'18K', 2 => '24K', 3 => '白银']; //获取商品列表 public function list() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : "1"; $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : "10"; $where = [["gb.is_del", "=", 0], ['gb.is_stock', '=', 0]]; $condit = [["a.is_del", "=", 0]]; $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['cat_id']) : ""; if ($cat_id !== "") { $cat_ids = catChild($cat_id); $where[] = ['gb.cat_id', "in", $cat_ids]; $condit[] = ['a.cat_id', "in", $cat_ids]; } $good_name = isset($this->post['good_name']) && $this->post['good_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_name']) : ""; if ($good_name !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.good_name', "like", "%$good_name%"]; $condit[] = ['a.good_name', "like", "%$good_name%"]; } $spucode = isset($this->post['spucode']) && $this->post['spucode'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['spucode']) : ""; if ($spucode !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.spuCode', "like", "%$spucode%"]; $condit[] = ['a.spuCode', "like", "%$spucode%"]; } $good_type = isset($this->post['good_type']) && $this->post['good_type'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_type']) : ""; if ($good_type !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.good_type', "=", $good_type]; $condit[] = ['a.good_type', "=", $good_type]; } $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) : ""; if ($companyNo !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.companyNo', "like", "%$companyNo%"]; $condit[] = ['a.companyNo', "like", "%$companyNo%"]; } $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : ""; if ($supplierNo !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.supplierNo', "like", "%$supplierNo%"]; $condit[] = ['a.supplierNo', "like", "%$supplierNo%"]; } $supplier = isset($this->post['supplier']) && $this->post['supplier'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['supplier']) : ""; if ($supplier !== "") { $suppliernos = Db::name("supplier")->where([["name", "like", "%$supplier%"]])->column("code"); $where[] = ['gb.supplierNo', "in", $suppliernos]; $condit[] = ['a.supplierNo', "in", $suppliernos]; } $company = isset($this->post['company']) && $this->post['company'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['company']) : ""; if ($company !== "") { $companyNos = Db::name("business")->where([["company", "like", "%$company%"]])->column("companyNo"); $where[] = ['gb.companyNo', "in", $companyNos]; $condit[] = ['a.companyNo', "in", $companyNos]; } $brandid = isset($this->post['brandid']) && $this->post['brandid'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['brandid']) : ""; if ($brandid !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.brand_id', "=", $brandid]; $condit[] = ['a.brand_id', "=", $brandid]; } $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['status']) : ""; if ($status !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.status', "=", $status]; $condit[] = ['a.status', "=", $status]; } // $is_stock = isset($this->post['is_stock']) && $this->post['is_stock'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_stock']) : ''; // if ($is_stock !== '') { // $where[] = ['gb.is_stock', "=", $is_stock]; // } $start = isset($this->post['start']) && $this->post['start'] !== "" ? $this->post['start'] : ""; if ($start !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.addtime', ">=", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($start))]; $condit[] = ['a.addtime', ">=", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($start))]; } $end = isset($this->post['end']) && $this->post['end'] !== "" ? $this->post['end'] : ""; if ($end !== "") { $where[] = ['gb.addtime', "<", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($end) + 24 * 3600)]; $condit[] = ['a.addtime', "<", date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($end) + 24 * 3600)]; } $isonline = isset($this->post['isonline']) && $this->post['isonline'] !== "" ? $this->post['isonline'] : ""; if ($isonline !== "") { $condit[] = ['b.exam_status', "=", 6]; // if($isonline==1){ // $condit[] =['b.exam_status',"=",6]; // }else{ // $condit[] =['b.exam_status',"<>",6]; // } $sta = Db::name("good_basic") ->alias("a") ->leftJoin("good_platform b", "a.spuCode=b.spuCode") ->where($condit) ->group("a.spuCode") ->column('a.spuCode'); if ($isonline == 1) $where[] = ["gb.spuCode", "in", $sta]; else $where[] = ["gb.spuCode", "not in", $sta]; } // $token = isset($this->post['token']) ? trim($this->post['token']) : ""; // if($token==""){ // return json_show(101,'token不能为空'); // } // $apply_id =GetUserInfo($token); // if(empty($apply_id)||$apply_id['code']!=0){ // return json_show(102,"申请人数据不存在"); // } // $rm = $this->request->user['uid'];//isset($apply_id["data"]['id']) ? $apply_id["data"]['id'] : ""; // $where[] = ['gb.createrid', "=", $rm]; $where[] = ['gb.supplierNo', "=", $this->request->user['supplierNo']]; // if($rm!=''){ // $useinfo = Db::name("user_role")->where(['uid'=>$rm,"status"=>1,"is_del"=>0])->find(); // if($useinfo==false){ // return json_show(1002,"未找到用户角色权限"); // } // $check = checkRole($useinfo['roleid'],115); // if($check){ // $where[]=['gb.createrid', "=" ,$rm]; // } // } // $role=$this->checkRole(); // if(!empty($role['write'])){ // $where[]=["gb.createrid","in",$role['write']]; // } $company_name = isset($this->post['company_name']) && $this->post['company_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['company_name']) : ""; if ($company_name !== "") $where[] = ["gb.createrid", 'in', get_company_item_user_by_name($company_name)]; $count = Db::name('good_basic')->alias('gb')->where($where)->count(); $total = ceil($count / $size); $page = $page >= $total ? $total : $page; $list = Db::name('good_basic') ->alias('gb') ->field('gb.*,u.itemid') ->leftJoin("depart_user u", "u.uid=gb.chargerid AND u.is_del=0") ->where($where) ->page($page, $size) ->order("addtime desc") ->select() ->toArray(); $data = []; //查询一下这些spucode是否在平台上成功上线 $exam_statuss = Db::name('good_platform') ->whereIn('spuCode', array_column($list, 'spuCode')) ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'exam_status' => 6])//exam_status==6表示上线审核成功 ->column('id', 'spuCode'); $exam_status_yz = Db::name('platform_youzan') ->whereIn('spuCode', array_column($list, 'spuCode')) ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'exam_status' => 6])//exam_status==6表示上线审核成功 ->column('id', 'spuCode'); foreach ($list as $value) { $value["cat_info"] = made($value['cat_id'], []); $brand = Db::name("brand")->where(["id" => $value['brand_id']])->find(); $value["brand_name"] = isset($brand['brand_name']) ? $brand['brand_name'] : ""; $unit = Db::name("unit")->where(["id" => $value['good_unit']])->find(); $value['unit'] = isset($unit['unit']) ? $unit['unit'] : ""; $company = Db::name("business")->where(["companyNo" => $value['companyNo']])->find(); $value['company'] = isset($company['company']) ? $company['company'] : ""; $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(['code' => $value['supplierNo']])->find(); $value['supplier_name'] = isset($supplier['name']) ? $supplier['name'] : ""; $value['exclusive'] = makeExcluse($value['is_exclusive']); $value['noble_name'] = isset($value['noble_metal']) && $value['noble_metal'] != 0 ? $this->noble[$value['noble_metal']] : ""; //如果一个spucode在任意平台上线,那么就视为它上线,即手动把它的is_online值改为1 if (isset($exam_statuss[$value['spuCode']]) || isset($exam_status_yz[$value['spuCode']])) $value['is_online'] = 1; $value['charger_company_name'] = implode('/', array_column(GetPart($value['itemid']), 'name')); $data[] = $value; } return json_show(0, "获取成功", ['list' => $data, 'count' => $count]); } //创建商品 public function createGood() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $good_name = isset($this->post['good_name']) && $this->post['good_name'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_name']) : ""; if ($good_name == "") { return json_show(1004, "商品名称不能为空"); } $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['cat_id']) : ""; if ($cat_id == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品分类不能为空"); } $brandid = isset($this->post['brandid']) && $this->post['brandid'] != "" ? intval($this->post['brandid']) : ""; if ($brandid == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品品牌不能为空"); } $unit = isset($this->post['unit']) && $this->post['unit'] != "" ? trim($this->post['unit']) : ""; if ($unit == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品单位不能为空"); } $good_type = isset($this->post['good_type']) && $this->post['good_type'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['good_type']) : ""; if ($good_type === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数good_type不能为空"); } $moq = 0; $customized = 0; if ($good_type == 1) { $moq = isset($this->post['moq']) && $this->post['moq'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['moq']) : ""; if ($moq === '') { return json_show(1004, "定制商品起订量不能为空"); } $customized = isset($this->post['customized']) && $this->post['customized'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['customized']) : ""; if ($customized === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数customized不能为空"); } } $is_exclusive = isset($this->post['is_exclusive']) && $this->post['is_exclusive'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_exclusive']) : ""; if ($is_exclusive === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数is_exclusive不能为空"); } $tax = isset($this->post['tax']) && $this->post['tax'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['tax']) : ""; if ($tax === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数tax不能为空"); } $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : ""; if ($supplierNo == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数supplierNo不能为空"); } $good_size = isset($this->post['good_size']) && $this->post['good_size'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_size']) : ""; if ($good_size == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数good_size不能为空"); } $company_id = isset($this->post['company_id']) && $this->post['company_id'] != "" ? trim($this->post['company_id']) : ""; if ($company_id == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数company_id不能为空"); } $is_auth = isset($this->post['is_auth']) && $this->post['is_auth'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_auth']) : ""; if ($is_auth === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数is_auth不能为空"); } $auth_img = isset($this->post['auth_img']) && $this->post['auth_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['auth_img']) : ""; // if($auth_img==''){ // return json_show(1004,"商品不能为空"); // } $after_sales = isset($this->post['after_sales']) && $this->post['after_sales'] != "" ? trim($this->post['after_sales']) : ""; if ($after_sales == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数after_sales不能为空"); } $craft_desc = isset($this->post['craft_desc']) && $this->post['craft_desc'] != "" ? trim($this->post['craft_desc']) : ""; $good_remark = isset($this->post['good_remark']) && $this->post['good_remark'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_remark']) : ""; if ($good_remark === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_remark不能为空"); } $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['weight']) : ""; if ($weight === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数weight不能为空"); } $packing_way = isset($this->post['packing_way']) && $this->post['packing_way'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_way']) : ""; if ($packing_way === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_way不能为空"); } $packing_size = isset($this->post['packing_size']) && $this->post['packing_size'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_size']) : ""; if ($packing_size === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_size不能为空"); } $packing_spec = isset($this->post['packing_spec']) && $this->post['packing_spec'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_spec']) : ""; if ($packing_spec === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_spec不能为空"); } $packing_weight = isset($this->post['packing_weight']) && $this->post['packing_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['packing_weight']) : ""; if ($packing_weight === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_weight不能为空"); } $packing_list = isset($this->post['packing_list']) && $this->post['packing_list'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_list']) : ""; if ($packing_list === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_list不能为空"); } $good_bar = isset($this->post['good_bar']) && $this->post['good_bar'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_bar']) : ""; $supply_area = isset($this->post['supply_area']) && $this->post['supply_area'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['supply_area']) : ""; if ($supply_area === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数supply_area不能为空"); } $delivery_place = isset($this->post['delivery_place']) && $this->post['delivery_place'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['delivery_place']) : ""; if ($delivery_place === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数delivery_place不能为空"); } $origin_place = isset($this->post['origin_place']) && $this->post['origin_place'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['origin_place']) : ""; if ($origin_place === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数origin_place不能为空"); } $delivery_day = isset($this->post['delivery_day']) && $this->post['delivery_day'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['delivery_day']) : ""; if ($delivery_day === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数delivery_day不能为空"); } $lead_time = isset($this->post['lead_time']) && $this->post['lead_time'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['lead_time']) : "0"; $cgd_gold_price = isset($this->post['cgd_gold_price']) && $this->post['cgd_gold_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cgd_gold_price']) : "0"; // if($lead_time===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数lead_time不能为空"); // } $sample_day = isset($this->post['sample_day']) && $this->post['sample_day'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['sample_day']) : "0"; // if($sample_day===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数sample_day不能为空"); // } $sample_fee = isset($this->post['sample_fee']) && $this->post['sample_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['sample_fee']) : "0"; $is_stock = isset($this->post['is_stock']) && $this->post['is_stock'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_stock']) : ""; if ($is_stock === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数is_stock不能为空"); } // $stock_moq=0 ;//库存品备库起订量; 如果是0 表示无限制; $stock_moq = isset($this->post['stock_moq']) && $this->post['stock_moq'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['stock_moq']) : "0"; if ($is_stock == 1 && $stock_moq == 0) { return json_show(1004, "库存品备库起订量不能为零"); } $is_diff = isset($this->post['is_diff']) && $this->post['is_diff'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_diff']) : "0"; $good_img = isset($this->post['good_img']) && $this->post['good_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_img']) : ""; $config = isset($this->post['config']) && $this->post['config'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['config']) : ""; $other_config = isset($this->post['other_config']) && $this->post['other_config'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['other_config']) : ""; if ($good_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_img不能为空"); } $good_thumb_img = isset($this->post['good_thumb_img']) && $this->post['good_thumb_img'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_thumb_img']) : ""; if ($good_thumb_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_thumb_img不能为空"); } $good_info_img = isset($this->post['good_info_img']) && $this->post['good_info_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_info_img']) : ""; if ($good_info_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_info_img不能为空"); } $cert_fee = isset($this->post['cert_fee']) && $this->post['cert_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cert_fee']) : "0"; $packing_fee = isset($this->post['packing_fee']) && $this->post['packing_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['packing_fee']) : "0"; $cost_fee = isset($this->post['cost_fee']) && $this->post['cost_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cost_fee']) : "0"; $mark_fee = isset($this->post['mark_fee']) && $this->post['mark_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['mark_fee']) : "0"; $demo_fee = isset($this->post['demo_fee']) && $this->post['demo_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['demo_fee']) : "0"; $open_fee = isset($this->post['open_fee']) && $this->post['open_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['open_fee']) : "0"; $noble_metal = isset($this->post['noble_metal']) && $this->post['noble_metal'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['noble_metal']) : "0"; $noble_weight = isset($this->post['noble_weight']) && $this->post['noble_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['noble_weight']) : "0"; $is_gold_price = isset($this->post['is_gold_price']) && $this->post['is_gold_price'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_gold_price']) : "0"; $market_price = isset($this->post['market_price']) && $this->post['market_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['market_price']) : ""; if ($market_price === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数market_price不能为空"); } $nake_price = isset($this->post['nake_price']) && $this->post['nake_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['nake_price']) : "0"; // $is_step = isset($this->post['is_step'])&&$this->post['is_step']!==""? intval($this->post['is_step']):""; // if($is_step===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数is_step不能为空"); // } $speclist = isset($this->post['speclist']) && !empty($this->post['speclist']) ? $this->post['speclist'] : ""; $good_ladder = isset($this->post['good_ladder']) && !empty($this->post['good_ladder']) ? $this->post['good_ladder'] : ""; // if($is_step==1 && $good_ladder==""){ // return json_show(1004,"启用阶梯,阶梯价不能为空"); // } $is_support_barter = isset($this->post['is_support_barter']) && $this->post['is_support_barter'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_support_barter']) : 1; // $token = isset($this->post['token'])&& $this->post['token']!='' ? trim($this->post['token']):""; // if($token==''){ // return json_show(105,"参数token不能为空"); // } // $user =GetUserInfo($token); // if(empty($user)||$user['code']!=0){ // return json_show(1002,"创建人数据不存在"); // } $createrid = $this->request->user['uid']; //isset($user["data"]['id']) ? $user["data"]['id'] : ""; $creater = $this->request->user['nickname'];//isset($user["data"]['nickname']) ? $user["data"]['nickname'] : ""; $spucode = makeNo("SKU"); Db::startTrans(); try { $charger = Db::name('supplier') ->where(['code' => $this->request->user['supplierNo'], 'is_del' => 0]) ->field('id,person,personid') ->findOrEmpty(); $data = [ "spuCode" => $spucode, "good_code" => '', "good_name" => $good_name, "cat_id" => $cat_id, 'brand_id' => $brandid, "good_unit" => $unit, "good_type" => $good_type, "moq" => $moq, "is_exclusive" => $is_exclusive, "customized" => $customized, "companyNo" => $company_id, "tax" => $tax, "supplierNo" => $supplierNo, "good_size" => $good_size, "is_auth" => $is_auth, "is_stock" => $is_stock, "auth_img" => $auth_img, "after_sales" => $after_sales, "craft_desc" => $craft_desc, "good_remark" => $good_remark, "weight" => $weight, "packing_way" => $packing_way, "packing_size" => $packing_size, "packing_spec" => $packing_spec, "packing_list" => $packing_list, "packing_weight" => $packing_weight, "good_bar" => $good_bar, "supply_area" => $supply_area, "delivery_place" => $delivery_place, "origin_place" => $origin_place, "delivery_day" => $delivery_day, "lead_time" => $lead_time, "sample_day" => $sample_day, "sample_fee" => $sample_fee, "good_img" => $good_img, "good_thumb_img" => $good_thumb_img, "good_info_img" => $good_info_img, "cert_fee" => $cert_fee, "packing_fee" => $packing_fee, "cost_fee" => $cost_fee, "mark_fee" => $mark_fee, "demo_fee" => $demo_fee, "open_fee" => $open_fee, "noble_metal" => $noble_metal, "cgd_gold_price" => $cgd_gold_price, "noble_weight" => $noble_weight, "is_gold_price" => $is_gold_price, "market_price" => $market_price, "nake_price" => $nake_price, "is_diff" => $is_diff, "config" => $config, "other_config" => $other_config, "field_change" => '', "is_step" => count($good_ladder) > 1 ? 