<?php namespace app\admin\controller; use think\facade\Db; use think\App; class Stat extends \app\BaseController { public function __construct(App $app) { parent::__construct($app); } public function list() { $post = request()->post(); $endtime = isset($post['date']) ? $post['date'] : date("Y-m-d"); $sql = " SELECT `month` AS m, ifnull( month_total_fee, 0 ) AS total, ifnull( `week`, '' ) AS w, ifnull( week_total_fee, 0 ) AS wtotal, ifnull( `day`, '' ) AS d, ifnull( day_total_fee, 0 ) AS dtotal, ifnull( a.NAME, '' ) AS depart, a.id AS depar_id, ifnull( month_thfee, 0 ) AS mthfee, ifnull( week_thfee, 0 ) AS wthfee, ifnull( day_thfee, 0 ) AS thfee, ifnull( a.platform_name, '' ) AS p FROM ( SELECT MONTH ( a.addtime ) AS `month`, SUM( total_price ) AS month_total_fee, ( SELECT ifnull(sum(e.th_fee),0) FROM wsm_th_data e LEFT JOIN wsm_depart_user k ON e.apply_id = k.uid LEFT JOIN wsm_sale f on e.orderCode=f.orderCode AND k.is_del = 0 AND k.STATUS = 1 WHERE k.itemid = c.id AND f.platform_id = a.platform_id and f.is_del=0 AND DATE_FORMAT( e.addtime, '%Y-%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT( '$endtime', '%Y-%m' )) AS month_thfee, a.platform_id, c.`name`, c.id, d.platform_name FROM wsm_sale a LEFT JOIN wsm_depart_user b ON a.apply_id = b.uid AND b.is_del = 0 AND b.STATUS = 1 LEFT JOIN wsm_platform d ON d.id = a.platform_id LEFT JOIN wsm_company_item c ON c.id = b.itemid WHERE DATE_FORMAT( a.addtime, '%Y-%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT( '$endtime', '%Y-%m' ) and a.is_del=0 GROUP BY a.platform_id, platform_name, c.NAME, c.id, `month` ) AS a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT WEEK ( a.addtime, 1 ) AS `week`, SUM( total_price ) AS week_total_fee, (SELECT ifnull(sum(e.th_fee),0) FROM wsm_th_data e LEFT JOIN wsm_depart_user k ON e.apply_id = k.uid LEFT JOIN wsm_sale f on e.orderCode=f.orderCode AND k.is_del = 0 AND k.STATUS = 1 WHERE k.itemid = c.id and f.is_del=0 AND f.platform_id = a.platform_id AND WEEK ( e.addtime, 1 ) = WEEK ( '$endtime', 1 ) AND DATE_FORMAT ( e.addtime, '%Y' ) = DATE_FORMAT ( '$endtime', '%Y' )) AS week_thfee, a.platform_id, c.`name`, c.id, platform_name FROM wsm_sale a LEFT JOIN wsm_depart_user b ON a.apply_id = b.uid AND b.is_del = 0 AND b.STATUS = 1 LEFT JOIN wsm_platform d ON d.id = a.platform_id LEFT JOIN wsm_company_item c ON c.id = b.itemid WHERE WEEK ( a.addtime, 1 ) = WEEK ( '$endtime', 1 ) and a.is_del=0 GROUP BY a.platform_id, platform_name, c.NAME, c.`id`, `week` ) AS b ON a.NAME = b.NAME AND a.platform_id = b.platform_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT date_format( a.addtime, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS `day`, SUM( total_price ) AS day_total_fee, (SELECT ifnull(sum(e.th_fee),0) FROM wsm_th_data e LEFT JOIN wsm_depart_user k ON e.apply_id = k.uid LEFT JOIN wsm_sale f on e.orderCode=f.orderCode AND k.is_del = 0 AND k.STATUS = 1 WHERE k.itemid = c.id and f.is_del=0 AND f.platform_id = a.platform_id AND DATE_FORMAT( e.addtime, '%Y-%m-%d' ) = DATE_FORMAT( '$endtime', '%Y-%m-%d' )) AS day_thfee, a.platform_id, c.`name`, c.id AS depar_id, platform_name FROM wsm_sale a LEFT JOIN wsm_depart_user b ON a.apply_id = b.uid AND b.is_del = 0 AND b.STATUS = 1 LEFT JOIN wsm_platform d ON d.id = a.platform_id LEFT JOIN wsm_company_item c ON c.id = b.itemid WHERE date_format( a.addtime, '%Y-%m-%d' ) = date_format ( '$endtime', '%Y-%m-%d' ) and a.is_del=0 GROUP BY a.platform_id, platform_name, c.NAME, c.id, `day` ) AS d ON a.NAME = d.NAME AND a.platform_id = d.platform_id "; $data = Db::query($sql); $dtae = isset($endtime) && $endtime != "" ? $endtime . " 00:00:00" : date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $temp = ["p" => "总计", 'item' => "-", "thtotal" => 0, "total" => 0, "mthfee" => 0, "wtotal" => 0, "wthfee" => 0, "dtotal" => 0, "thfee" => 0, "tips" => 0, "rate" => 0, "thrate" => 0]; $tips = Db::name("depart_tips")->field("depart_id ,total_tips")->where("year=YEAR('{$dtae}') and