfo['is_del'] = $addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] <= 0 ? 1 : 0; $addrinfo['updatetime'] = $date; $addrup = Db::name("order_addr")->save($addrinfo); if ($addrup == false) throw new Exception("地址发货数量更新失败"); if ($out_code_info['status'] >= 2) throw new Exception("发货申请单已发货"); if ($out_code_info['send_num'] < $value['return_num']) throw new Exception("发货申请单发货数量不足"); $out_code_info['send_num'] -= $value['return_num']; $out_code_info['is_del'] = $out_code_info['send_num'] == 0 ? 1 : 0; $out_code_info['updatetime'] = $date; $outup = Db::name("order_out")->save($out_code_info); if ($outup == false) throw new Exception("发货单更新失败"); } } //维护售前退货单 $total_return_num = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $param['returnCode'], 'status' => 1]) ->sum('return_num'); if ($total_return_num >= $saleReturn['num']) { Db::name('sale_return') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $saleReturn['id'], 'status' => 11]) ->update(['status' => 12, 'updatetime' => $date]); //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $param['returnCode'],//单号 "status" => 11,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "XSTHD", 12, ['status' => 12, 'updatetime' => $date]); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'XSTHD', "order_code" => $param['returnCode'],//单号 "order_id" => $saleReturn['id'], "order_status" => 12, "before_status" => 11, 'holder_id' => $saleReturn['apply_id'] ]); } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, '设置退货工单成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $exception->getMessage()); } } //退货工单列表 public function getList() { $param = $this->request->only(['page' => 1, 'size' => 10, 'returnCode' => '', 'status' => '', 'orderCode' => '', 'outCode' => '', 'outChildCode' => '', 'saleReturnChildCode' => '', 'order_type' => '', 'supplierNo' => '', 'is_authority' => 1, 'return_wsm_code' => '', 'companyNo' => '', 'customer_code' => '','use_type'=>''], 'post', 'trim'); if ($param['is_authority'] == '0' && $param['returnCode'] == '' && $param['orderCode'] == '' && $param['outCode'] == '' && $param['outChildCode'] == '' && $param['saleReturnChildCode'] == '') return json_show('请选择筛选条件'); $db = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->alias('a') ->leftJoin('sale_return b', 'b.returnCode=a.returnCode and b.is_del=0') ->leftJoin('warehouse_info c', 'c.wsm_code=a.return_wsm_code and c.is_del=0') ->leftJoin('sale d','d.orderCode=a.orderCode AND d.is_del=0') ->leftJoin('platform p', ' AND p.is_del=0') ->where('a.is_del', 0); if ($param['returnCode'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.returnCode', '%' . $param['returnCode'] . '%'); if ($param['status'] !== '') $db->where('a.status', $param['status']); if ($param['orderCode'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.orderCode', '%' . $param['orderCode'] . '%'); if ($param['outCode'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.outCode', '%' . $param['outCode'] . '%'); if ($param['outChildCode'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.outChildCode', '%' . $param['outChildCode'] . '%'); if ($param['saleReturnChildCode'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.saleReturnChildCode', '%' . $param['saleReturnChildCode'] . '%'); if ($param['order_type'] !== '') $db->where('b.order_type', $param['order_type']); if ($param['supplierNo'] != '') $db->whereLike('b.supplierNo', '%' . $param['supplierNo'] . '%'); if ($param['return_wsm_code'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.return_wsm_code', '%' . $param['return_wsm_code'] . '%'); if ($param['companyNo'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.companyNo', '%' . $param['companyNo'] . '%'); if ($param['customer_code'] != '') $db->whereLike('a.customer_code', '%' . $param['customer_code'] . '%'); if($param['use_type']!