1 : 0,//如果阶梯价个数大于1,说明启用阶梯价 "is_online" => 0, "stock_moq" => $stock_moq, "status" => 0, "createrid" => $createrid, "creater" => $creater, "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'is_support_barter' => $is_support_barter, 'chargerid' => $charger['personid'] ?? 0, 'charger' => $charger['person'] ?? '',//负责人,取所属供应商的创建人 ]; $in = Db::name("good_basic")->insertGetId($data); if ($in) { if ($speclist !== "" && !empty($speclist)) { $temp = []; foreach ($speclist as $value) { $lemp = []; $lemp['spuCode'] = $spucode; $lemp['spec_id'] = $value['spec_id']; $lemp['spec_value_id'] = $value['spec_value_id']; $lemp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lemp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $temp[] = $lemp; } $count = Db::name("good_spec")->insertAll($temp); if ($count == 0) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品规格值创建失败"); } } $catinfo = Db::name("cat")->where(["id" => $cat_id])->find(); $budget = isset($catinfo['order_rate']) ? $catinfo['order_rate'] / 100 : 0; $top_cat_id = made($cat_id);//获取所有分类 $top_cat_id = isset($top_cat_id[0]['id']) ? $top_cat_id[0]['id'] : 0;//获取顶级分类id if ($good_ladder !== "" && !empty($good_ladder)) { $temp = []; foreach ($good_ladder as $value) { $lemp = []; $lemp['spuCode'] = $spucode; $lemp['min_num'] = $value['min_num']; $lemp['nake_fee'] = $value['nake_fee']; $lemp['cost_fee'] = $value['cost_fee']; $lemp['delivery_fee'] = $value['delivery_fee']; $lemp['cert_fee'] = $value['cert_fee']; $lemp['mark_fee'] = $value['mark_fee']; $lemp['package_fee'] = $value['package_fee']; $lemp['other_fee'] = $value['other_fee']; if ($is_gold_price == 1 && $top_cat_id == 6) { //$is_gold_price==1 表示启用实时金价,cat_id==6表示贵金属 $gold = Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type" => $noble_metal, "status" => 1, "is_del" => 0])->order("addtime desc")->find(); //$lemp['nake_total'] = $noble_weight * $gold['price'] + $value['cost_fee'] * $noble_weight + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; //成本合计=贵金属重量*供应商采购金价 + 工艺费*贵金属重量+加标费+包装费+证书费+成本裸价+运费+其他费用 //成本总计启用实时金价时,采用供应商实时金价 $lemp['nake_total'] = $noble_weight * $gold['price'] + $value['cost_fee'] * $noble_weight + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; } else { $lemp['nake_total'] = $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; } $lemp['creater_id'] = $createrid; $lemp['creater'] = $creater; $lemp['is_del'] = 0; $lemp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lemp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $temp[] = $lemp; } $count = Db::name("good_nake")->insertAll($temp); if ($count == 0) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品规格值创建失败"); } } //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [ "order_code" => $spucode,//咨询单详情编号 "status" => 0,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "create"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "SPCB", 0, $data); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [ "order_type" => 'SPCB', "order_code" => $spucode,//咨询单详情编号 "order_id" => $in, "order_status" => 0, "before_status" => 0 ]); Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "创建成功", ["spuCode" => $spucode]); } else { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品创建失败"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $e->getMessage()); } } //修改商品基础信息 public function updateGoodBasicsInfo() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $supcode = isset($this->post['spuCode']) && $this->post['spuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['spuCode']) : ""; if ($supcode == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数spuCode不能为空"); } $data = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($data == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $is_down = Db::name("good_platform")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->where("exam_status", "<>", 8)->find(); if ($is_down != false) { return json_show(1004, "存在未下线商品数据"); } $good_name = isset($this->post['good_name']) && $this->post['good_name'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_name']) : ""; if ($good_name == "") { return json_show(1004, "商品名称不能为空"); } $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['cat_id']) : ""; if ($cat_id == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品分类不能为空"); } $brandid = isset($this->post['brandid']) && $this->post['brandid'] != "" ? intval($this->post['brandid']) : "0"; // if($brandid==''){ // return json_show(1004,"商品品牌不能为空"); // } $unit = isset($this->post['unit']) && $this->post['unit'] != "" ? trim($this->post['unit']) : ""; if ($unit == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品单位不能为空"); } $good_type = isset($this->post['good_type']) && $this->post['good_type'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['good_type']) : ""; if ($good_type === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数good_type不能为空"); } $moq = 0; $customized = 0; if ($good_type == 1) { $moq = isset($this->post['moq']) && $this->post['moq'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['moq']) : ""; if ($moq === '') { return json_show(1004, "定制商品起订量不能为空"); } $customized = isset($this->post['customized']) && $this->post['customized'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['customized']) : ""; if ($customized === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数customized不能为空"); } } $is_exclusive = isset($this->post['is_exclusive']) && $this->post['is_exclusive'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_exclusive']) : ""; if ($is_exclusive === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数is_exclusive不能为空"); } // $customized = isset($this->post['customized'])&&$this->post['customized']!==""? intval($this->post['customized']):""; // if($customized===''){ // return json_show(1004,"参数customized不能为空"); // } $tax = isset($this->post['tax']) && $this->post['tax'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['tax']) : ""; if ($tax === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数tax不能为空"); } $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : ""; if ($supplierNo == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数supplierNo不能为空"); } $good_size = isset($this->post['good_size']) && $this->post['good_size'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_size']) : ""; if ($good_size == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数good_size不能为空"); } $company_id = isset($this->post['company_id']) && $this->post['company_id'] != "" ? trim($this->post['company_id']) : ""; if ($company_id == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数company_id不能为空"); } $is_auth = isset($this->post['is_auth']) && $this->post['is_auth'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_auth']) : ""; if ($is_auth === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数is_auth不能为空"); } $auth_img = isset($this->post['auth_img']) && $this->post['auth_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['auth_img']) : ""; // if($auth_img==''){ // return json_show(1004,"商品不能为空"); // } $after_sales = isset($this->post['after_sales']) && $this->post['after_sales'] != "" ? trim($this->post['after_sales']) : ""; if ($after_sales == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数after_sales不能为空"); } $craft_desc = isset($this->post['craft_desc']) && $this->post['craft_desc'] != "" ? trim($this->post['craft_desc']) : ""; $good_remark = isset($this->post['good_remark']) && $this->post['good_remark'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_remark']) : ""; if ($good_remark === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_remark不能为空"); } $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['weight']) : ""; if ($weight === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数weight不能为空"); } $packing_way = isset($this->post['packing_way']) && $this->post['packing_way'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_way']) : ""; if ($packing_way === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_way不能为空"); } $packing_size = isset($this->post['packing_size']) && $this->post['packing_size'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_size']) : ""; if ($packing_size === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_size不能为空"); } $packing_spec = isset($this->post['packing_spec']) && $this->post['packing_spec'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_spec']) : ""; if ($packing_spec === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_spec不能为空"); } $packing_weight = isset($this->post['packing_weight']) && $this->post['packing_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['packing_weight']) : ""; if ($packing_weight === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_weight不能为空"); } $packing_list = isset($this->post['packing_list']) && $this->post['packing_list'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_list']) : ""; if ($packing_list === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_list不能为空"); } $good_bar = isset($this->post['good_bar']) && $this->post['good_bar'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_bar']) : ""; $supply_area = isset($this->post['supply_area']) && $this->post['supply_area'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['supply_area']) : ""; if ($supply_area === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数supply_area不能为空"); } $delivery_place = isset($this->post['delivery_place']) && $this->post['delivery_place'] !