month=month('{$dtae}')")->select(); $kdata = []; try{ $wlb =$this->innterOrder($endtime); if(!empty($wlb)) $data=array_merge($data,$wlb); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $value['tips'] = 0; foreach ($tips as $val) { if ($value["depar_id"] == $val['depart_id']) { $value['tips'] = $val['total_tips']; } } $value['thtotal'] = $value['total'] - $value['mthfee']; $kdata[] = $value; } $list = $this->check($kdata, $temp); array_walk($list, function (&$value) { if (is_null($value['tips']) || $value['tips'] == 0) { $value['tips'] = "-"; $value["rate"] = "-"; $value["thrate"] = "-"; } else { $value["rate"] = number_format($value['total'] / $value['tips'] * 100, 2); $value["thrate"] = number_format(($value['total'] - $value['mthfee']) / $value['tips'] * 100, 2); $value['tips'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['tips']); } $value['total'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['total']); $value['mthfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['mthfee']); $value['wtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['wtotal']); $value['wthfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['wthfee']); $value['dtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['dtotal']); $value['thfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['thfee']); $value['thtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['thtotal']); }); $list=array_values($list); if ($temp['tips'] == 0) { $temp['rate'] = "-"; $temp['thrate'] = "-"; $temp['tips'] = "-"; } else { $temp['rate'] = number_format($temp['total'] / $temp['tips'] * 100, 2); $temp['thrate'] = number_format(($temp['total'] - $temp['mthfee']) / $temp['tips'] * 100, 2);; $temp['tips'] = round($temp['tips'], 2); } $temp['total'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['total']); $temp['mthfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['mthfee']); $temp['wtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['wtotal']); $temp['wthfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['wthfee']); $temp['dtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['dtotal']); $temp['thfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['thfee']); $temp['thtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $temp['thtotal']); $sort = array_column($list, "thrate"); array_multisort($sort, SORT_ASC, $list); array_push($list, $temp); $list = array_reverse($list); }catch (\Exception $e){ return error_show(1004, $e->getFile()."|".$e->getLine()."|".$e->getMessage()); } return app_show(0, "获取成功", $list); } public function check($data, &$temp) { $list = []; foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $temp['total'] += $value['total']; $temp['mthfee'] += $value['mthfee']; $temp['wtotal'] += $value['wtotal']; $temp['wthfee'] += $value['wthfee']; $temp['thfee'] += $value['thfee']; $temp['dtotal'] += $value['dtotal']; isset($list[$value['depar_id']]) ? "" : $list[$value['depar_id']] = ['total' => 0, 'mthfee' => 0, 'tips' => $value['tips'], 'wtotal' => 0, 'wthfee' => 0, 'dtotal' => 0, 'child' => [], 'depart' => '', 'thfee' => 0, 'thtotal' => 0]; $list[$value['depar_id']]['total'] += $value['total']; $list[$value['depar_id']]['mthfee'] += $value['mthfee']; $list[$value['depar_id']]['wtotal'] += $value['wtotal']; $list[$value['depar_id']]['wthfee'] += $value['wthfee']; $list[$value['depar_id']]['dtotal'] += $value['dtotal']; $list[$value['depar_id']]['thfee'] += $value['thfee']; $list[$value['depar_id']]['thtotal'] += $value['thtotal']; $value['tips']="-"; $value['total'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['total']); $value['mthfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['mthfee']); $value['wtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['wtotal']); $value['wthfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['wthfee']); $value['dtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['dtotal']); $value['thfee'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['thfee']); $value['thtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", $value['thtotal']); $list[$value['depar_id']]['child'][] = $value; $list[$value['depar_id']]['depart'] = $value['depart']; } $temp['tips'] = array_sum(array_column($list,'tips')); $temp['thtotal'] = sprintf("%.2f", array_sum(array_column($list,'thtotal'))); return $list; } public function innterOrder($endtime) { $db =Db::connect("mysql3"); $list = $db->query("SELECT a.suppitem as p, a.depart, 43 as depar_id, m, a.sale_total AS total, `a`.