=='') $db->where('p.use_type',$param['use_type']); //启用数据权限 if ($param['is_authority'] == 1) { //供应商账号,只查询该供应商下所有数据 if ($this->level == 3 && $param['supplierNo'] == '') return json_show(1004, '供应商账号时供应商编码不能为空'); //1.超管,查看全部; //2.业务公司账号-申请人,初始状态只查看自己创建的; //3.业务公司账号-退回仓库负责人,只查看自己负责仓库的数据; //4.业务公司账号-数据共享接受人,共享给自己的数据; if ($this->level == 2) { //是否仓库负责人 $is_contactor = Db::name('warehouse_info') ->field('id') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'contactor' => $this->uid]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($is_contactor)) { $role = $this->checkDataShare(); $hand = resign_hand_user($this->uid, 0); $db->whereIn('b.apply_id', array_unique(array_merge($role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部], $hand))); } else { $db->where('`a`.`return_wsm_code` in ' . Db::name('warehouse_info')->field('wsm_code')->where(['is_del' => 0, 'contactor' => $this->uid])->buildSql()); } } } $count = $db->count(''); $list = $db ->field(',a.saleReturnChildCode,a.outChildCode,a.outCode,a.companyNo,a.companyName,a.customer_code,a.customerName,a.num,a.sale_price,a.total_price,a.status,a.addtime,b.supplierNo,b.supplierName,a.return_wsm_code, return_wsm_name,c.supplierNo return_supplierNo,c.supplierName return_supplierName,c.contactor_name return_contactor_name,b.order_type,a.orderCode,a.returnCode,b.apply_name,b.apply_id,b.good_code,b.good_name,p.use_type,d.order_source') ->order(['a.addtime' => 'desc', '' => 'desc']) ->page($param['page'], $param['size']) ->select() ->toArray(); return json_show(0, '获取列表成功', ['count' => $count, 'list' => $list]); } //库管收货(退货工单) public function receive() { $param = $this->request->only(['id', 'good_receive_type', 'loss_num', 'remark' => ''], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'id|ID' => 'require|number|gt:0', 'good_receive_type|货物情况' => 'require|number|between:1,4', 'loss_num|丢失数量' => 'require|number|egt:0', 'remark|备注' => 'max:255' ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $info = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->alias('a') ->field(', a.num, a.status, a.returnCode, a.outChildCode, a.return_num, a.return_wsm_code, a.orderCode, a.outCode, a.saleReturnChildCode, a.apply_id, b.good_code spuCode, b.sale_price, b.good_name, b.cat_id, c.status order_out_status, saleid, d.num thnum, sr_id, d.apply_id sr_apply_id, d.apply_name sr_apply_name, b.is_stock, b.order_type, d.is_addr') ->leftJoin('sale b', 'b.orderCode=a.orderCode') ->leftJoin('order_out_child c', 'c.outChildCode=a.outChildCode AND c.is_del=0') ->leftJoin('sale_return d', 'd.returnCode=a.returnCode') ->where(['a.is_del' => 0, '' => $param['id']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($info)) return json_show(1004, '该退货工单不存在'); if ($info['status'] != 1) return json_show(1004, '该退货工单已收货'); if ($param['loss_num'] > $info['num']) return json_show(1004, '丢失数量大于下单数量'); Db::startTrans(); try { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); //维护退货工单 Db::name('sale_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $param['id'], 'status' => 1]) ->update([ 'status' => 2, 'updatetime' => $date, 'good_receive_type' => $param['good_receive_type'], 'loss_num' => $param['loss_num'], 'remark' => $param['remark'], ]); //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $info['saleReturnChildCode'],//单号 "status" => $info['status'],//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "THGD", 2, [ 'status' => 2, 'updatetime' => $date, 'good_receive_type' => $param['good_receive_type'], 'loss_num' => $param['loss_num'], 'remark' => $param['remark'], ]); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'THGD', "order_code" => $info['saleReturnChildCode'],//单号 "order_id" => $info['id'], "order_status" => 2, "before_status" => $info['status'], 'holder_id' => $info['apply_id'] ]); //检查所属销售单的退货工单是否全部完成退货 $temp = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->field('id') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $info['returnCode'], 'status' => 1]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($temp)) { $up= Db::name('sale_return') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $info['returnCode'], 'status' => 12]) ->update(['status' => 4, 'updatetime' => $date]); if($up==false) throw new Exception('退货单更新失败'); $data=[ "orderCode"=>$info['orderCode'], "th_type"=>1, "th_num"=>$info['thnum'], "th_fee"=>round($info['sale_price']*$info['thnum'],2), "thCode"=>$info['returnCode'], "spuCode"=>$info['spuCode'], "good_name"=>$info['good_name'], "cat_id"=>$info['cat_id'], "apply_id"=>$info['sr_apply_id'], "apply_name"=>$info['sr_apply_name'], "addtime"=>$date, "status"=>1, "is_del"=>0 ]; $inse=Db::name("th_data")->insert($data); if($inse==false){ throw new Exception('退货单更新失败'); // return json_show(1004,"退货单更新失败"); } //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $info['returnCode'],//单号 "status" => 12,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "XSTHD", 4, ['status' => 4, 'updatetime' => $date]); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'XSTHD', "order_code" => $info['returnCode'],//单号 "order_id" => $info['sr_id'], "order_status" => 4, "before_status" => 12, 'holder_id' => $info['sr_apply_id'] ]); //维护销售单 $order = Db::name('sale')->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $info['saleid']])->findOrEmpty(); //未发货数量要减去发货单上的发货数量 // $out_send_num = Db::name('order_out') // ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'orderCode' => $info['orderCode'], 'status' => [0, 1]]) // ->sum('send_num'); // $order['wsend_num'] -= $out_send_num; $old_status = $order['status']; $thnum = $info['thnum'];//退货总数量 // $thnum = $info['thnum'] - $all_loss_num;//退货总数量-丢失总数量 // if ($order['wsend_num'] < $thnum) throw new Exception("销售单未发货数量不足退货"); //如果 发货 维护销售单的 //else 未发货数量减, if ($info['order_out_status'] == 1) { $order['wsend_num'] -= $thnum; $order['send_num'] += $thnum; } // $lor = $order['status']; $order['status'] = $order['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 2 : ($order['send_num'] == 0 ? 0 : 1); $order['send_status'] = $order['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 3 : ($order['send_num'] == 0 ? 1 : 2); $order['th_num'] += $thnum; if ($order['th_num'] == $order['send_num'] && $order['wsend_num'] == 0) { $order['status'] = 3; } $order['th_fee'] += round($thnum * $order['sale_price'], 2); $order['updatetime'] = $date; $uap = Db::name("sale")->save($order); if ($uap == false) throw new Exception('销售单订单更新失败'); if ($old_status != $order['status']) { ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $info['sr_apply_id'], 'nickname' =>$info['sr_apply_name']], [ "order_code" => $order["orderCode"],//出库单号 "status" => $old_status,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "XSQRD", $order['status'], $order); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $info['sr_apply_id'], 'nickname' =>$info['sr_apply_name']], [ "order_type" => 'XSQRD', "order_code" => $order["orderCode"],//出库单号 "order_id" => $order["id"], "order_status" => $order['status'], "before_status" => $old_status ]); } //非库存品转存为库存品 if ($info['is_stock'] != 1) { //根据转化表判断该非库存品是否转化为库存品 $spuCode = Db::name('good_change_stock') ->where(['old_spuCode' => $info['spuCode'], 'old_order_type' => $info['order_type']]) ->value('spuCode', ''); if ($spuCode == '') { //将非库存品转化为库存品 $spuCode = makeNo('SKU'); if ($info['order_type'] == 2) { $good = Db::name('good_basic') ->where('spuCode', $info['spuCode']) ->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($good)) { Db::name('good_basic')->insert(array_merge($good, [ 'id' => null, 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, // 'status' => 0, 'is_stock' => 1, 'status' => 7, 'createrid' => 