== "" ? $this->post['delivery_place'] : ""; if ($delivery_place === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数delivery_place不能为空"); } $origin_place = isset($this->post['origin_place']) && $this->post['origin_place'] !== "" ? $this->post['origin_place'] : ""; if ($origin_place === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数origin_place不能为空"); } $delivery_day = isset($this->post['delivery_day']) && $this->post['delivery_day'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['delivery_day']) : ""; if ($delivery_day === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数delivery_day不能为空"); } $lead_time = isset($this->post['lead_time']) && $this->post['lead_time'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['lead_time']) : "0"; // if($lead_time===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数lead_time不能为空"); // } $sample_day = isset($this->post['sample_day']) && $this->post['sample_day'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['sample_day']) : "0"; // if($sample_day===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数sample_day不能为空"); // } // $sample_fee = isset($this->post['sample_fee'])&&$this->post['sample_fee']!==""? floatval //($this->post['sample_fee']):"0"; $config = isset($this->post['config']) && $this->post['config'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['config']) : ""; $other_config = isset($this->post['other_config']) && $this->post['other_config'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['other_config']) : ""; $is_diff = isset($this->post['is_diff']) && $this->post['is_diff'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_diff']) : "0"; $is_stock = isset($this->post['is_stock']) && $this->post['is_stock'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_stock']) : "0"; $stock_moq = isset($this->post['stock_moq']) && $this->post['stock_moq'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['stock_moq']) : "0"; if ($is_stock == 1 && $stock_moq == 0) { return json_show(1004, "库存品备库起订量不能为零"); } $good_img = isset($this->post['good_img']) && $this->post['good_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_img']) : ""; if ($good_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_img不能为空"); } $good_thumb_img = isset($this->post['good_thumb_img']) && $this->post['good_thumb_img'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_thumb_img']) : ""; if ($good_thumb_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_thumb_img不能为空"); } $good_info_img = isset($this->post['good_info_img']) && !empty($this->post['good_info_img']) ? trim($this->post['good_info_img']) : ""; if ($good_info_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_info_img不能为空"); } $count = Db::name("good_nake")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->count(); $speclist = isset($this->post['speclist']) && !empty($this->post['speclist']) ? $this->post['speclist'] : ""; $uid = $this->request->user['uid']; $nickname = $this->request->user['nickname']; Db::startTrans(); try { $temp = [ "good_name" => $good_name, "cat_id" => $cat_id, 'brand_id' => $brandid, "good_unit" => $unit, "good_type" => $good_type, "companyNo" => $company_id, "moq" => $moq, "is_exclusive" => $is_exclusive, "customized" => $customized, "tax" => $tax, "supplierNo" => $supplierNo, "is_auth" => $is_auth, "good_size" => $good_size, "auth_img" => $auth_img, "after_sales" => $after_sales, "craft_desc" => $craft_desc, "good_remark" => $good_remark, "weight" => $weight, "packing_way" => $packing_way, "packing_size" => $packing_size, "packing_spec" => $packing_spec, "packing_list" => $packing_list, "packing_weight" => $packing_weight, "good_bar" => $good_bar, "supply_area" => $supply_area, "delivery_place" => $delivery_place, "origin_place" => $origin_place, "delivery_day" => $delivery_day, "lead_time" => $lead_time, "sample_day" => $sample_day, "is_diff" => $is_diff, 'is_stock' => $is_stock, "config" => $config, "other_config" => $other_config, "good_img" => $good_img, "stock_moq" => $stock_moq, "good_thumb_img" => $good_thumb_img, "good_info_img" => $good_info_img, "status" => $count > 0 ? 2 : 1, "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ]; $field = array_diff_assoc($temp, $data); $temp['field_change'] = empty($field) ? "" : json_encode(array_keys($field)); $up = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->save($temp); $timp = array_diff($temp, $data); $json = json_encode($timp, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $jsp = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if ($up) { ChangeLog::logAdd(3, $data['spuCode'], $jsp, $json, ['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], $this->post); if ($speclist !== "" && !empty($speclist)) { foreach ($speclist as $value) { $lemp = []; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? $lemp['id'] = $value['id'] : ""; $lemp['spuCode'] = $supcode; $lemp['spec_id'] = $value['spec_id']; $lemp['spec_value_id'] = $value['spec_value_id']; $lemp['is_del'] = isset($value['is_del']) ? $value['is_del'] : 0; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? "" : $lemp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lemp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $count = Db::name("good_spec")->save($lemp); if ($count == false) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品规格值修改失败"); } } } //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], [ "order_code" => $supcode,//咨询单详情编号 "status" => $data['status'],//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "edit"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "SPCB", $temp['status'], $data); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], [ "order_type" => 'SPCB', "order_code" => $supcode,//咨询单详情编号 "order_id" => $data['id'], "order_status" => $temp['status'], "before_status" => $data['status'] ]); Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "更新成功"); } else { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "更新失败"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $e->getMessage()); } } //修改商品价格信息 public function updateGoodPriceInfo() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $supcode = isset($this->post['spuCode']) && $this->post['spuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['spuCode']) : ""; if ($supcode == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数spuCode不能为空"); } $datas = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($datas == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $is_down = Db::name("good_platform") ->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0]) ->where("exam_status", "<>", 8) ->find(); if ($is_down != false) { return json_show(1004, "存在未下线商品数据"); } $cert_fee = isset($this->post['cert_fee']) && $this->post['cert_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cert_fee']) : "0"; $packing_fee = isset($this->post['packing_fee']) && $this->post['packing_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['packing_fee']) : "0"; $cost_fee = isset($this->post['cost_fee']) && $this->post['cost_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cost_fee']) : "0"; $mark_fee = isset($this->post['mark_fee']) && $this->post['mark_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['mark_fee']) : "0"; $demo_fee = isset($this->post['demo_fee']) && $this->post['demo_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['demo_fee']) : "0"; $open_fee = isset($this->post['open_fee']) && $this->post['open_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['open_fee']) : "0"; $sample_fee = isset($this->post['sample_fee']) && $this->post['sample_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['sample_fee']) : "0"; $noble_metal = isset($this->post['noble_metal']) && $this->post['noble_metal'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['noble_metal']) : "0"; $noble_weight = isset($this->post['noble_weight']) && $this->post['noble_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['noble_weight']) : "0"; $is_gold_price = isset($this->post['is_gold_price']) && $this->post['is_gold_price'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_gold_price']) : "0"; $market_price = isset($this->post['market_price']) && $this->post['market_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['market_price']) : ""; $cgd_gold_price = isset($this->post['cgd_gold_price']) && $this->post['cgd_gold_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cgd_gold_price']) : "0"; if ($market_price === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数market_price不能为空"); } $nake_price = isset($this->post['nake_price']) && $this->post['nake_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['nake_price']) : ""; // $is_step = isset($this->post['is_step'])&&$this->post['is_step']!==""? intval($this->post['is_step']):""; // if($is_step===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数is_step不能为空"); // } $good_ladder = isset($this->post['good_ladder']) && !empty($this->post['good_ladder']) ? $this->post['good_ladder'] : ""; // if($is_step==1 && $good_ladder==""){ // return json_show(1004,"启用阶梯,阶梯价不能为空"); // } $data = [ "cert_fee" => $cert_fee, "packing_fee" => $packing_fee, "cost_fee" => $cost_fee, "mark_fee" => $mark_fee, "demo_fee" => $demo_fee, "open_fee" => $open_fee, "sample_fee" => $sample_fee, "noble_metal" => $noble_metal, "noble_weight" => $noble_weight, "is_gold_price" => $is_gold_price, "market_price" => $market_price, "nake_price" => $nake_price, "cgd_gold_price" => $cgd_gold_price, "is_step" => count($good_ladder) > 1 ? 