post['orderCode']) && $this->post['orderCode'] != '' ? trim($this->post['orderCode']) : ""; if ($ordeCode == '') return json_show(1004, "参数orderCode 不能为空"); $order = Db::name("sale")->where(["orderCode" => $ordeCode, "is_del" => 0])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($order)) return json_show(1005, "未找到订单数据"); $retrun = Db::name("sale_return") ->where(["orderCode" => $ordeCode, "is_del" => 0, "status" => [1, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12]]) ->count('id'); if ($retrun > 0) return json_show(1005, "存在未完成退货订单数据"); if ($order['order_type'] == 3 || $order['order_type'] == 4) { $goon = Db::name("good_zixun") ->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], "is_del" => 0]) ->findOrEmpty(); } else { $goon = Db::name('good_platform') ->alias('a') ->join('good b', 'b.spuCode=a.spuCode', 'left') ->where(['a.skuCode' => $order['skuCode']]) ->field("b.creater,b.createrid,b.supplierNo") ->findOrEmpty(); } if (empty($goon)) return json_show(1005, "未找到商品数据"); $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); $tmp = $userCommon->handle('sInfo', ['code' => $goon['supplierNo']]); if (!isset($tmp['code']) || $tmp['code'] != 0) return json_show($tmp['code'], $tmp['message'], $tmp['data']); $supplier = $tmp['data']; if (empty($supplier)) return json_show(1005, "未找到商品供应商数据"); // $supplier =Db::name("supplier")->where(["code"=>$goon['supplierNo']])->find(); // if($supplier==false){ // return json_show(1005,"未找到商品供应商数据"); // } // $names = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName',['code'=>[$order['supplierNo'],$order['customer_code']]]); $errorCode = isset($this->post['errorCode']) && $this->post['errorCode'] != '' ? trim($this->post['errorCode']) : ""; if ($errorCode == '') return json_show(1004, "参数errorCode 不能为空"); $error = Db::name('result_info') ->field('id') ->where(["result_code" => $errorCode, "is_del" => 0]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($error)) return json_show(1005, "未找到退货原因数据"); $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] != '' ? trim($this->post['remark']) : ""; $thnum = isset($this->post['thnum']) && $this->post['thnum'] != '' ? intval($this->post['thnum']) : ""; // $token = isset($this->post['token'])&&$this->post['token']!='' ? trim($this->post['token']):""; // if($token==''){ // return json_show(105,"参数token不能为空"); // } // $user =GetUserInfo($token); // if(empty($user)||$user['code']!=0){ // return json_show(1002,"申请人数据不存在"); // } $is_addr = 0; $rm = $this->uid;//isset($user["data"]['id']) ? $user["data"]['id'] : ""; $ri = $this->uname;//isset($user["data"]['nickname']) ? $user["data"]['nickname'] : ""; $returnadr = isset($this->post['returnAddr']) && !empty($this->post['returnAddr']) ? $this->post['returnAddr'] : ""; if ($returnadr != '') { $thnum = array_sum(array_column($returnadr, "return_num")); $is_addr = 1; } $returnCode = makeNo("RN"); Db::startTrans(); try { $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $in = [ "returnCode" => $returnCode, "orderCode" => $ordeCode, "good_code" => $order['good_code'], "good_name" => $order['good_name'], "apply_id" => $rm, "apply_name" => $ri, "cgderid" => $goon['createrid'], "cgder" => $goon['creater'], "person" => $supplier['person'] ?? '', "person_id" => $supplier['personid'] ?? 0, "error_code" => $errorCode, "num" => $thnum, "total_fee" => round($order['sale_price'] * $thnum, 2), "good_price" => $order['sale_price'], "platform_id" => $order['platform_id'], "remark" => $remark, "order_type" => $order['order_type'], "is_addr" => $is_addr, "status" => $order['is_stock'] == 1 ? (Db::name('order_out_child')->where(['is_del' => 0, 'orderCode' => $ordeCode])->value('id', 0) ? 11 : 4) : 1,//库存品未分仓选4,分仓选11,非库存品选1 "is_del" => 0, "addtime" => $date, "updatetime" => $date, 'supplierNo' => $goon['supplierNo'], 'supplierName' => $supplier['name'], 'companyNo' => $order['supplierNo'], 'companyName' => $order['supplierName'],//$names['data'][$order['supplierNo']] ?? '', 'customer_code' => $order['customer_code'], 'customer_name' => $order['customerName'],//$names['data'][$order['customer_code']] ?? '', ]; $create = Db::name("sale_return")->insertGetId($in); if ($create > 0) { $stn = ["order_code" => $returnCode, "status" => 0, "action_remark" => '', "action_type" => "create"]; ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $stn, "XSTHD", $in['status'], $in); $process = ["order_code" => $returnCode, "order_id" => $create, "order_status" => $in['status'], "order_type" => 'XSTHD', "before_status" => 0, 'holder_id' => $in['apply_id']]; ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $process); //维护台账信息 Db::execute("UPDATE `wsm_standing_book` SET `returnGoodCode`=CONCAT(IFNULL(`returnGoodCode`,''),',{$returnCode}'),`updatetime`='" . $date . "' WHERE `orderCode`='{$ordeCode}'"); //如果有退货地址,那么可能有发货单,可能有发货工单 // if ($returnadr != "") { // $inf = []; // foreach ($returnadr as $val) { // // if ($val['return_num'] == 0) continue;//当退货数量为0时,跳过 // // $temp = []; // $addrinfo = Db::name("order_addr")->where(['id' => $val['id'], "orderCode" => $ordeCode])->findOrEmpty(); // if ($addrinfo == false) throw new Exception("地址信息未找到"); // // $send = Db::name('order_out')->where([["addrid", "=", $val['id']]])->findOrEmpty(); // if ($send['status'] >= 2) throw new Exception("地址已发货"); // // if ($order['is_stock'] == 1) { // if ($addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] < $val['return_num']) throw new Exception("地址发货数量不足"); // // $addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] -= $val['return_num']; // $addrinfo['is_del'] = $addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] <= 0 ? 1 : 0; // $addrinfo['updatetime'] = $date; // $addrup = Db::name("order_addr")->save($addrinfo); // if ($addrup == false) throw new Exception("地址发货数量更新失败"); // // $out = Db::name("order_out")->where(["addrid" => $val['id']])->findOrEmpty(); // if ($out == false) throw new Exception("地址发货单数据未找到"); // //// if ($send!=false) { // if ($out['status'] >= 2) throw new Exception("地址发货单已发货"); // // if ($out['send_num'] < $val['return_num']) throw new Exception("地址发货单发货数量不足"); // // $out['send_num'] -= $val['return_num']; // $out['is_del'] = $out['send_num'] == 0 ? 1 : 0; // $out['updatetime'] = $date; // $outup = Db::name("order_out")->save($out); // if ($outup == false) throw new Exception("地址发货单更新失败"); // // //// $ordersend = Db::name("order_send")->where(["outCode" => $out['outCode']])->find(); //// if ($ordersend['send_num'] < $val['return_num']) { //// Db::rollback(); //// return json_show(1004, "发货单发货数量不足"); //// } //// $ordersend['send_num'] -= $val['return_num']; //// $ordersend['status'] = $ordersend['send_num'] <= 0 ? 0 : 1; //// $ordersend['updatetime'] = $date; //// $sendip = Db::name("order_send")->save($ordersend); //// if ($sendip == false) { //// Db::rollback(); //// return json_show(1004, "发货单更新失败"); //// } // //// } // } // $temp['returnCode'] = $returnCode; // $temp['orderCode'] = $ordeCode; // $temp['outCode'] = isset($send['outCode']) ? $send['outCode'] : ""; // $temp['addrid'] = $val['id']; // $temp['send_num'] = $addrinfo['receipt_quantity']; // $temp['return_num'] = $val['return_num']; // $temp['is_del'] = 0; // $temp['addtime'] = $date; // $temp['updatetime'] = $date; // $inf[] = $temp; // } // $inadd = Db::name("sale_returnaddr")->insertAll($inf); // if ($inadd == 0) throw new Exception("退货单新建失败"); // } if ($in['status'] == 4 && $order['is_stock'] == 1) { //未发货数量要减去发货单上的发货数量 $out_send_num = Db::name('order_out') ->where(['is_del' => 0, 'orderCode' => $ordeCode, 'status' => [0, 1]]) ->sum('send_num'); $order['wsend_num'] -= $out_send_num; if ($order['wsend_num'] < $thnum) throw new Exception("销售单未发货数量不足退货"); $lor = $order['status']; $order['wsend_num'] -= $thnum; $order['send_num'] += $thnum; $order['status'] = $order['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 2 : ($order['send_num'] == 0 ? 0 : 1); $order['send_status'] = $order['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 3 : ($order['send_num'] == 0 ? 