0, 'creater' => 'system', ])); } } else { $good = Db::name('good_zixun') ->where(['spuCode' => $info['spuCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (!empty($good)) { Db::name('good_basic')->insert([ 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'good_code' => $good['good_code'], 'good_name' => $good['good_name'], 'cat_id' => $good['cat_id'], 'brand_id' => $good['brand_id'], 'companyNo' => $good['companyNo'], 'companyName' => $good['companyName'], 'good_unit' => $good['good_unit'], 'good_type' => $good['good_type'], 'moq' => $good['moq'], 'is_exclusive' => 0, 'customized' => $good['customized'], 'tax' => $good['tax'], 'supplierNo' => $good['supplierNo'], 'supplierName' => $good['supplierName'], 'is_auth' => $good['is_auth'], 'auth_img' => $good['auth_img'], 'is_stock' => 1, 'after_sales' => '', 'craft_desc' => $good['craft_desc'], 'good_remark' => $good['good_remark'], 'good_size' => '', 'weight' => $good['weight'], 'packing_way' => '', 'packing_size' => '', 'packing_spec' => '', 'packing_list' => '', 'packing_weight' => 0, 'good_bar' => '', 'supply_area' => $good['supply_area'], 'delivery_place' => '', 'origin_place' => '', 'delivery_day' => '', 'lead_time' => '', 'sample_day' => '', 'sample_fee' => '', 'good_img' => $good['good_img'], 'good_thumb_img' => $good['good_thumb_img'], 'good_info_img' => $good['good_info_img'], 'cert_fee' => 0, 'packing_fee' => 0, 'cost_fee' => 0, 'mark_fee' => 0, 'demo_fee' => 0, 'open_fee' => 0, 'noble_metal' => $good['noble_metal'], 'noble_weight' => 0, 'is_gold_price' => $good['is_gold_price'], 'cgd_gold_price' => 0, 'market_price' => 0, 'nake_price' => 0, 'is_step' => 0, 'is_online' => 0, 'status' => 7, 'createrid' => 0, 'creater' => 'system', 'field_change' => '', 'is_del' => 0, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, 'is_diff' => 0, 'config' => '', 'other_config' => '', 'stock_moq' => 0, 'is_support_barter' => 1, 'chargerid' => $good['createrid'], 'charger' => $good['creater'], 'is_support_stock' => 1 ]); } } if (!empty($good)) { //关联表增数据 Db::name('good_change_stock') ->insert([ 'old_spuCode' => $info['spuCode'], 'old_order_type' => $info['order_type'], 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } else throw new Exception('未找到对应的商品数据'); } //新增bn记录,维护旧有bn记录 $child_bns = Db::name('child_bn') ->field('id,num,origin_price') ->where(['orderCode' => $info['orderCode'], 'outCode' => $info['outCode']]) ->order(['num' => 'desc', 'id' => 'asc']) ->cursor(); $total = $info['return_num']; $origin_price = $j = 0; foreach ($child_bns as $child_bn) { if ($origin_price === 0) $origin_price = $child_bn['origin_price']; Db::name('child_bn') ->data(['updatetime' => $date]) ->where(['id' => $child_bn['id']]) ->dec('num', ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? $total : $child_bn['num']) ->update(); $total = ($child_bn['num'] >= $total) ? 0 : ($total - $child_bn['num']); if ($total == 0) break; } $all_total = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $info['returnCode']]) ->field('sum(`return_num`) - sum(`loss_num`) total') ->findOrEmpty(); if ($all_total['total'] > 0) { $stockid = Db::name('good_stock') ->insertGetId([ 'project_code' => '', 'spuCode' => $spuCode, 'wsm_code' => $info['return_wsm_code'], 'wait_in_stock' => 0, 'wait_out_stock' => 0, 'usable_stock' => $all_total['total'], 'intra_stock' => 0, 'total_stock' => $all_total['total'], 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0, 'warn_stock' => 0, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); Db::name('good_stock_info') ->insert([ 'stockid' => $stockid, 'bnCode' => substr(makeNo("BN"), 0, -2) . str_pad($j++, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT), 'total_num' => $all_total['total'], 'used_num' => 0, 'balance_num' => $all_total['total'], 'origin_price' => $origin_price, 'addtime' => $date, 