1 : 0, "status" => "3", "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ]; $field = array_diff_assoc($data, $datas); $data['field_change'] = empty($field) ? "" : json_encode(array_keys($field)); $uid = $this->request->user['uid']; $nickname = $this->request->user['nickname']; Db::startTrans(); try { $up = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->save($data); $temp = array_diff($data, $datas); $json = json_encode($temp, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $jsp = json_encode($datas, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if ($up) { ChangeLog::logAdd(3, $datas['spuCode'], $jsp, $json, ['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], $this->post); //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], [ "order_code" => $supcode,//咨询单详情编号 "status" => $datas['status'],//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "edit"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "SPCB", $data['status'], $data); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], [ "order_type" => 'SPCB', "order_code" => $supcode,//咨询单详情编号 "order_id" => $datas['id'], "order_status" => $data['status'], "before_status" => $datas['status'] ]); // $online = Db::name("good_platform")->where(["spuCode"=>$supcode,"is_del"=>0])->find(); // if($online){ // $onup = Db::name("good_platform")->where(["spuCode"=>$supcode,"is_del"=>0])->save // (["exam_status"=>2,"updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]); // if($onup==false){ // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1004,"商品规成本修改失败"); // } // //修改状态,添加待办 // ActionLog::logAdd(['id'=>$uid,'nickname'=>$nickname], [ // "order_code" =>$online['skuCode'],//咨询单详情编号 // "status" => $online['exam_status'],//这里的status是之前的值 // "action_remark" => '',//备注 // "action_type" => "edit"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status // ], "SPSX",2,["exam_status"=>2,"updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]); // // ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id'=>$uid,'nickname'=>$nickname], [ // "order_type" => 'SPSX', // "order_code" => $online['skuCode'],//咨询单详情编号 // "order_id" => $online['id'], // "order_status" =>2,"before_status"=>$online['exam_status'] // ]); // } if ($good_ladder !== "" && !empty($good_ladder)) { // $user =GetUserInfo($this->post['token']); foreach ($good_ladder as $value) { $lemp = []; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? $lemp['id'] = $value['id'] : ""; $lemp['spuCode'] = $supcode; $lemp['min_num'] = $value['min_num']; $lemp['nake_fee'] = $value['nake_fee']; $lemp['cost_fee'] = $value['cost_fee']; $lemp['delivery_fee'] = $value['delivery_fee']; $lemp['cert_fee'] = $value['cert_fee']; $lemp['mark_fee'] = $value['mark_fee']; $lemp['package_fee'] = $value['package_fee']; $lemp['other_fee'] = $value['other_fee']; $top_cat_id = made($datas['cat_id']);//获取所有分类 $top_cat_id = isset($top_cat_id[0]['id']) ? $top_cat_id[0]['id'] : 0;//获取顶级分类id if ($is_gold_price == 1 && $top_cat_id == 6) { //$gold =Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type"=>$noble_metal,"status"=>1,"is_del"=>0]) // ->order("addtime desc")->find(); //$lemp['nake_total'] =$noble_weight*$gold['price'] + $value['cost_fee']*$noble_weight+$value['mark_fee']+$value['package_fee']+$value['cert_fee']+$value['nake_fee']+$value['delivery_fee']+$value['other_fee']; //成本合计=贵金属重量*供应商采购金价 + 工艺费*贵金属重量+加标费+包装费+证书费+成本裸价+运费+其他费用 //成本总计启用实时金价时,采用供应商实时金价 $lemp['nake_total'] = $noble_weight * $cgd_gold_price + $value['cost_fee'] * $noble_weight + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; } else { $lemp['nake_total'] = $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; } $lemp['is_del'] = isset($value['is_del']) ? $value['is_del'] : 0; $lemp['creater_id'] = $uid; $lemp['creater'] = $nickname; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? "" : $lemp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lemp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $count = Db::name("good_nake")->save($lemp); if ($count == false) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品规成本修改失败"); } } } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "更新成功"); } else { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "更新失败"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, $e->getMessage()); } } //修改商品成本全部信息 public function editGoodUp() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $supcode = isset($this->post['spuCode']) && $this->post['spuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['spuCode']) : ""; if ($supcode == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数spuCode不能为空"); } $data = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($data == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $is_down = Db::name("good_platform") ->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0]) ->where("exam_status", "not in", [1, 8])//exam_status=1待完善成本,8已下线,除了这两个状态外其他状态都不允许编辑 ->find(); if ($is_down != false) { return json_show(1004, "存在未下线商品数据"); } if ($data['status'] != 6 && $data['status'] != 7 && $data['status'] != 8) { return json_show(1004, "商品状态有误"); } $good_name = isset($this->post['good_name']) && $this->post['good_name'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_name']) : ""; if ($good_name == "") { return json_show(1004, "商品名称不能为空"); } $cat_id = isset($this->post['cat_id']) && $this->post['cat_id'] != "" ? intval($this->post['cat_id']) : ""; if ($cat_id == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品分类不能为空"); } $brandid = isset($this->post['brandid']) && $this->post['brandid'] != "" ? intval($this->post['brandid']) : "0"; // if($brandid==''){ // return json_show(1004,"商品品牌不能为空"); // } $unit = isset($this->post['unit']) && $this->post['unit'] != "" ? trim($this->post['unit']) : ""; if ($unit == '') { return json_show(1004, "商品单位不能为空"); } $good_type = isset($this->post['good_type']) && $this->post['good_type'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['good_type']) : ""; if ($good_type === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数good_type不能为空"); } $moq = 0; $customized = 0; if ($good_type == 1) { $moq = isset($this->post['moq']) && $this->post['moq'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['moq']) : ""; if ($moq === '') { return json_show(1004, "定制商品起订量不能为空"); } $customized = isset($this->post['customized']) && $this->post['customized'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['customized']) : ""; if ($customized === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数customized不能为空"); } } $is_exclusive = isset($this->post['is_exclusive']) && $this->post['is_exclusive'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_exclusive']) : ""; if ($is_exclusive === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数is_exclusive不能为空"); } // $customized = isset($this->post['customized'])&&$this->post['customized']!==""? intval($this->post['customized']):""; // if($customized===''){ // return json_show(1004,"参数customized不能为空"); // } $tax = isset($this->post['tax']) && $this->post['tax'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['tax']) : ""; if ($tax === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数tax不能为空"); } $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : ""; if ($supplierNo == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数supplierNo不能为空"); } $good_size = isset($this->post['good_size']) && $this->post['good_size'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_size']) : ""; if ($good_size == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数good_size不能为空"); } $company_id = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) : ""; if ($company_id == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数companyNo不能为空"); } $is_auth = isset($this->post['is_auth']) && $this->post['is_auth'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_auth']) : ""; if ($is_auth === '') { return json_show(1004, "参数is_auth不能为空"); } $auth_img = isset($this->post['auth_img']) && $this->post['auth_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['auth_img']) : ""; // if($auth_img==''){ // return json_show(1004,"商品不能为空"); // } $after_sales = isset($this->post['after_sales']) && $this->post['after_sales'] != "" ? trim($this->post['after_sales']) : ""; if ($after_sales == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数after_sales不能为空"); } $craft_desc = isset($this->post['craft_desc']) && $this->post['craft_desc'] != "" ? trim($this->post['craft_desc']) : ""; $good_remark = isset($this->post['good_remark']) && $this->post['good_remark'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_remark']) : ""; if ($good_remark === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_remark不能为空"); } $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['weight']) : ""; if ($weight === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数weight不能为空"); } $packing_way = isset($this->post['packing_way']) && $this->post['packing_way'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_way']) : ""; if ($packing_way === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_way不能为空"); } $packing_size = isset($this->post['packing_size']) && $this->post['packing_size'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_size']) : ""; if ($packing_size === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_size不能为空"); } $packing_spec = isset($this->post['packing_spec']) && $this->post['packing_spec'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_spec']) : ""; if ($packing_spec === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_spec不能为空"); } $packing_weight = isset($this->post['packing_weight']) && $this->post['packing_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['packing_weight']) : ""; if ($packing_weight === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_weight不能为空"); } $packing_list = isset($this->post['packing_list']) && $this->post['packing_list'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['packing_list']) : ""; if ($packing_list === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数packing_list不能为空"); } $good_bar = isset($this->post['good_bar']) && $this->post['good_bar'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_bar']) : ""; $supply_area = isset($this->post['supply_area']) && $this->post['supply_area'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['supply_area']) : ""; if ($supply_area === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数supply_area不能为空"); } $delivery_place = isset($this->post['delivery_place']) && $this->post['delivery_place'] !