`th_total` AS `mthfee`, IFNULL(w,WEEK('{$endtime}',1)) as w, IFNULL(b.sale_total,0) AS wtotal, ifnull( `b`.`th_total`, 0 ) AS `wthfee`, IFNULL(c.d,date_format('{$endtime}', '%Y-%m-%d' )) as d, IFNULL(c.sale_total,0) AS dtotal, ifnull( `c`.`th_total`, 0 ) AS `thfee` FROM ( SELECT MONTH ( ordertime ) AS m, sum( sale_total ) AS sale_total, suppitem, depart, ( SELECT ifnull( sum( t.th_qrd_fee ), 0 ) FROM cfp_th_source t LEFT JOIN source_all l on l.productNo = t.th_qrdcpNo WHERE t.th_qrdcpNo <> '' and l.depart=k.depart and l.suppitem=k.suppitem and t.th_status<>3 AND DATE_FORMAT ( t.createtime,'%Y-%m' ) = DATE_FORMAT ( '{$endtime}' ,'%Y-%m') ) AS th_total FROM source_all k WHERE DATE_FORMAT(ordertime,'%Y-%m') = DATE_FORMAT('{$endtime}','%Y-%m') GROUP BY suppitem,depart, m ) AS a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT WEEK ( ordertime, 1 ) AS w, sum( sale_total ) AS sale_total, suppitem, depart, ( SELECT ifnull( sum( t.th_qrd_fee ), 0 ) FROM cfp_th_source t LEFT JOIN source_all l on l.productNo = t.th_qrdcpNo WHERE t.th_qrdcpNo <> '' and l.depart=k.depart and l.suppitem=k.suppitem and t.th_status<>3 AND week ( t.createtime,1 ) = WEEK ( '{$endtime}', 1 ) and DATE_FORMAT ( t.createtime,'%Y' ) = DATE_FORMAT ( '{$endtime}' ,'%Y') ) AS th_total FROM source_all k WHERE WEEK ( ordertime, 1 ) = WEEK ( '{$endtime}', 1 ) and DATE_FORMAT ( ordertime,'%Y' ) = DATE_FORMAT ( '{$endtime}' ,'%Y') GROUP BY suppitem,depart, w ) AS b ON a.suppitem = b.suppitem and a.depart=b.depart LEFT JOIN ( SELECT date_format( ordertime, '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS d, sum( sale_total ) AS sale_total, suppitem,depart, ( SELECT ifnull( sum( t.th_qrd_fee ), 0 ) FROM cfp_th_source t LEFT JOIN source_all l on l.productNo = t.th_qrdcpNo WHERE t.th_qrdcpNo <> '' and l.depart=k.depart and l.suppitem=k.suppitem and t.th_status<>3 AND date_format ( t.createtime,'%Y-%m-%d') = date_format ( '{$endtime}', '%Y-%m-%d' ) ) AS th_total FROM source_all k WHERE date_format( ordertime, '%Y-%m-%d' ) = date_format( '{$endtime}', '%Y-%m-%d' ) GROUP BY suppitem,depart, d ) AS c ON a.suppitem = c.suppitem and a.depart=c.depart "); return $list; } public function saleReport(){ $list =Db::name("yuebing_sale")->select()->toArray(); $data=[]; $temp=["itemName"=>"合计","child"=>[["total_fee"=>round(array_sum(array_column($list,"total_fee"))/10000,2), "num"=>array_sum(array_column($list,"num")),"sale_price"=>'',"good_code"=>'','good_name'=>'',"itemName"=>'']]]; foreach ($list as $value){ $data[$value['itemid']]['itemName']=$value['itemName']; $value['total_fee'] = round($value['total_fee']/10000,2); $data[$value['itemid']]['child'][]=$value; } array_push($data,$temp); return app_show(0,"获取成功", array_values($data)); } public function bkReport(){ $list =Db::name("yuebing_bk")->select()->toArray(); $data=[]; $price=["SKU2207141128396667"=>"29.90","SKU2208031050426874"=>"79.00","SKU2208081442447113"=>"79.00","SKU2207141124567141"=>"79.00","SKU2208091004559349"=>"108.00"]; $temp=["total"=>round(array_sum(array_column($list,"total"))/10000,2),"num"=>array_sum(array_column($list,"num")), "usable_stock"=>array_sum(array_column($list,"usable_stock")),"sale_price"=>'','good_name'=>'',"spuCode"=>'',"itemName"=>'总计']; foreach ($list as &$value){ $value['sale_price'] = $price[$value['spuCode']] ??""; $value['total'] = round($value['total']/10000,2); } array_push($list,$temp); return app_show(0,"获取成功",$list); } }