1 : 2); $order['th_num'] += $thnum; if ($order['th_num'] == $order['send_num'] && $order['wsend_num'] == 0) { $order['status'] = 3; } $order['th_fee'] += round($thnum * $order['sale_price'], 2); $order['updatetime'] = $date; $uap = Db::name("sale")->save($order); if ($uap == false) throw new Exception('销售单订单更新失败'); ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $order["orderCode"],//出库单号 "status" => $lor,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "XSQRD", $order['status'], $order); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'XSQRD', "order_code" => $order["orderCode"],//出库单号 "order_id" => $order["id"], "order_status" => $order['status'], "before_status" => $lor ]); // $ordernum = Db::name("order_num")->where(['orderCode' => $ordeCode])->find(); // if ($ordernum == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '未找到关联采购单'); // } // $ordernum['send_num'] -= $thnum; // $orderup = Db::name("order_num")->save($ordernum); // if ($orderup == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '关联数据更新失败'); // } // $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find(); // if ($cgd == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '未找到采购单数据'); // } // $cgd['th_fee'] += round($cgd['good_price'] * $thnum, 2); // $cgd['th_num'] += $thnum; // $cgd['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $cgdup = Db::name("purchease_order")->save($cgd); // if ($cgdup == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '采购单数据更新失败'); // } // if ($cgd['bkcode'] != "") { // $bk = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["bkcode" => $cgd['bkcode'], "order_type" => 1, "order_source" =>0, "is_del" => 0]) // ->find(); // if ($bk == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '未找到备库单数据'); // } // $orderbk = Db::name("order_bk")->where(['cgdNo' => $bk['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0])->find(); // if ($orderbk == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '备库单未完全入库'); // } // $merge_num = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["bkcode" => $bk['bkcode'], "order_type" => // 1, "is_del" => 0])->where("order_source","<>",0)->field("sum(send_num)-sum(th_num) as num") // ->find(); // // $orderbk['balance_num'] = $orderbk['total_num'] - $merge_num['num']; // $orderbk['merge_num'] = $merge_num['num']; // $orderbk['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $orderbkup = Db::name("order_bk")->save($orderbk); // if ($orderbkup == false) { // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1005, '备库单库存数据释放失败'); // } // } // $saleinfo = Db::name("sale_info") // ->where([["orderCode", "=", $ordeCode], ["num", ">", 0]]) // ->select() // ->toArray(); // if (empty($saleinfo)) { // $ordernum = Db::name("order_num")->where(['orderCode' => $ordeCode])->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($ordernum)) throw new Exception('未找到关联采购单'); // // $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0])->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($cgd)) throw new Exception('未找到采购单数据'); // // $bn = makeNo("BN"); // $stock = Db::name("good_stock") // ->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => $cgd['wsm_code'], "is_del" => 0, "status" => 1]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if ($stock == false) throw new Exception('商品库存数据未找到'); // // $stock['usable_stock'] += $thnum; // $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $thnum; // $stock['updatetime'] = $date; // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // $yp = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($stock['id'], $bn, $thnum, $cgd['good_price']); // if ($yp == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // } else { // $tempnum = $thnum; // foreach ($saleinfo as $va) { // if ($tempnum == 0) break; // $stock = Db::name("good_stock")->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], 'id' => $va['stockid']]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if ($stock == false) throw new Exception('商品库存数据未找到'); // // if ($va['num'] >= $tempnum) { // $tnm = $tempnum; // $va['num'] -= $tempnum; // $va['th_num'] += $tempnum; // $tempnum = 0; // } else { // $tnm = $va['num']; // $tempnum -= $va['num']; // $va['th_num'] += $va['num']; // $va['num'] = 0; // } // $stock['usable_stock'] += $tnm; // $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $tnm; // $stock['updatetime'] = $date; // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // $ps = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($va['stockid'], $va['bnCode'], $tnm); // if ($ps == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // $ret = GoodStockInfo::ReturnBn($returnCode, $va['id'], $tnm); // if ($ret == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // $va['updatetime'] = $date; // $sal = Db::name("sale_info")->save($va); // if ($sal == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // $good_data[] = ['good_log_code' => $returnCode, "stock_id" => $va['stockid'], "type" => 1, 'stock' => $thnum, "stock_name" => "usable_stock"]; // $good_data[] = ['good_log_code' => $returnCode, "stock_id" => $va['stockid'], "type" => 2, 'stock' => $thnum, "stock_name" => "wait_out_stock"]; // GoodLog::LogAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $good_data, 'XSTHD'); // } // } // $data=[ // "orderCode"=>$ordeCode, // "th_type"=>1, // "th_num"=>$thnum, // "th_fee"=>round($order['sale_price']*$thnum,2), // "thCode"=>$returnCode, // "spuCode"=>$order['good_code'], // "good_name"=>$order['good_name'], // "cat_id"=>$order['cat_id'], // "apply_id"=>$rm, // "apply_name"=>$ri, // "addtime"=>$date, // "status"=>1, // "is_del"=>0 // ]; // $inse=Db::name("th_data")->insert($data); // if($inse==false){ // Db::rollback(); // return json_show(1004,"退货单更新失败"); // } } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "退货单新建成功", ["returnCode" => $returnCode]); } Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "退货单新建失败"); } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, $e->getMessage()); } } //退货单列表 public function list() { $page = isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['page']) : "1"; $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['size']) : "10"; $where = [['sr.is_del', "=", 0]]; $bkcode = isset($this->post['returnCode']) && $this->post['returnCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['returnCode']) : ""; if ($bkcode != "") { $where[] = ['sr.returnCode', "like", "%{$bkcode}%"]; } $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !== "" ? intval($this->post['status']) : ""; if ($status !== "") { $where[] = ['sr.status', "=", $status]; } $orderCode = isset($this->post['orderCode']) && $this->post['orderCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['orderCode']) : ""; if ($orderCode != "") { $where[] = ['sr.orderCode', "like", "%{$orderCode}%"]; } $apply_name = isset($this->post['apply_name']) && $this->post['apply_name'] != "" ? trim($this->post['apply_name']) : ""; if ($apply_name != "") { $where[] = ['sr.apply_name', "like", "%{$apply_name}%"]; } $start = isset($this->post['start']) && $this->post['start'] != '' ? $this->post['start'] : ""; if ($start !== "") { $where[] = ['sr.addtime', ">=", $start . ' 00:00:00']; } $end = isset($this->post['end']) && $this->post['end'] != '' ? $this->post['end'] : ""; if ($end !== "") { $where[] = ['sr.addtime', "<=", $end . ' 23:59:59']; } //商品成本编码搜索 $good_code = isset($this->post['good_code']) && $this->post['good_code'] != "" ? trim($this->post['good_code']) : ""; if ($good_code != "") { $where[] = ['sr.good_code', "like", "%{$good_code}%"]; } //商品上线编码搜索 $skuCode = isset($this->post['skuCode']) && $this->post['skuCode'] != "" ? trim($this->post['skuCode']) : ""; if ($skuCode != "") { $where[] = ['b.skuCode', "like", "%{$skuCode}%"]; } $relaComNo = isset($this->post['relaComNo']) && $this->post['relaComNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['relaComNo']) : ""; if ($relaComNo != "") $where[] = ['sr.companyNo', '=', $relaComNo]; $supplierNo = isset($this->post['supplierNo']) && $this->post['supplierNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['supplierNo']) : ""; if ($supplierNo !== "") $where[] = ['sr.supplierNo', "like", '%' . $supplierNo . '%']; $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] != "" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']) : ""; if ($companyNo !== "") $where[] = ['sr.companyNo', "like", '%' . $companyNo . '%']; $customer_code = isset($this->post['customer_code']) && $this->post['customer_code'] != "" ? trim($this->post['customer_code']) : ""; if ($customer_code !== "") $where[] = ['sr.customer_code', "like", '%' . $customer_code . '%']; $order_source = $order_source = isset($this->post['order_source']) && $this->post['order_source'] != "" ? trim($this->post['order_source']) : ""; if ($order_source !== "") $where[] = ['b.order_source', "=", $order_source]; $condition = []; // $role=$this->checkRole(); // if(!empty($role['write']) && $this->uid!