== "" ? $this->post['delivery_place'] : ""; if ($delivery_place === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数delivery_place不能为空"); } $origin_place = isset($this->post['origin_place']) && $this->post['origin_place'] !== "" ? $this->post['origin_place'] : ""; if ($origin_place === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数origin_place不能为空"); } $delivery_day = isset($this->post['delivery_day']) && $this->post['delivery_day'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['delivery_day']) : ""; if ($delivery_day === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数delivery_day不能为空"); } $lead_time = isset($this->post['lead_time']) && $this->post['lead_time'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['lead_time']) : "0"; // if($lead_time===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数lead_time不能为空"); // } $sample_day = isset($this->post['sample_day']) && $this->post['sample_day'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['sample_day']) : "0"; // if($sample_day===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数sample_day不能为空"); // } $sample_fee = isset($this->post['sample_fee']) && $this->post['sample_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['sample_fee']) : "0"; $good_img = isset($this->post['good_img']) && $this->post['good_img'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_img']) : ""; if ($good_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_img不能为空"); } $good_thumb_img = isset($this->post['good_thumb_img']) && $this->post['good_thumb_img'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['good_thumb_img']) : ""; if ($good_thumb_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_thumb_img不能为空"); } $good_info_img = isset($this->post['good_info_img']) && !empty($this->post['good_info_img']) ? trim($this->post['good_info_img']) : ""; if ($good_info_img === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数good_info_img不能为空"); } $cert_fee = isset($this->post['cert_fee']) && $this->post['cert_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cert_fee']) : "0"; $packing_fee = isset($this->post['packing_fee']) && $this->post['packing_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['packing_fee']) : "0"; $cost_fee = isset($this->post['cost_fee']) && $this->post['cost_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cost_fee']) : "0"; $mark_fee = isset($this->post['mark_fee']) && $this->post['mark_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['mark_fee']) : "0"; $demo_fee = isset($this->post['demo_fee']) && $this->post['demo_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['demo_fee']) : "0"; $open_fee = isset($this->post['open_fee']) && $this->post['open_fee'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['open_fee']) : "0"; $noble_metal = isset($this->post['noble_metal']) && $this->post['noble_metal'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['noble_metal']) : "0"; $noble_weight = isset($this->post['noble_weight']) && $this->post['noble_weight'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['noble_weight']) : "0"; $is_gold_price = isset($this->post['is_gold_price']) && $this->post['is_gold_price'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_gold_price']) : "0"; $market_price = isset($this->post['market_price']) && $this->post['market_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['market_price']) : ""; $cgd_gold_price = isset($this->post['cgd_gold_price']) && $this->post['cgd_gold_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['cgd_gold_price']) : "0"; if ($market_price === "") { return json_show(1004, "参数market_price不能为空"); } $nake_price = isset($this->post['nake_price']) && $this->post['nake_price'] !== "" ? floatval($this->post['nake_price']) : "0"; $config = isset($this->post['config']) && $this->post['config'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['config']) : ""; $other_config = isset($this->post['other_config']) && $this->post['other_config'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['other_config']) : ""; $is_diff = isset($this->post['is_diff']) && $this->post['is_diff'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_diff']) : "0"; $is_stock = isset($this->post['is_stock']) && $this->post['is_stock'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_stock']) : "0"; $stock_moq = isset($this->post['stock_moq']) && $this->post['stock_moq'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['stock_moq']) : "0"; if ($is_stock == 1 && $stock_moq == 0) { return json_show(1004, "库存品备库起订量不能为零"); } // $is_step = isset($this->post['is_step'])&&$this->post['is_step']!==""? intval($this->post['is_step']):""; // if($is_step===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数is_step不能为空"); // } $good_ladder = isset($this->post['good_ladder']) && !empty($this->post['good_ladder']) ? $this->post['good_ladder'] : ""; // if($is_step==1 && $good_ladder==""){ // return json_show(1004,"启用阶梯,阶梯价不能为空"); // } $speclist = isset($this->post['speclist']) && !empty($this->post['speclist']) ? $this->post['speclist'] : ""; $is_support_barter = isset($this->post['is_support_barter']) && $this->post['is_support_barter'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['is_support_barter']) : 1; $uid = $this->request->user['uid']; $nickname = $this->request->user['nickname']; Db::startTrans(); try { $temp = [ "good_name" => $good_name, "cat_id" => $cat_id, 'brand_id' => $brandid, "good_unit" => $unit, "good_type" => $good_type, "companyNo" => $company_id, "moq" => $moq, "is_exclusive" => $is_exclusive, "customized" => $customized, "tax" => $tax, "supplierNo" => $supplierNo, "is_auth" => $is_auth, "good_size" => $good_size, "auth_img" => $auth_img, "after_sales" => $after_sales, "craft_desc" => $craft_desc, "good_remark" => $good_remark, "weight" => $weight, "packing_way" => $packing_way, "packing_size" => $packing_size, "packing_spec" => $packing_spec, "packing_list" => $packing_list, "packing_weight" => $packing_weight, "good_bar" => $good_bar, "supply_area" => $supply_area, "delivery_place" => $delivery_place, "origin_place" => $origin_place, "delivery_day" => $delivery_day, "lead_time" => $lead_time, "sample_day" => $sample_day, "sample_fee" => $sample_fee, "good_img" => $good_img, "good_thumb_img" => $good_thumb_img, "good_info_img" => $good_info_img, "cert_fee" => $cert_fee, "packing_fee" => $packing_fee, "is_diff" => $is_diff, "config" => $config, "other_config" => $other_config, "is_stock" => $is_stock, "cost_fee" => $cost_fee, "mark_fee" => $mark_fee, "demo_fee" => $demo_fee, "open_fee" => $open_fee, "noble_metal" => $noble_metal, "noble_weight" => $noble_weight, "is_gold_price" => $is_gold_price, "market_price" => $market_price, "nake_price" => $nake_price, "cgd_gold_price" => $cgd_gold_price, "is_step" => count($good_ladder) > 1 ? 1 : 0, "stock_moq" => $stock_moq, "status" => "0", "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'is_support_barter' => $is_support_barter ]; $field = array_diff_assoc($temp, $data); $temp['field_change'] = empty($field) ? "" : json_encode(array_keys($field)); $up = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->save($temp); $var = array_diff($temp, $data); $json = json_encode($var, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); $dat = json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if ($up) { ChangeLog::logAdd(3, $data['spuCode'], $dat, $json, ['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], $this->post); //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], [ "order_code" => $supcode,//咨询单详情编号 "status" => $data['status'],//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "create"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "SPCB", 0, $temp); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $uid, 'nickname' => $nickname], [ "order_type" => 'SPCB', "order_code" => $supcode,//咨询单详情编号 "order_id" => $data['id'], "order_status" => 0, "before_status" => 0 ]); if ($speclist !== "" && !empty($speclist)) { foreach ($speclist as $value) { $lemp = []; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? $lemp['id'] = $value['id'] : ""; $lemp['spuCode'] = $supcode; $lemp['spec_id'] = $value['spec_id']; $lemp['spec_value_id'] = $value['spec_value_id']; $lemp['is_del'] = isset($value['is_del']) ? $value['is_del'] : 0; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? "" : $lemp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lemp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $count = Db::name("good_spec")->save($lemp); if ($count == false) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品规格值修改失败"); } } } if ($good_ladder !