'updatetime' => $date, ]); } } else { //维护商品层面的库存数 $has_good = Db::name('good') ->field('id') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'spuCode' => $info['spuCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($has_good)) throw new Exception('未找到商品上线记录'); else { //要增加的实际库存要减去所有丢失数量 $all_loss_num = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'returnCode' => $info['returnCode']]) ->sum('loss_num'); Db::name('good') ->data(['updatetime' => $date]) ->where('id', $has_good['id']) ->inc('usable_stock', $thnum - $all_loss_num) ->update(); } } } //在创建退货工单的时候,已经减掉了,这里不用重复减了 //有地址就会有发货单,继而有发货工单 // if ($info['is_addr'] == 1) { // //发货工单数量减少 // $tmp = Db::name('order_out_child') // ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'outChildCode' => $info['outChildCode']]) // ->field('id,num') // ->findOrEmpty(); // // $tmp['num'] -= $info['return_num']; halt($tmp); // $tmp['updatetime'] = $date; // if ($tmp['num'] <= 0) $tmp['is_del'] = 1; // // Db::name('order_out_child') // ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $tmp['id']]) // ->update($tmp); // // //维护发货单 // $temp = Db::name('order_out') // ->field('id,send_num') // ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'outCode' => $info['outCode']]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // // $temp['send_num'] -= $info['return_num']; // $temp['updatetime'] = $date; // if ($temp['send_num'] <= 0) $temp['is_del'] = 1; // // Db::name('order_out') // ->where('id', $temp['id']) // ->update($temp); // } //维护bn if ($info['order_out_status'] == 1) { //待发货,说明此时有库存,有bn号 Db::name('child_bn') ->data(['updatetime' => $date]) ->where(['orderCode' => $info['orderCode'], 'outCode' => $info['outCode'], 'childCode' => $info['outChildCode']]) ->inc('num', $info['return_num']) ->update(); Db::name('good_stock') ->data(['updatetime' => $date]) ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'spuCode' => $info['spuCode'], 'wsm_code' => $info['return_wsm_code']]) ->inc('usable_stock', $info['return_num']) ->dec('wait_out_stock', $info['return_num']) ->update(); } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, '设置退货工单成功'); } catch (Exception $exception) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $exception->getMessage()); } } //详情 public function info() { $param = $this->request->only(['id'], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule(['id' => 'require|number|gt:0']); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $info = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->alias('a') ->field('a.*,b.supplierNo,b.supplierName, return_wsm_name,c.supplierNo return_supplierNo,c.supplierName return_supplierName,c.contactor_name return_contactor_name,b.good_code spuCode,b.order_type') ->leftJoin('sale_return b', 'b.returnCode=a.returnCode and b.is_del=0') ->leftJoin('warehouse_info c', 'c.wsm_code=a.return_wsm_code and c.is_del=0') ->where(['a.is_del' => 0, '' => $param['id']]) ->findOrEmpty(); return empty($info) ? json_show(1004, '该退货工单不存在') : json_show(0, '获取退货工单详情成功', $info); } //更新退货工单标记 public function setRecord() { $param = $this->request->only(['id', 'record'], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'id|退货工单id' => 'require|number|gt:0', 'record|标记内容' => 'require', ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $temp = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->field('id') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $param['id']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($temp)) return json_show(1004, '该退货工单不存在'); $rs = Db::name('sale_return_child') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'id' => $param['id']]) ->update(['record' => $param['record'], 'updatetime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')]); return $rs ? json_show(0, '更新退货工单标记内容成功') : json_show(1004, '更新退货工单标记内容失败'); } }