=""){ // // $where[]=["sr.apply_id","in",$role['write']]; // $condition .="sr.cgderid = {$this->uid} or sr.apply_id in (".implode(',',$role['write']).")"; // } //只有level2的账号过滤数据权限 if ($this->level == 2) { $role = $this->checkDataShare(); $hand = resign_hand_user($this->uid, 0); if (!empty($role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部])) { $arr = array_unique(array_merge($hand, $role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部])); // $uidim =implode(",",$hand); // $condition .= "sr.cgderid in ($uidim) or sr.person_id in ($uidim) or sr.apply_id in (" . implode(',',$arr) . // ")"; $condition[] = ["sr.apply_id", "in", $arr]; $condition[] = ["sr.cgderid", "in", $hand]; $condition[] = ["sr.person_id", "in", $hand]; } } //供应商账号不允许看到库存品数据 if ($this->level == 3) $where[] = ['b.is_stock', '<>', 1]; // $role = $this->checkDataShare(); // if (!empty($role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部])) $condition .= "sr.cgderid = {$this->uid} or sr.person_id = {$this->uid} or sr.apply_id in (" . implode(',', $role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部]) . ")"; if (in_array($this->roleid, config('app.wsm_cgder_role'))) { $where[] = ["b.order_type", "=", 1]; } $company_name = isset($this->post['company_name']) && $this->post['company_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['company_name']) : ""; if ($company_name !== "") $where[] = ["sr.apply_id", 'in', get_company_item_user_by_name($company_name)]; // $customer_code = trim($this->post['customer_code']??''); // $where[]=['b.customer_code', "like", "%{$customer_code}%"]; $count = Db::name("sale_return") ->alias('sr') ->leftJoin("sale b", "b.orderCode=sr.orderCode AND b.is_del=0") ->leftJoin('result_info c', 'c.result_code=sr.error_code') ->where($where) ->where(function ($query) use ($condition) { $query->whereOr($condition); }) ->count(''); $total = ceil($count / $size); $page = $total >= $page ? $page : $total; $list = Db::name("sale_return") ->alias('sr') ->field('sr.*,b.skuCode,b.sale_price,b.good_num total_num,b.order_source,c.result error_msg') ->leftJoin("sale b", "b.orderCode=sr.orderCode AND b.is_del=0") ->leftJoin('result_info c', 'c.result_code=sr.error_code') ->where($where) ->where(function ($query) use ($condition) { $query->whereOr($condition); }) ->order("sr.addtime desc") ->page($page, $size) ->select() ->toArray(); // echo Db::name("sale_return")->getLastSql(); $all_createrid = array_column($list, 'apply_id'); $item = get_company_name_by_uid($all_createrid); // $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); // $names = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName',['code'=>array_merge(array_column($list,'supplierNo'),array_column($list,'customer_code'))]); //校验是否开通了供应商账号 $supp_account = checkHasAccountBySupplierNos(array_unique(array_column($list,'supplierNo'))); $data = []; foreach ($list as $value) { // $value['error_msg']=''; // if($value['error_code']!=''){ // $error = Db::name("result_info")->where(["result_code"=>$value['error_code']])->find(); // $value['error_msg']= isset($error['result'])?$error['result']:""; // } // $order =Db::name("sale")->where(["orderCode"=>$value['orderCode'],"is_del"=>0])->find(); // $value['sale_price'] = isset($order['sale_price']) ?$order['sale_price']:0; $value['return_total'] = $value['sale_price'] * $value['num']; // $value['total_num'] =$order['good_num'] ; $value['company_name'] = $item[$value['apply_id']] ?? ''; // $value['supplierName'] = $names['data'][$value['supplierNo']] ?? '';//isset($wsm['company']) ? $wsm['company'] : ""; // $value['customerName'] = $names['data'][$value['customer_code']] ?? '';//isset($wsm['company']) ? $wsm['company'] : ""; //是否具有编辑权限 // $value['is_allow_update'] = 0; // if (in_array($this->roleid, [1, 33]) || in_array($value['apply_id'], $role[DataGroupModel::$type_可编辑])) $value['is_allow_update'] = 1; $value['has_account'] = (int)isset($supp_account[$value['supplierNo']]); $data[] = $value; } return json_show(0, "获取成功", ["count" => $count, 'list' => $data]); } public function info() { $code = isset($this->post['returnCode']) && $this->post['returnCode'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['returnCode']) : ""; if ($code == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数returnCode不能为空"); } $info = Db::name("sale_return")->where(["returnCode" => $code, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if (empty($info)) { return json_show(1004, "未找到退货数据"); } $orderinfo = Db::name("sale")->where(["orderCode" => $info["orderCode"]])->find(); if ($orderinfo['order_type'] == 3 || $orderinfo['order_type'] == 4) { $goon = Db::name("good_zixun") ->field('cat_id,0 is_stock') ->where(["spuCode" => $orderinfo['good_code'], "is_del" => 0]) ->findOrEmpty(); } else { $goon = Db::name('good_platform') ->field('b.cat_id,b.is_stock') ->alias('a') ->leftJoin('good b', 'b.spuCode=a.spuCode') ->where(['a.skuCode' => $orderinfo['skuCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); } if ($goon == false) { return json_show(1003, "未找到商品数据"); } $int = isset($goon['cat_id']) && $goon['cat_id'] != 0 ? made($goon['cat_id']) : []; $info['is_stock'] = isset($goon['is_stock']) ? $goon['is_stock'] : '0'; $info['good_code'] = isset($orderinfo['good_code']) ? $orderinfo['good_code'] : ''; $info['send_type'] = isset($orderinfo['send_type']) ? $orderinfo['send_type'] : ''; $info['skuCode'] = isset($orderinfo['skuCode']) ? $orderinfo['skuCode'] : ''; $info['good_name'] = isset($orderinfo['good_name']) ? $orderinfo['good_name'] : ''; $info['good_num'] = isset($orderinfo['good_num']) ? $orderinfo['good_num'] : ''; $info['sale_price'] = isset($orderinfo['sale_price']) ? $orderinfo['sale_price'] : '0'; $info['origin_price'] = isset($orderinfo['origin_price']) ? $orderinfo['origin_price'] : '0'; $info['return_total'] = $info['sale_price'] * $info['num']; $info['send_num'] = isset($orderinfo['send_num']) ? $orderinfo['send_num'] : '0'; $info['wsend_num'] = isset($orderinfo['wsend_num']) ? $orderinfo['wsend_num'] : '0'; $info['send_status'] = isset($orderinfo['send_status']) ? $orderinfo['send_status'] : ''; $info['total_price'] = isset($orderinfo['total_price']) ? $orderinfo['total_price'] : '0'; $info['post_fee'] = isset($orderinfo['post_fee']) ? $orderinfo['post_fee'] : '0'; // $info['customer_code'] = isset($orderinfo['customer_code'])?$orderinfo['customer_code']:''; // $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); if ($info['return_wsm'] != "") { $wsmcode = Db::name("warehouse_info") ->alias("a") // ->leftJoin("supplier b","a.supplierNo=b.code") ->where(["a.wsm_code" => $info['return_wsm']]) ->field(" as wsm_name,a.supplierNo,a.supplierName") ->findOrEmpty(); // $tmp = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName', ['code' => [ // $orderinfo['supplierNo'], // $orderinfo['customer_code'], // $wsmcode['supplierNo']??'', // ]]); $info['wsm_name'] = isset($wsmcode['wsm_name']) ? $wsmcode['wsm_name'] : ""; $info['wsm_supplier'] = $wsmcode['supplierName'];//isset($wsmcode['name']) ? $wsmcode['name']:""; $info['wsm_supplierNo'] = $wsmcode['supplierNo'] ?? '';//isset($wsmcode['code']) ? $wsmcode['code']:""; } // if(!empty($wsmcode['supplierNo'])){ // $info['wsm_supplier'] =$tmp['data'][$wsmcode['supplierNo']]??'';//isset($wsmcode['name']) ? $wsmcode['name']:""; // $info['wsm_supplierNo'] =$wsmcode['supplierNo']??'';//isset($wsmcode['code']) ? $wsmcode['code']:""; // } // $info['customer_name']=''; // if(isset($orderinfo['customer_code'])&&$orderinfo['customer_code']!=''){ // $customerinfo = Db::name("customer_info")->where(['companyNo'=>$orderinfo['customer_code']])->find(); // $info['customer_name'] = $tmp['data'][$orderinfo['customer_code']]??'';//isset($customerinfo['companyName']) ? $customerinfo['companyName']:""; // } // $info['supplierNo'] = isset($orderinfo['supplierNo'])?$orderinfo['supplierNo']:''; // $info['supplier_name']=''; // if(isset($orderinfo['supplierNo'])&&$orderinfo['supplierNo']!