== "" && !empty($good_ladder)) { // $user =GetUserInfo($this->post['token']);//获取用户信息,下面更新成本表的创建人 $top_cat_id = made($cat_id);//获取所有分类 $top_cat_id = isset($top_cat_id[0]['id']) ? $top_cat_id[0]['id'] : 0;//获取顶级分类id foreach ($good_ladder as $value) { $lemp = []; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? $lemp['id'] = $value['id'] : ""; $lemp['spuCode'] = $supcode; $lemp['min_num'] = $value['min_num']; $lemp['nake_fee'] = $value['nake_fee']; $lemp['cost_fee'] = $value['cost_fee']; $lemp['delivery_fee'] = $value['delivery_fee']; $lemp['cert_fee'] = $value['cert_fee']; $lemp['mark_fee'] = $value['mark_fee']; $lemp['package_fee'] = $value['package_fee']; $lemp['other_fee'] = $value['other_fee']; if ($is_gold_price == 1 && $top_cat_id == 6) { // $gold =Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type"=>$noble_metal,"status"=>1,"is_del"=>0]) // ->order("addtime desc")->find(); //$lemp['nake_total'] =$noble_weight*$gold['price'] + $value['cost_fee']*$noble_weight+$value['mark_fee']+$value['package_fee']+$value['cert_fee']+$value['nake_fee']+$value['delivery_fee']+$value['other_fee']; //成本合计=贵金属重量*供应商采购金价 + 工艺费*贵金属重量+加标费+包装费+证书费+成本裸价+运费+其他费用 //成本总计启用实时金价时,采用供应商实时金价 $lemp['nake_total'] = $noble_weight * $cgd_gold_price + $value['cost_fee'] * $noble_weight + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; } else { $lemp['nake_total'] = $value['nake_fee'] + $value['delivery_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['other_fee']; } $lemp['creater_id'] = $this->request->user['uid']; $lemp['creater'] = $this->request->user['nickname']; $lemp['is_del'] = isset($value['is_del']) ? $value['is_del'] : 0; isset($value["id"]) && $value["id"] != '' ? "" : $lemp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $lemp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $count = Db::name("good_nake")->save($lemp); if ($count == false) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, "商品规成本修改失败"); } } } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "更新成功"); } else { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "更新失败"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $e->getMessage()); } } //获取商品详情 public function read() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $supcode = isset($this->post['spuCode']) && $this->post['spuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['spuCode']) : ""; if ($supcode == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数spuCode不能为空"); } $data = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($data == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $unit = Db::name("unit")->where(["id" => $data['good_unit']])->find(); $data['unit'] = isset($unit['unit']) ? $unit['unit'] : ''; $data['cat_info'] = made($data['cat_id'], []); $spec = Db::name("good_spec")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(["code" => $data['supplierNo']])->find(); $data['supplierName'] = isset($supplier['name']) ? $supplier['name'] : ""; $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(["code" => $data['supplierNo']])->find(); $data['supplierName'] = isset($supplier['name']) ? $supplier['name'] : ""; $company = Db::name("business")->where(["companyNo" => $data['companyNo']])->find(); $data['company'] = isset($company['company']) ? $company['company'] : ""; $data['field_change'] = $data['field_change'] != '' ? json_decode($data['field_change']) : ""; if ($data['brand_id'] != 0) { $brand = Db::name("brand")->where(["id" => $data['brand_id']])->find(); $data["brand_name"] = isset($brand['brand_name']) ? $brand['brand_name'] : ""; } else { $data["brand_name"] = ""; $data["brand_id"] = ""; } $excluse = makeExcluse($data['is_exclusive']); $data['exclusive'] = $excluse; $data['noble_name'] = isset($data['noble_metal']) && $data['noble_metal'] != 0 ? $this->noble[$data['noble_metal']] : ""; $data["good_info_img"] = $data['good_info_img'] != "" ? $data['good_info_img'] : ''; $data["good_img"] = $data['good_img'] != "" ? $data['good_img'] : []; $gold = []; if ($data['is_gold_price'] == 1) { $gold = Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type" => $data['noble_metal'], "status" => 1, "is_del" => 0])->order("addtime desc")->find(); } $data['gold_price'] = isset($gold["price"]) ? $gold["price"] : 0; $speclist = []; if (!empty($spec)) { foreach ($spec as $value) { $temp = []; $temp['id'] = $value['id']; $temp['spuCode'] = $value['spuCode']; $temp['spec_id'] = $value['spec_id']; $temp['spec_value_id'] = $value['spec_value_id']; $temp['is_del'] = $value['is_del']; $sp = Db::name("specs")->where(["id" => $value['spec_id']])->find(); $temp['spec_name'] = isset($sp["spec_name"]) ? $sp["spec_name"] : ""; $spv = Db::name("spec_value")->where(["id" => $value['spec_value_id']])->find(); $temp['spec_value'] = isset($spv["spec_value"]) ? $spv["spec_value"] : ""; $speclist[] = $temp; } } $data["speclist"] = empty($speclist) ? [] : $speclist; // $nake=[]; $nakelist = Db::name("good_nake")->where(['spuCode' => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); // $catinfo = Db::name("cat")->where(["id"=>$data['cat_id']])->find(); // $budget = isset($catinfo['order_rate']) ? $catinfo['order_rate']/100:0; $nakearry = []; if (!empty($nakelist)) { foreach ($nakelist as $value) { $nakearry[] = $value; } } $data["nakelist"] = $nakearry; return json_show(0, "获取成功", $data); } //创建规格值 public function createSpec() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $spec_id = isset($this->post['spec_id']) && $this->post['spec_id'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['spec_id']) : ""; if ($spec_id == "") { return json_show(1002, "参数spec_id不能为空"); } $spec_value = isset($this->post['spec_value']) && $this->post['spec_value'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['spec_value']) : ""; if ($spec_value == "") { return json_show(1002, "参数spec_value不能为空"); } $id_is_empty = Db::name('spec_value') ->field('id') ->where([ 'spec_id' => $spec_id, 'spec_value' => $spec_value, 'is_del' => 0 ])->find(); if ($id_is_empty) return json_show(1005, '数据库已存在该规格值'); else { $data = [ "spec_id" => $spec_id, "spec_value" => $spec_value, "is_del" => 0, "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") ]; $info = Db::name("spec_value")->insert($data); if ($info) return json_show(0, "新建成功"); else return json_show(1002, "新建失败"); } } //所有规格值 public function allSpec() { $spec_id = $this->request->filter('trim')->post('spec_id/d', 0); if ($spec_id == 0) { return json_show(1002, "参数spec_id不能为空"); } $info = Db::name('spec_value') ->where(['spec_id' => $spec_id, 'is_del' => 0]) ->select() ->toArray(); return json_show(0, "获取成功", $info); } //分类信息 public function catInfo() { // $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['id']) :""; $id = $this->request->filter('trim')->post('id/d', 0); if ($id == "") { return json_show(1002, "参数id不能为空"); } $idinfo = Db::name('cat')->where(['id' => $id])->find(); if ($idinfo == "") { return json_show(1002, "未找到数据"); } $info = Db::name('cat_specs')->where(['cat_id' => $idinfo['id'], 'is_del' => 0])->column('specs_id'); $temp = Db::name('specs')->where(['id' => $info, 'is_del' => 0])->field("id,spec_name")->select(); //$idinfo['cat_id']=$info['cat_id']; $idinfo['spec'] = $temp; // $idinfo['specs_id']=$info; return json_show(0, "获取成功", $idinfo); } //实时金价列表 public function goldPriceLastList() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $where = [['g.is_del', '=', 0]]; $type = isset($this->post['type']) && $this->post['type'] != "" ? intval($this->post['type']) : ""; if ($type !== "") $where[] = ['g.type', '=', $type]; $company_name = isset($this->post['company_name']) && $this->post['company_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['company_name']) : ""; if ($company_name !== "") $where[] = ["g.action_id", 'in', get_company_item_user_by_name($company_name)]; $ids = Db::name("gold_price1") ->where(['is_del' => 0]) ->group("type") ->column("max(id) as id"); $where[] = ['g.id', 'in', $ids]; $list = Db::name("gold_price1") ->alias('g') ->field('g.*,u.itemid') ->leftJoin("depart_user u", "u.uid=g.action_id AND u.is_del=0") ->where($where) ->cursor(); $data = []; foreach ($list as $value) { $value['type_cn'] = $this->gold[$value['type']]; $value['company_name'] = implode('/', array_column(GetPart($value['itemid']), 'name')); $data[] = $value; } return json_show(0, "获取成功", $data); } //贵金属种类列表 public function linst() { $data = []; foreach ($this->gold as $key => $value) { $v = []; $v['type'] = $key; $v['type_cn'] = $value; $data[] = $v; } return json_show(0, "获取成功", $data); } //分类列表 public function wlist() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : "1"; $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : "10"; $where = [["is_del", "=", 0], ['level', "=", 3]]; $cat_name = isset($this->post['cat_name']) && $this->post['cat_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['cat_name']) : ""; if ($cat_name !== "") { $where[] = ['cat_name', "like", "%$cat_name%"]; } $search = isset($this->post['search']) && $this->post['search'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['search']) : ""; if ($search !== "") { $where[] = ['search', "like", "%$search%"]; } $pid = isset($this->post['pid']) && $this->post['pid'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['pid']) : ""; if ($pid !== "") { $where[] = ['pid', "=", $pid]; } $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['status']) : ""; if ($status !== "") { $where[] = ['status', "=", $status]; } $count = Db::name("cat")->where($where)->count(); $total = ceil($count / $size); $page = $page >= $total ? $total : $page; $list = Db::name('cat')->where($where)->page($page, $size)->select(); $data = []; foreach ($list as $value) { $temp = isset($value['id']) && $value['id'] != 0 ? made($value['id']) : []; $value['item'] = array_column($temp, 'id'); $data[] = $value; } return json_show(0, "获取成功", ['list' => $data, 'count' => $count]); } //分类列表-全部 public function title() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $where = [["is_del", "=", 0]]; $cat_name = isset($this->post['cat_name']) && $this->post['cat_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['cat_name']) : ""; if ($cat_name !== "") $where[] = ['cat_name', "like", "%$cat_name%"]; $pid = isset($this->post['pid']) && $this->post['pid'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['pid']) : ""; if ($pid !== "") $where[] = ["pid", "=", $pid]; $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['status']) : ""; if ($status !