=''){ //// $customerinfo = Db::name("business")->where(['companyNo'=>$orderinfo['supplierNo']])->find(); //// $info['supplier_name'] = isset($customerinfo['company']) ? $customerinfo['company']:""; // $info['supplier_name'] = $tmp['data'][$orderinfo['supplierNo']] ?? ''; // // } $info['platform_name'] = ''; $info['platform_id'] = $orderinfo['platform_id']; if ($orderinfo['platform_id'] != 0) { $plat = Db::name("platform")->field('platform_name')->where(['id' => $orderinfo['platform_id']])->find(); $info['platform_name'] = isset($plat['platform_name']) ? $plat['platform_name'] : ""; } $info['cgd_wsend'] = ""; $info['cgd_send'] = ""; $info['cgd_total'] = ""; if ($orderinfo['order_type'] == 2) { $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["bkcode" => $info["orderCode"], "order_type" => 2])->find(); $info['cgd_wsend'] = isset($cgd['wsend_num']) ? $cgd['wsend_num'] : 0; $info['cgd_send'] = isset($cgd['send_num']) ? $cgd['send_num'] : 0; $info['cgd_total'] = isset($cgd['good_num']) ? $cgd['good_num'] : 0; } $info['error_msg'] = ''; if ($info['error_code'] != '') { $error = Db::name("result_info")->where(["result_code" => $info['error_code']])->find(); $info['error_msg'] = isset($error['result']) ? $error['result'] : ""; } $wsm_return = Db::name("sale_returninfo")->where(["returnCode" => $info["returnCode"], "is_del" => 0])->select()->toArray(); $all_wsm_code = array_column($wsm_return, 'wsm_code'); $all_wsmcode_info = Db::name("warehouse_info") ->where(["wsm_code" => $all_wsm_code]) ->column("name,supplierNo,supplierName", 'wsm_code'); // $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); // $all_supplier_name = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName', ['code' => array_unique(array_column($all_wsmcode_info, 'supplierNo'))]); $wsm = []; if (!empty($wsm_return)) { foreach ($wsm_return as $value) { $value['wsm_name'] = ""; $value['wsm_supplier'] = ""; $value['wsm_supplierNo'] = ""; if ($value['wsm_code'] != "") { // $wsmcode = Db::name("warehouse_info") // ->alias("a") //// ->leftJoin("supplier b","a.supplierNo=b.code") // ->where(["a.wsm_code"=>$value['wsm_code']]) // ->field(" as wsm_name,,b.code") // ->find(); $value['wsm_name'] = $all_wsmcode_info[$value['wsm_code']]['name'] ?? '';//isset($wsmcode['wsm_name']) ? $wsmcode['wsm_name']:""; $value['wsm_supplier'] = $all_wsmcode_info[$value['wsm_code']]['supplierName'] ?? '';//isset($wsmcode['name']) ? $wsmcode['name']:""; $value['wsm_supplierNo'] = $all_wsmcode_info[$value['wsm_code']]['supplierNo'] ?? '';//isset($wsmcode['code']) ? $wsmcode['code']:""; } $orderwsm = Db::name("sale_info")->where(["orderCode" => $info["orderCode"], "wsm_code" => $value["wsm_code"]])->find(); $value["wsm_total"] = isset($orderwsm["num"]) ? $orderwsm["num"] : 0; $send = Db::name("order_out")->where(["wsm_code" => $value['wsm_code'], 'orderCode' => $info['orderCode']])->sum("send_num"); $value['wsm_send'] = $send ?? 0; $value['wsm_wsend'] = $value['wsm_total'] - $value['wsm_send']; $wsm[] = $value; } } $info['wsminfo'] = $wsm; $addr = Db::name("sale_returnaddr") ->alias('a') ->field('a.*,b.addr,b.addr_code,b.contactor,,b.post_fee,b.arrive_time,b.customer_code,b.receipt_quantity,b.orderCode') ->leftJoin('order_addr b', '') ->where(["a.returnCode" => $info["returnCode"], "a.is_del" => 0]) ->select() ->toArray(); $addrinfo = []; if (!empty($addr)) { $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); $customer_name = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName', ['code' => array_unique(array_column($addr, 'customer_code'))]); foreach ($addr as $value) { // $addrlist = Db::name("order_addr")->where(["id"=>$value["addrid"]])->find(); $value['addr'] = isset($value['addr']) ? $value['addr'] : ""; $value['addr_code'] = isset($value['addr_code']) ? $value['addr_code'] : ""; $value['contactor'] = isset($value['contactor']) ? $value['contactor'] : ""; $value['mobile'] = isset($value['mobile']) ? $value['mobile'] : ""; $value['post_fee'] = isset($value['post_fee']) ? $value['post_fee'] : ""; $value['addive_time'] = isset($value['addive_time']) ? $value['addive_time'] : ""; $value['customer_code'] = isset($value['customer_code']) ? $value['customer_code'] : ""; $value['receipt_quantity'] = isset($value['receipt_quantity']) ? $value['receipt_quantity'] : ""; $send = Db::name("order_out")->where(['addrid' => $value['addrid'], 'orderCode' => $value['orderCode'], "is_del" => 0])->where("status", ">=", 2)->sum("send_num"); $value['addr_send'] = $send ?? 0; $value['addr_wsend'] = $value['receipt_quantity'] - $value['addr_send']; // $customer = Db::name("customer_info")->where(['companyNo'=>$addrlist['customer_code']])->find(); $value['customer_name'] = $customer_name['data'][$value['customer_code']] ?? '';//isset($customer['companyName']) ? $customer['companyName']:""; $addrinfo[] = $value; } } $info['addrinfo'] = $addrinfo; $info['can'] = $int; return json_show(0, "获取成功", $info); } /** * @return \think\response\Json|void * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function delete() { $code = isset($this->post['returnCode']) && $this->post['returnCode'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['returnCode']) : ""; if ($code == "") { return json_show(1004, "参数returnCode不能为空"); } $info = Db::name("sale_return")->where(["returnCode" => $code, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if (empty($info)) { return json_show(1004, "未找到退货数据"); } $info["is_del"] = 1; $info["updatetime"] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $del = Db::name("sale_return")->save($info); if ($del) { $ste = ["order_code" => $code, "status" => 0, "action_remark" => '', "action_type" => "delete"]; ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $ste, "XSTHD", 0, $ste); $process = ["order_code" => $code, "order_id" => $info['id'], "order_status" => 0, "order_type" => "XSTHD"]; ProcessOrder::workdel($process); return json_show(0, "删除成功"); } else { return json_show(1004, "删除失败"); } } /**审核 * 1待业务审批 * 2待专员审批(该节点废除) * 3待主管审批(该节点废除) * 4退货完成 * 5业务驳回 * 6采购驳回(该节点废除) * 7专员审批不通过(该节点废除) * 9待供应商审核 * 8供应商已驳回待采购审核 * 10业务公司修改待供应商确认 * 11待设置退货工单 * 12待库管发货 */ public function exam() { $param = $this->request->only(['returnCode', 'status', 'remark' => '', 'return_wsm' => ''], 'post', 'trim'); $val = Validate::rule([ 'returnCode|退货单编号' => 'require', 'status|状态' => 'require|in:5,9,8,10,4,11', 'remark|备注' => 'requireIf:status,5|requireIf:status,8|requireIf:status,10', ]); if ($val->check($param) == false) return json_show(1004, $val->getError()); $code = $param['returnCode']; $status = $param['status']; $remark = $param['remark']; // $code = isset($this->post['returnCode']) && $this->post['returnCode'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['returnCode']):""; // if($code==""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数returnCode不能为空"); // } $info = Db::name("sale_return")->where(["returnCode" => $code, "is_del" => 0])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($info)) return json_show(1004, "未找到退货数据"); switch ($info['status']) { case 1: if (in_array($param['status'], [5, 9]) == false) return json_show(1004, '选项错误'); break; case 9: if (in_array($param['status'], [4, 8]) == false) return json_show(1004, '选项错误'); break; case 8: if (in_array($param['status'], [11, 10]) == false) return json_show(1004, '选项错误'); // if ($param['status'] == 4) { // if ($param['return_wsm'] == '') return json_show(1004, '仓库编码不能为空'); // $tmp = Db::name("warehouse_info") // ->field('id') // ->where(['wsm_code' => $param['return_wsm']]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($tmp)) return json_show(1004, '未找到仓库数据'); // else $info['return_wsm'] = $param['return_wsm']; // // } break; case 10: if (in_array($param['status'], [4, 8]) == false) return json_show(1004, '选项错误'); break; } //当处于以下节点时,level2账号必须是供应商负责人操作,level3账号不做限制 if (in_array($info['status'], [9, 10]) && ($this->level == 2) && ($this->uid != $info['person_id'])) return json_show(1004, '您不是供应商负责人,此时无权操作'); if ($param['status'] == 10) $info['loop_total'] += 1;//只要走到节点10(业务公司修改,待供应商确认),就增加次数 // $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']):""; // if($status===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数status不能为空"); // } // $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] !="" ? trim($this->post['remark']) :""; $var = $info['status']; $orderinfo = Db::name("sale")->where(["orderCode" => $info["orderCode"]])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($orderinfo)) return json_show(1004, "未找到订单数据"); if ($status == 4) { if ($info['is_addr'] == 1) { $addr = Db::name("sale_returnaddr") ->where(['returnCode' => $info['returnCode'], "is_del" => 0]) ->select() ->toArray(); if (empty($addr)) return json_show(1004, "未找到发货单地址数据"); } } // if($status==3){ // $is_th =isset($this->post['is_th'])&&$this->post['is_th']!=="" ? intval($this->post['is_th']):""; // if($is_th===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数is_th不能为空"); // } // $return_wsm =isset($this->post['return_wsm'])&&$this->post['return_wsm']!=="" ? trim($this->post['return_wsm']):""; // if($is_th==0){ // if($return_wsm===""){ // return json_show(1004,"参数return_wsm 不能为空"); // } // $wsmcode = Db::name("warehouse_info")->where(['wsm_code'=>$return_wsm])->find(); // if($wsmcode==false){ // return json_show(1004,"为找到仓库数据"); // } // } // $info['return_wsm'] =$return_wsm ; // $info['is_th'] =$is_th ; // } if ( in_array($info['status'],[9,10]) && $param['status'] == 4) $info['is_th'] = 1;//除了8-11-12-4之外,其余9-4和10-4都属于供应商同意退货 Db::startTrans(); try { $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); $temp = $info['status']; $info['status'] = $status; $remark != "" ? $info['remark'] = $remark : ""; $info["updatetime"] = $date; $up = Db::name("sale_return")->save($info); if ($up) { //如果是节点2(待专员审核),要将待办数据推给供应商负责人 if ($info['status'] == 2) $process = ["order_code" => $code, "order_id" => $info['id'], "order_status" => $status, "order_type" => "XSTHD", 'before_status' => $temp, 'wait_id' => $info['person_id'], 'wait_name' => $info['person']]; else $process = ["order_code" => $code, "order_id" => $info['id'], "order_status" => $status, "order_type" => "XSTHD", 'before_status' => $temp, 'holder_id' => $info['apply_id']]; ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $process); $ste = ["order_code" => $code, "status" => $temp, "action_remark" => '', "action_type" => "status"]; ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $ste, "XSTHD", $status, $info); if ($status == 4) { // if ($info['is_addr'] == 1) { // if (isset($addr) && !empty($addr)) { // foreach ($addr as $value) { // $addrinfo = Db::name("order_addr") // ->where(['id' => $value['addrid'], "is_del" => 0]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($addrinfo)) throw new Exception("地址数据未找到"); // // if ($addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] < $value['return_num']) throw new Exception("地址发货数量不足"); // // $addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] -= $value['return_num']; // $addrinfo['is_del'] = $addrinfo['receipt_quantity'] <= 0 ? 1 : 0; // $addrinfo['updatetime'] = $date; // $addrup = Db::name("order_addr")->save($addrinfo); // if ($addrup == false) throw new Exception('地址发货数量更新失败'); // // if ($value['outCode'] != "") { // $out = Db::name("order_out")->where(["outCode" => $value['outCode']])->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($out)) throw new Exception('地址发货单数据未找到'); // // if ($out['status'] >= 2) throw new Exception('地址发货单已发货'); // // if ($out['send_num'] < $value['return_num']) throw new Exception('地址发货单发货数量不足'); // // $out['send_num'] -= $value['return_num']; // $out['is_del'] = $out['send_num'] <= 0 ? 1 : 0; // $out['updatetime'] = $date; // $outup = Db::name("order_out")->save($out); // if ($outup == false) throw new Exception('地址发货单更新失败'); // // } // } // } // } if ($orderinfo['wsend_num'] < $info['num']) throw new Exception('销售单未发货数量不足退货'); $lor = $orderinfo['status']; $orderinfo['wsend_num'] -= $info['num']; $orderinfo['send_num'] += $info['num']; $orderinfo['status'] = $orderinfo['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 2 : ($orderinfo['send_num'] == 0 ? 0 : 1); $orderinfo['send_status'] = $orderinfo['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 3 : ($orderinfo['send_num'] == 0 ? 1 : 2); if ($orderinfo['is_stock'] == 1) { $orderinfo['th_num'] += $info['num']; if ($orderinfo['th_num'] == $orderinfo['send_num'] && $orderinfo['wsend_num'] == 0) { $orderinfo['status'] = 3; } $orderinfo['th_fee'] += round($info['num'] * $orderinfo['sale_price'], 2); $orderinfo['updatetime'] = $date; $uap = Db::name("sale")->save($orderinfo); if ($uap == false) throw new Exception('销售单订单更新失败'); } else { if ($info['is_th'] == 1) { $orderinfo['th_num'] += $info['num']; if ($orderinfo['th_num'] == $orderinfo['send_num'] && $orderinfo['wsend_num'] == 0) { $orderinfo['status'] = 3; } $orderinfo['th_fee'] += round($info['num'] * $orderinfo['sale_price'], 2); $orderinfo['updatetime'] = $date; $uap = Db::name("sale")->save($orderinfo); if ($uap == false) throw new Exception('销售单订单更新失败'); $ordernum = Db::name("order_num") ->where(['orderCode' => $orderinfo['orderCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($ordernum)) throw new Exception('未找到关联采购单'); $ordernum['send_num'] -= $info['num']; $orderup = Db::name("order_num")->save($ordernum); if ($orderup == false) throw new Exception('关联数据更新失败'); $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order") ->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0]) ->findOrEmpty(); if ($cgd == false) throw new Exception('未找到采购单数据'); if ($info['is_all'] == 1 && $cgd['send_status'] != 1) throw new Exception('采购单已入库无法全部退货'); $lor = $cgd['status']; if ($cgd['wsend_num'] < $info['num']) { $cgd['send_num'] += $cgd['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 0 : ($info['num'] - $cgd['wsend_num']); $cgd['wsend_num'] = 0; } else { $cgd['wsend_num'] -= $info['num']; $cgd['send_num'] += $info['num']; } $cgd['status'] = $cgd['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 2 : ($cgd['send_num'] == 0 ? 0 : 1); $cgd['send_status'] = $cgd['wsend_num'] == 0 ? 3 : ($cgd['send_num'] == 0 ? 1 : 2); $cgd['th_num'] += $info['num']; if ($cgd['th_num'] == $cgd['send_num'] && $cgd['wsend_num'] == 0) { $cgd['status'] = 4; } $cgd['th_fee'] += round($info['num'] * $cgd['good_price'], 2); $cgd['updatetime'] = $date; $cgdup = Db::name("purchease_order")->save($cgd); if ($cgdup == false) throw new Exception('采购单数据更新失败'); $stock = Db::name("good_stock") ->where(['is_del' => 0, "spuCode" => $info['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => $cgd['wsm_code']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($stock)) throw new Exception('商品仓库未找到'); if ($stock['wait_in_stock'] < $info['num']) { $stock['wait_in_stock'] = 0; if ($stock['usable_stock'] > $info['num'] - $stock['wait_in_stock']) { $stock['usable_stock'] -= $info['num'] - $stock['wait_in_stock']; } else { $stock['usable_stock'] = 0; $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $info['num'] - $stock['wait_in_stock'] - $stock['usable_stock']; } $stock['total_stock'] = $stock['usable_stock'] + $stock['wait_out_stock']; } else { $stock['wait_in_stock'] -= $info['num']; } $stock['updatetime'] = $date; $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); } else { $orderinfo['th_num'] += $info['num']; if ($orderinfo['th_num'] == $orderinfo['send_num'] && $orderinfo['wsend_num'] == 0) { $orderinfo['status'] = 3; } $orderinfo['th_fee'] += round($info['num'] * $orderinfo['sale_price'], 2); $orderinfo['updatetime'] = $date; $uap = Db::name("sale")->save($orderinfo); if ($uap == false) throw new Exception('销售单订单更新失败'); $ordernum = Db::name("order_num") ->where(['orderCode' => $orderinfo['orderCode']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($ordernum)) throw new Exception('未找到关联采购单'); $ordernum['send_num'] -= $info['num']; $ordernum['wsend_num'] = $info['num']; $orderup = Db::name("order_num")->save($ordernum); if ($orderup == false) throw new Exception('关联数据更新失败'); $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order") ->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($cgd)) throw new Exception('未找到采购单数据'); $stock = Db::name("good_stock") ->where(['is_del' => 0, "spuCode" => $orderinfo['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => $cgd['wsm_code']]) ->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($stock)) throw new Exception('商品仓库未找到'); if ($info['is_all'] == 1) { if ($stock['wait_in_stock'] < $info['num']) throw new Exception('商品可用库存不足退回数量'); else $stock['wait_in_stock'] -= $info['num']; } else { if ($stock['usable_stock'] + $stock['wait_out_stock'] < $info['num']) throw new Exception('商品可用库存不足退回数量'); else { if ($stock['usable_stock'] > $info['num']) { $stock['usable_stock'] -= $info['num']; } else { $stock['usable_stock'] = 0; $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $info['num'] - $stock['usable_stock']; } $stock['total_stock'] = $stock['usable_stock'] + $stock['wait_out_stock']; } } $stock['updatetime'] = $date; $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); } } ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $orderinfo["orderCode"],//出库单号 "status" => $lor,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "XSQRD", $orderinfo['status'], $orderinfo); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'XSQRD', "order_code" => $orderinfo["orderCode"],//出库单号 "order_id" => $orderinfo["id"], "order_status" => $orderinfo['status'], "before_status" => $lor ]); //对应采购单也要处理 // $holder_id = Db::name('supplier')->where(['code' => $cgd['supplierNo'], 'is_del' => 0])->value('personid', 0); $holder = $userCommon->handle('sInfo', ['code' => $cgd['supplierNo']]); if (!isset($holder['code']) || $holder['code'] != 0) throw new Exception($holder['message']); $holder_id = $holder['data']['personid']; if (in_array($cgd['status'], [4])) { if ($orderinfo['is_stock'] == 1) { //库存品,推给31库管人员、41库管-张凯旋 $uid = Db::name('user_role') ->where([ ['is_del', '=', 0], ['roleid', 'in', [31, 41]], ['status', '=', 1] ])->column('uid'); // if(!in_array($this->uid,$uid)) throw new Exception('库存品订单只能由库管人员操作'); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'CGD', "order_code" => $cgd['cgdNo'], "order_id" => $cgd["id"], "order_status" => $cgd['status'], "before_status" => $lor, 'holder_id' => $holder_id, 'handle_user_list' => implode(',', $uid), ]); } else { // if($this->uid != $holder_id)throw new Exception('非库存品和采返商品只能由供应商负责人操作'); //非库存品和采返商品,推给供应商负责人 ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'CGD', "order_code" => $cgd['cgdNo'], "order_id" => $cgd["id"], "order_status" => $cgd['status'], "before_status" => $lor, 'holder_id' => $holder_id, 'handle_user_list' => $orderinfo['cgderid'], ]); } } // ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], [ // "order_type" => 'CGD', // "order_code" => $cgd['cgdNo'], // "order_id" => $cgd["id"], // "order_status" => $cgd['status'], // "before_status" => $lor, // 'holder_id' => $holder_id // ]); //以下判断是当供应商不同意要退回到业务公司的时候触发的,在3.0系统中不需要了2023-02-09@by武 // if ($orderinfo['is_stock'] == 1 || $info['is_th'] == 0) { // // if ($orderinfo['order_type'] != 1) { // if ($orderinfo['order_type'] == 3) { // $goon = Db::name("good_zixun") // ->where(["spuCode" => $orderinfo['good_code'], "is_del" => 0]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // $isZx = 1; // } else { // $goon = Db::name('good_basic') // ->where(['spuCode' => $orderinfo['good_code']]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // $isZx = 2; // } // $spuCode = $this->CheckGoodZx($goon, $isZx, $code); // $wsmcode = $info['return_wsm']; // if ($wsmcode == "") throw new Exception('未找到退货仓库'); // // $stock = Db::name("good_stock") // ->where(['is_del' => 0, "spuCode" => $spuCode, 'wsm_code' => $wsmcode]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($stock)) { // $stock = [ // "spuCode" => $spuCode, // "wsm_code" => $wsmcode, // "usable_stock" => 0, // "wait_out_stock" => 0, // "wait_in_stock" => 0, // "total_stock" => 0, // "addtime" => $date, // "updatetime" => $date, // ]; // } // $stock['usable_stock'] += $info['num']; // $stock['updatetime'] = $date; // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // $stockid = isset($stock['id']) ? $stock['id'] : Db::name("good_stock")->getLastInsID(); // $sabebn = Db::name("sale_info") // ->where(["orderCode" => $orderinfo["orderCode"]]) // ->select() // ->toArray(); // if (!empty($sabebn)) { // $total_num = $info['num']; // foreach ($sabebn as $ve) { // $tempnum = 0; // if ($total_num == 0) break; // if ($total_num >= $ve['num']) { // $tempnum = $ve['num']; // $total_num -= $ve['num']; // $ve['th_num'] += $ve['num']; // $ve['num'] = 0; // } else { // $tempnum = $total_num; // $ve['num'] -= $total_num; // $ve['th_num'] += $total_num; // $total_num = 0; // } // $bnin = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($stockid, $ve['bnCode'], $tempnum, $ve['origin_price']); // if ($bnin == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // $ve['updatetime'] = $date; // $up = Db::name("sale_info")->save($ve); // if ($up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // $bnin = GoodStockInfo::ReturnBn($info['returnCode'], $ve['id'], $tempnum); // if ($bnin == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // } // } else { // $bn = makeNo("BN"); // $bnin = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($stockid, $bn, $info['num'], $cgd['good_price'] ?? 0); // if ($bnin == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // } // $good_data = ['good_log_code' => $info['returnCode'], "stock_id" => $stockid, "type" => 1, 'stock' => $info['num'], "stock_name" => "usable_stock"]; // GoodLog::LogAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $good_data, 'XSTHD'); // } else { // $sabebn = Db::name("sale_info") // ->where(["orderCode" => $orderinfo["orderCode"]]) // ->select() // ->toArray(); // if (!empty($sabebn)) { // $total_num = $info['num']; // foreach ($sabebn as $ve) { // $stock = Db::name("good_stock") // ->where(['is_del' => 0, "spuCode" => $orderinfo['good_code'], 'id' => $ve['stockid']]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if ($stock == false) throw new Exception('商品库存数据未找到'); // // $tempnum = 0; // if ($total_num == 0) break; // if ($total_num >= $ve['num']) { // $tempnum = $ve['num']; // $total_num -= $ve['num']; // $ve['th_num'] += $ve['num']; // $ve['num'] = 0; // } else { // $tempnum = $total_num; // $ve['num'] -= $total_num; // $ve['th_num'] += $total_num; // $total_num = 0; // } // $stock['usable_stock'] += $tempnum; // $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $tempnum; // $stock['updatetime'] = $date; // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // // $bnin = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($ve['stock_id'], $ve['bnCode'], $tempnum, $ve['origin_price']); // if ($bnin == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // $ve['updatetime'] = $date; // $up = Db::name("sale_info")->save($ve); // if ($up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // $bnin = GoodStockInfo::ReturnBn($info['returnCode'], $ve['id'], $tempnum); // if ($bnin == false) throw new Exception('可售商品Bn库存数入库失败'); // // } // } else { // // $ordernum = Db::name("order_num")->where(['orderCode' => $orderinfo["orderCode"]])->findOrEmpty(); // if ($ordernum == false) throw new Exception('未找到关联采购单'); // // $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order") // ->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if ($cgd == false) throw new Exception('未找到采购单数据'); // // $bn = makeNo("BN"); // $stock = Db::name("good_stock") // ->where(["spuCode" => $orderinfo['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => $cgd['wsm_code'], "is_del" => 0, "status" => 1]) // ->findOrEmpty(); // if ($stock == false) throw new Exception('商品库存数据未找到'); // // $stock['usable_stock'] += $info['num']; // $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $info['num']; // $stock['updatetime'] = $date; // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // $yp = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($stock['id'], $bn, $info['num'], $cgd['good_price']); // if ($yp == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // } // } // } // $data = [ // "orderCode" => $info['orderCode'], // "th_type" => 1, // "th_num" => $info['num'], // "th_fee" => round($info['num'] * $orderinfo['sale_price'], 2), // "thCode" => $info['returnCode'], // "spuCode" => $orderinfo['good_code'], // "good_name" => $orderinfo['good_name'], // "cat_id" => $orderinfo['cat_id'], // "apply_id" => $info['apply_id'], // "apply_name" => $info['apply_name'], // "addtime" => $date, // "status" => 1, // "is_del" => 0 // ]; // $inse = Db::name("th_data")->insert($data); // if ($inse == false) throw new Exception('退货单更新失败'); } } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "更新成功"); } catch (Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1004, $e->getMessage() . '|' . $e->getFile() . ':' . $e->getLine()); } } public function zxcreate() { $ordeCode = isset($this->post['orderCode']) && $this->post['orderCode'] != '' ? trim($this->post['orderCode']) : ""; if ($ordeCode == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数orderCode 不能为空"); } $order = Db::name("sale")->where(["orderCode" => $ordeCode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if (empty($order)) { return json_show(1005, "未找到订单数据"); } $errorCode = isset($this->post['errorCode']) && $this->post['errorCode'] != '' ? trim($this->post['errorCode']) : ""; if ($errorCode == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数errorCode 不能为空"); } $error = Db::name('result_info')->where(["result_code" => $errorCode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if (empty($error)) { return json_show(1005, "未找到退货原因数据"); } $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] != '' ? trim($this->post['remark']) : ""; // $token = isset($this->post['token'])&&$this->post['token']!