== "") $where[] = ['status', "=", $status]; $list = Db::name('cat') ->where($where) ->select() ->toArray(); return json_show(0, "获取成功", $list); } //判断是否允许修改成本信息和基础信息 public function checkIsUpdate() { $spuCode = $this->request->post('spuCode', '', 'trim'); if ($spuCode == '') return json_show(1004, '成本商品编号不能为空'); $is_allow_update = 1; //检查是否有上线记录 $rs = Db::name('good_platform') ->field('id') ->where(['spuCode' => $spuCode, 'is_del' => 0]) ->whereNotIn('exam_status', [0, 8]) ->find(); if (!empty($rs)) $is_allow_update = 0; else { $rs = PlatformYouzan::field('id') ->where(['spuCode' => $spuCode, 'is_del' => PlatformYouzan::$del_normal]) ->whereNotIn('exam_status', [PlatformYouzan::$exam_status_8, PlatformYouzan::$exam_status_2]) ->findOrEmpty() ->isEmpty(); if (!$rs) $is_allow_update = 0; } return json_show(0, '请求成功', ['is_allow_update' => $is_allow_update]); } //上线商品复制 public function copy() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $supcode = isset($this->post['spuCode']) && $this->post['spuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['spuCode']) : ""; if ($supcode == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数spuCode不能为空"); } $data = Db::name("good_basic")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($data == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $token = isset($this->post['token']) && $this->post['token'] != '' ? trim($this->post['token']) : ""; if ($token == '') { return json_show(105, "参数token不能为空"); } // $user =GetUserInfo($token); // if(empty($user)||$user['code']!=0){ // return json_show(102,"用户数据不存在"); // } $createrid = $this->request->user['uid']; $creater = $this->request->user['nickname']; $nake = Db::name("good_nake")->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); $ladd = []; $newCode = makeNo("SKU"); if (!empty($nake)) { foreach ($nake as $value) { $tmp = []; $tmp['spuCode'] = $newCode; $tmp['min_num'] = $value['min_num']; $tmp['nake_fee'] = $value['nake_fee']; $tmp['cost_fee'] = $value['cost_fee']; $tmp['delivery_fee'] = $value['delivery_fee']; $tmp['cert_fee'] = $value['cert_fee']; $tmp['mark_fee'] = $value['mark_fee']; $tmp['package_fee'] = $value['package_fee']; $tmp['other_fee'] = $value['other_fee']; $tmp['nake_total'] = $value['nake_total']; $tmp['creater_id'] = $createrid; $tmp['creater'] = $creater; $tmp['is_del'] = $value['is_del']; $tmp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $tmp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $ladd[] = $tmp; } } $spec = Db::name("good_spec") ->where(["spuCode" => $supcode, "is_del" => 0]) ->select() ->toArray(); $specArr = []; if (!empty($spec)) { foreach ($spec as $value) { $tmp = []; $tmp['spuCode'] = $newCode; $tmp['spec_id'] = $value['spec_id']; $tmp['spec_value_id'] = $value['spec_value_id']; $tmp['is_del'] = $value['is_del']; $tmp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $tmp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $specArr[] = $tmp; } } Db::startTrans(); try { unset($data['id']); $data['spuCode'] = $newCode; $data['createrid'] = $createrid; $data['creater'] = $creater; $data['status'] = 7; $data['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $data['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $cre = Db::name("good_basic")->insert($data); if ($cre) { //修改状态,添加待办 ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [ "order_code" => $newCode,//咨询单详情编号 "status" => 0,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "create"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "SPCB", 7, $data); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $createrid, 'nickname' => $creater], [ "order_type" => 'SPCB', "order_code" => $newCode,//咨询单详情编号 "order_id" => Db::name("good_basic")->getLastInsID(), "order_status" => 7, "before_status" => 0 ]); if (!empty($ladd)) { $na = Db::name("good_nake")->insertAll($ladd); if ($na == 0) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "成本数据复制失败"); } } if (!empty($specArr)) { $sp = Db::name("good_spec")->insertAll($specArr); if ($sp == 0) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "规格数据复制失败"); } } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "复制数据成功", ["spuCode" => $newCode]); } else { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "数据复制失败"); } } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $e->getMessage()); } } //商品详情 public function info() { $this->post = $this->request->filter('trim')->post(); $skucode = isset($this->post['skuCode']) && $this->post['skuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['skuCode']) : ""; if ($skucode == "") { return json_show(1005, "参数skuCode不能为空"); } $good_platform = Db::name("good_platform")->where(['skuCode' => $skucode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($good_platform == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $data = Db::name("good")->where(["spuCode" => $good_platform['spuCode'], "is_del" => 0])->find(); if ($data == false) { return json_show(1004, "未找到商品数据"); } $plat = Db::name("platform")->where(["id" => $good_platform['platform_code']])->find(); $data['skuCode'] = $good_platform['skuCode']; $data['platform_code'] = $good_platform['id']; $data['platform_code_en'] = isset($plat['platform_code']) ? $plat['platform_code'] : ""; $data['platform_name'] = isset($plat['platform_name']) ? $plat['platform_name'] : ""; $data['online_reason'] = $good_platform['online_reason']; $data['online_time'] = $good_platform['online_time']; $data['online_remark'] = $good_platform['online_remark']; $data['exam_status'] = $good_platform['exam_status']; $data['is_online'] = $good_platform['is_online']; $data['plat_code'] = $good_platform['plat_code']; $data['exclusive'] = makeExcluse($data['is_exclusive']); $unit = Db::name("unit")->where(["id" => $data['good_unit']])->find(); $data['unit'] = isset($unit['unit']) ? $unit['unit'] : ''; $data['cat_info'] = made($data['cat_id'], []); $spec = Db::name("good_spec")->where(["spuCode" => $good_platform['spuCode'], "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); $supplier = Db::name("supplier")->where(["code" => $data['supplierNo']])->find(); $data['supplierName'] = isset($supplier['name']) ? $supplier['name'] : ""; $data['noble_name'] = isset($data['noble_metal']) && $data['noble_metal'] != 0 ? $this->noble[$data['noble_metal']] : ""; $company = Db::name("business")->where(["companyNo" => $data['companyNo']])->find(); $data['company'] = isset($company['company']) ? $company['company'] : ""; if ($data['brand_id'] != 0) { $brand = Db::name("brand")->where(["id" => $data['brand_id']])->find(); $data["brand_name"] = isset($brand['brand_name']) ? $brand['brand_name'] : ""; } else { $data["brand_name"] = ""; $data["brand_id"] = ""; } $data['origin_place_cn'] = ""; $data['delivery_place_cn'] = ""; if ($data['delivery_place'] !== "") { $place = ["provice_code" => "", "city_code" => "", "area_code" => ""]; list($place['provice_code'], $place['city_code'], $place['area_code']) = explode(",", $data['delivery_place']); $data['delivery_place_cn'] = GetAddr(json_encode($place)); } if ($data['origin_place'] !== "") { $place = ["provice_code" => "", "city_code" => "", "area_code" => ""]; list($place['provice_code'], $place['city_code'], $place['area_code']) = explode(",", $data['origin_place']); $data['origin_place_cn'] = GetAddr(json_encode($place)); } $excluse = makeExcluse($data['is_exclusive']); $data['exclusive'] = $excluse; $data["good_info_img"] = $data['good_info_img'] != "" ? $data['good_info_img'] : []; $data["good_img"] = $data['good_img'] != "" ? $data['good_img'] : []; $speclist = []; if (!empty($spec)) { foreach ($spec as $value) { $temp = []; $temp['id'] = $value['id']; $temp['spuCode'] = $value['spuCode']; $temp['spec_id'] = $value['spec_id']; $temp['spec_value_id'] = $value['spec_value_id']; $temp['is_del'] = $value['is_del']; $sp = Db::name("specs")->where(["id" => $value['spec_id']])->find(); $temp['spec_name'] = isset($sp["spec_name"]) ? $sp["spec_name"] : ""; $spv = Db::name("spec_value")->where(["id" => $value['spec_value_id']])->find(); $temp['spec_value'] = isset($spv["spec_value"]) ? $spv["spec_value"] : ""; $speclist[] = $temp; } } $data["speclist"] = empty($speclist) ? [] : $speclist; $ladder = Db::name("good_ladder")->where(['skuCode' => $skucode, "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); $data["ladderlist"] = !empty($ladder) ? $ladder : []; $nakelist = Db::name("good_nake")->where(['spuCode' => $good_platform['spuCode'], "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); // $catinfo = Db::name("cat")->where(["id"=>$data['cat_id']])->find(); $cat_top_list = $data['cat_info']; $cat_top_id = isset($cat_top_list[0]['id']) ? $cat_top_list[0]['id'] : 0; // $budget = isset($catinfo['order_rate']) ? $catinfo['order_rate']/100:0; $gold_price = 0; if ($data['is_gold_price'] == 1 && $cat_top_id == 6) { $gold_price = Db::name("gold_price1")->where(["type" => $data['noble_metal'], "status" => 1, "is_del" => 0])->order("addtime desc")->value('price', 0); } $data['gold_price'] = $gold_price; $nakearry = []; if (!empty($nakelist)) { //实时金价 foreach ($nakelist as $value) { $value['sale_price'] = $value['nake_total']; //计算最终售价 if ($data['is_gold_price'] == 1 && $cat_top_id == 6) { //普通商品:直接用财务提交的售价字段; //贵金属( 商品重量* 最新金价 + 工艺费(财务定价提交的)* 商品重量+包装费+加标费+证书费+产品裸价+其他费用)=商品库商品直接下单的售价 $value['sale_price'] = ($data['weight'] * $gold_price + $value['cost_fee'] * $data['weight'] + $value['package_fee'] + $value['mark_fee'] + $value['cert_fee'] + $value['nake_fee'] + $value['other_fee']); } $nakearry[] = $value; } } $proof = Db::name("good_proof")->where(["spuCode" => $good_platform['spuCode'], "is_del" => 0])->order("updatetime desc")->field("id,proof_type,proof_url")->find(); $data['proof'] = isset($proof) && $proof != false ? $proof : []; $data["nakelist"] = $nakearry; //补充采购员字段 //成本表里的创建人,也是线上商品的采购人,为了防止混淆,给creater取个别名 $temp_basic_info = Db::name('good_basic') ->field('id,createrid purchase_id,creater purchase') ->where(['spuCode' => $data['spuCode'], 'is_del' => 0]) ->find(); $data['purchase_id'] = $temp_basic_info['purchase_id']; $data['purchase'] = $temp_basic_info['purchase']; return json_show(0, "获取成功", $data); } }