='' ? trim($this->post['token']):""; // if($token==''){ // return json_show(105,"参数token不能为空"); // } // $user =GetUserInfo($token); // if(empty($user)||$user['code']!=0){ // return json_show(1002,"申请人数据不存在"); // } $rm = $this->uid;//isset($user["data"]['id']) ? $user["data"]['id'] : ""; $ri = $this->uname;//isset($user["data"]['nickname']) ? $user["data"]['nickname'] : ""; $num = isset($this->post['num']) && $this->post['num'] != '' ? intval($this->post['num']) : ""; if ($num == '') { return json_show(1005, "参数num不能为空"); } if ($order['wsend_num'] < $num) { return json_show(1002, "仓库未发货数量不足退货"); } if ($order['order_type'] == 3 || $order['order_type'] == 4) $goon = Db::name("good_zixun")->field('supplierNo')->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], "is_del" => 0])->findOrEmpty(); else $goon = Db::name('good_basic') ->where(['spuCode' => $order['good_code']])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($goon)) return json_show(1004, '该商品不存在'); $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); $names = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName', ['code' => [$order['supplierNo'], $order['customer_code'], $goon['supplierNo']]]); $returnCode = makeNo("RS"); Db::startTrans(); try { $in = [ "returnCode" => $returnCode, "orderCode" => $ordeCode, "good_code" => $order['good_code'], "good_name" => $order['good_name'], "apply_id" => $rm, "apply_name" => $ri, "error_code" => $errorCode, "num" => $num, "remark" => $remark, "order_type" => 2, "status" => 0, "is_del" => 0, "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'supplierNo' => $goon['supplierNo'], 'supplierName' => $names['data'][$goon['supplierNo']] ?? '', 'companyNo' => $order['supplierNo'], 'companyName' => $names['data'][$order['supplierNo']] ?? '', 'customer_code' => $order['customer_code'], 'customer_name' => $names['data'][$order['customer_code']] ?? '', ]; $create = Db::name("sale_return")->insert($in, true); if ($create > 0) { $process = ["order_code" => $returnCode, "order_id" => $create, "order_status" => 0, "order_type" => 'XSTHD', "before_status" => 0, 'holder_id' => $in['apply_id']]; ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $process); $ste = ["order_code" => $returnCode, "status" => 0, "action_remark" => '', "action_type" => "create"]; ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $ste, "XSTHD", 3, $in); //维护台账记录 // Db::name('standing_book') // ->where('ordeCode', $ordeCode) // ->update([ // 'returnGoodCode' => $returnCode, // 'updatetime' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s") // ]); Db::execute("UPDATE `wsm_standing_book` SET `returnGoodCode`=CONCAT(IFNULL(`returnGoodCode`,''),',{$returnCode}'),`updatetime`='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' WHERE `orderCode`='{$ordeCode}'"); if ($order['send_type'] == 1) { $wsend = Db::name("order_out")->where(['orderCode' => $ordeCode, "status" => 1, "order_type" => 2])->select(); // ->save(["status" => 0, "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")]); if (!empty($wsend)) { foreach ($wsend as $value) { $tt = $value['status']; $value['status'] = 0; $value['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $up = Db::name("order_out")->save($value); if ($up) { $process = ["order_code" => $value['outCode'], "order_id" => $value['id'], "order_status" => 0, "order_type" => 'CKD', "before_status" => $tt, 'holder_id' => $value['apply_id']]; ProcessOrder::AddProcess(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $process); $ste = ["order_code" => $value['outCode'], "status" => $tt, "action_remark" => '', "action_type" => "status"]; ActionLog::logAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $ste, "CKD", 0, $value); } else { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "退货单新建失败"); } } } } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "退货单新建成功"); } Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "退货单新建失败"); } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, $e->getMessage()); } } //全部退货 public function allReturn() { $orderCode = isset($this->post['orderCode']) && $this->post['orderCode'] != '' ? trim($this->post['orderCode']) : ""; if ($orderCode == '') { return json_show(1004, "参数orderCode 不能为空"); } $order = Db::name("sale")->where(["orderCode" => $orderCode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if (empty($order)) { return json_show(1005, "未找到订单数据"); } if ($order['wsend_num'] != $order['good_num']) { return json_show(1005, "订单未发货数量与总数不等,无法全退"); } $retrun = Db::name("sale_return")->where(["orderCode" => $orderCode, "is_del" => 0, "status" => [1, 9, 8, 10, 11, 12]])->count('id'); if ($retrun > 0) { return json_show(1005, "存在退货订单数据"); } if ($order['order_type'] == 3 || $order['order_type'] == 4) { $goon = Db::name("good_zixun") ->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], "is_del" => 0]) ->findOrEmpty(); } else { $goon = Db::name('good_platform') ->alias('a') ->join('good b', 'b.spuCode=a.spuCode', 'left') ->where(['a.skuCode' => $order['skuCode']]) ->field("b.creater,b.createrid,b.supplierNo") ->findOrEmpty(); } if (empty($goon)) { return json_show(1005, "未找到商品数据"); } // $supplier =Db::name("supplier")->where(["code"=>$goon['supplierNo']])->find(); // if($supplier==false){ // return json_show(1005,"未找到商品供应商数据"); // } $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); $tmp = $userCommon->handle('sInfo', ['code' => $goon['supplierNo']]); $supplier = $tmp['data']; if (empty($supplier)) return json_show(1005, "未找到商品供应商数据"); $errorCode = isset($this->post['errorCode']) && $this->post['errorCode'] != '' ? trim($this->post['errorCode']) : ""; if ($errorCode == '') return json_show(1004, "参数errorCode 不能为空"); $error = Db::name('result_info')->where(["result_code" => $errorCode, "is_del" => 0])->find(); if (empty($error)) return json_show(1005, "未找到退货原因数据"); $remark = isset($this->post['remark']) && $this->post['remark'] != '' ? trim($this->post['remark']) : ""; $addr = Db::name("order_addr")->where([["orderCode", "=", $orderCode], ["is_del", "=", 0]])->select()->toArray(); if ($order['is_stock'] == 0) { $ordernum = Db::name("order_num")->where(['orderCode' => $orderCode])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($ordernum)) return json_show(1005, '未找到关联采购单'); $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0])->findOrEmpty(); if (empty($cgd)) return json_show(1005, '未找到采购单数据'); } if ($order['is_stock'] == 0 && $cgd['send_status'] != 1) return json_show(1005, '采购单已发起入库'); // $userCommon = \app\admin\common\User::getIns(); // $names = $userCommon->handle('getCodeAndName',['code'=>[$order['supplierNo'],$order['customer_code']]]); $returnCode = makeNo("RN"); Db::startTrans(); try { $in = [ "returnCode" => $returnCode, "orderCode" => $orderCode, "good_code" => $order['good_code'], "good_name" => $order['good_name'], "apply_id" => $this->uid, "apply_name" => $this->uname, "cgderid" => $goon['createrid'], "cgder" => $goon['creater'], "person" => $supplier['person'] ?? '', "person_id" => $supplier['personid'] ?? 0, "error_code" => $errorCode, "num" => $order['wsend_num'], "total_fee" => round($order['sale_price'] * $order['wsend_num'], 2), "good_price" => $order['sale_price'], "platform_id" => $order['platform_id'], "remark" => $remark, "order_type" => $order['order_type'], "is_addr" => count($addr) > 0 ? 1 : 0, // "status"=>$order['is_stock']==1?4:1, "status" => $order['is_stock'] == 1 ? (Db::name('order_out_child')->where(['is_del' => 0, 'orderCode' => $orderCode])->value('id', 0) ? 11 : 4) : 1,//库存品未分仓选4,分仓选11,非库存品选1"is_del"=>0, "is_all" => 1, "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), 'supplierNo' => $supplier['code'], 'supplierName' => $supplier['name'], 'companyNo' => $order['supplierNo'], 'companyName' => $order['supplierName'], 'customer_code' => $order['customer_code'], 'customer_name' => $order['customerName'] ]; $create = Db::name("sale_return")->insert($in, true); if ($create > 0) { $stn = ["order_code" => $returnCode, "status" => 0, "action_remark" => '', "action_type" => "create"]; ActionLog::logAdd(["id" => $this->uid, "nickname" => $this->uname], $stn, "XSTHD", $in['status'], $in); $process = ["order_code" => $returnCode, "order_id" => $create, "order_status" => $in['status'], "order_type" => 'XSTHD', "before_status" => 0, 'holder_id' => $in['apply_id']]; ProcessOrder::AddProcess(["id" => $this->uid, "nickname" => $this->uname], $process); //维护台账信息 Db::execute("UPDATE `wsm_standing_book` SET `returnGoodCode`=CONCAT(IFNULL(`returnGoodCode`,''),',{$returnCode}'),`updatetime`='" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' WHERE `orderCode`='{$orderCode}'"); // if (count($addr) != 0) { // $inf = []; // foreach ($addr as $val) { // if ($val['receipt_quantity'] == 0) continue;//当退货数量为0时,跳过 // // $temp = []; // $send = Db::name('order_out')->where([["addrid", "=", $val['id']]])->find(); // if ($send == false) throw new Exception("地址发货单未找到"); // // if ($send['status'] >= 2) throw new Exception("地址已发货"); // // // if ($order['is_stock'] == 1) { // // $val['is_del'] = 1; // $val['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $addrup = Db::name("order_addr")->save($val); // if ($addrup == false) throw new Exception("地址更新失败"); // // // $send['is_del'] = 1; // $send['remark'] = '全退'; // $send['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $outup = Db::name("order_out")->save($send); // if ($outup == false) throw new Exception("地址发货单更新失败"); // // // //处理发货申请单流程 // ProcessOrder::AddProcess(["id" => $this->uid, "nickname" => $this->uname], [ // "order_type" => 'CKD', // "order_code" => $send["outCode"],//出库单号 // "order_id" => $send["id"], // "order_status" => 4,//全部退货 // "before_status" => $send['status'], // 'holder_id=' => $send['apply_id'] // ]); //// $ordersend = Db::name("order_send")->where(["outCode" => $send['outCode']])->find(); //// if($ordersend==false){ //// Db::rollback(); //// return json_show(1004, "发货单关联数据未找到"); //// } //// $ordersend['status'] = 0; //// $ordersend['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //// $sendip = Db::name("order_send")->save($ordersend); //// if ($sendip == false) { //// Db::rollback(); //// return json_show(1004, "发货单更新失败"); //// } // } // $temp['returnCode'] = $returnCode; // $temp['orderCode'] = $orderCode; // $temp['outCode'] = isset($send['outCode']) ? $send['outCode'] : ""; // $temp['addrid'] = $val['id']; // $temp['send_num'] = $val['receipt_quantity']; // $temp['return_num'] = $val['receipt_quantity']; // $temp['is_del'] = 0; // $temp['addtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $temp['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $inf[] = $temp; // } // $inadd = Db::name("sale_returnaddr")->insertAll($inf); // if ($inadd == 0) throw new Exception("退货单新建失败"); // // } if ($in['status'] == 4 && $order['is_stock'] == 1) { $lor = $order['status']; $thnum = $order['wsend_num']; $order['send_num'] += $thnum; $order['th_num'] += $thnum; $order['wsend_num'] = 0; $order['status'] = 3; $order['send_status'] = 3; $order['th_fee'] += round($thnum * $order['sale_price'], 2); $order['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $uap = Db::name("sale")->save($order); if ($uap == false) throw new Exception('销售单订单更新失败'); ActionLog::logAdd(["id" => $this->uid, "nickname" => $this->uname], [ "order_code" => $order["orderCode"],//出库单号 "status" => $lor,//这里的status是之前的值 "action_remark" => '',//备注 "action_type" => "status"//新建create,编辑edit,更改状态status ], "XSQRD", $order['status'], $order); ProcessOrder::AddProcess(["id" => $this->uid, "nickname" => $this->uname], [ "order_type" => 'XSQRD', "order_code" => $order["orderCode"],//出库单号 "order_id" => $order["id"], "order_status" => $order['status'], "before_status" => $lor, 'holder_id=' => $order['apply_id'] ]); // $saleinfo = Db::name("sale_info")->where([["orderCode", "=", $orderCode], ["num", ">", 0]])->select()->toArray(); // if (empty($saleinfo)) { // $ordernum = Db::name("order_num")->where(['orderCode' => $orderCode])->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($ordernum)) throw new Exception('未找到关联采购单'); // // $cgd = Db::name("purchease_order")->where(["cgdNo" => $ordernum['cgdNo'], "is_del" => 0])->findOrEmpty(); // if (empty($cgd)) throw new Exception('未找到采购单数据'); // // $bn = makeNo("BN"); // $stock = Db::name("good_stock")->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], 'wsm_code' => $cgd['wsm_code'], "is_del" => 0, "status" => 1])->find(); // if ($stock == false) throw new Exception('商品库存数据未找到'); // // $stock['usable_stock'] += $thnum; // $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $thnum; // $stock['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // $yp = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($stock['id'], $bn, $thnum, $cgd['good_price']); // if ($yp == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // // } else { // $tempnum = $thnum; // foreach ($saleinfo as $va) { // if ($tempnum == 0) break; // $stock = Db::name("good_stock")->where(["spuCode" => $order['good_code'], 'id' => $va['stockid']])->findOrEmpty(); // if ($stock == false) throw new Exception('商品库存数据未找到'); // // if ($va['num'] >= $tempnum) { // $tnm = $tempnum; // $va['num'] -= $tempnum; // $va['th_num'] += $tempnum; // $tempnum = 0; // } else { // $tnm = $va['num']; // $tempnum -= $va['num']; // $va['th_num'] += $va['num']; // $va['num'] = 0; // } // $stock['usable_stock'] += $tnm; // $stock['wait_out_stock'] -= $tnm; // $stock['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $st_up = Db::name("good_stock")->save($stock); // if ($st_up == false) throw new Exception('可售商品入库失败'); // // $ps = GoodStockInfo::AddBn($va['stockid'], $va['bnCode'], $tnm); // if ($ps == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // $ret = GoodStockInfo::ReturnBn($returnCode, $va['id'], $tnm); // if ($ret == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // $va['updatetime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // $sal = Db::name("sale_info")->save($va); // if ($sal == false) throw new Exception('商品批次退货入库失败'); // // $good_data[] = ['good_log_code' => $returnCode, "stock_id" => $va['stockid'], "type" => 1, 'stock' => $tnm, "stock_name" => "usable_stock"]; // $good_data[] = ['good_log_code' => $returnCode, "stock_id" => $va['stockid'], "type" => 2, 'stock' => $tnm, "stock_name" => "wait_out_stock"]; // GoodLog::LogAdd(['id' => $this->uid, 'nickname' => $this->uname], $good_data, 'XSTHD'); // } // } // $data=[ // "orderCode"=>$orderCode, // "th_type"=>1, // "th_num"=>$thnum, // "th_fee"=>round($order['sale_price']*$thnum,2), // "thCode"=>$returnCode, // "spuCode"=>$order['good_code'], // "good_name"=>$order['good_name'], // "cat_id"=>$order['cat_id'], // "apply_id"=>$this->uid, // "apply_name"=>$this->uname, // "addtime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), // "status"=>1, // "is_del"=>0 // ]; // $inse=Db::name("th_data")->insert($data); // if($inse==false) throw new Exception("退货单更新失败"); } Db::commit(); return json_show(0, "退货单新建成功", ["returnCode" => $returnCode]); } Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, "退货单新建失败"); } catch (\Exception $e) { Db::rollback(); return json_show(1005, $e->getMessage()); } } //导出 public function export() { $param = $this->request->only([ 'returnCode' => '', 'status' => '', 'orderCode' => '', 'apply_name' => '', 'start' => '', 'end' => '', 'good_code' => '', 'skuCode' => '', 'relaComNo' => '', 'order_source' => '', 'supplierNo' => '', 'customer_code' => '', 'companyNo' => '', 'company_name' => '',//部门名称 ], 'post', 'trim'); $where = [['sr.is_del', "=", 0]]; if (!empty($param['returnCode'])) $where[] = ['sr.returnCode', "in", $param['returnCode']]; if ($param['status'] !== "") $where[] = ['sr.status', "=", $param['status']]; if ($param['orderCode'] != "") $where[] = ['sr.orderCode', "like", "%{$param['orderCode']}%"]; if ($param['apply_name'] != "") $where[] = ['sr.apply_name', "like", "%{$param['apply_name']}%"]; if ($param['start'] !== "") $where[] = ['sr.addtime', ">=", $param['start'] . ' 00:00:00']; if ($param['end'] !== "") $where[] = ['sr.addtime', "<=", $param['end'] . ' 23:59:59']; if ($param['good_code'] != "") $where[] = ['sr.good_code', "like", "%{$param['good_code']}%"]; //商品成本编码搜索 if ($param['skuCode'] != "") $where[] = ['b.skuCode', "like", "%{$param['skuCode']}%"];//商品上线编码搜索 if ($param['relaComNo'] != "") $where[] = ['a.supplierNo', '=', $param['relaComNo']]; if ($param['company_name'] !== "") $where[] = ["sr.apply_id", 'in', get_company_item_user_by_name($param['company_name'])]; if ($param['order_source'] !== "") $where[] = ["b.order_source", '=', $param['order_source']]; if ($param['supplierNo'] != "") $where[] = ['a.supplierNo', 'like', '%' . $param['supplierNo'] . '%']; if ($param['customer_code'] != "") $where[] = ['a.customer_code', "like", '%' . $param['customer_code'] . '%'];//商品上线编码搜索 if ($param['companyNo'] != "") $where[] = ['a.companyNo', "like", '%' . $param['companyNo'] . '%'];//商品上线编码搜索 $condition = []; //只有level2的账号过滤数据权限 if ($this->level == 2) { $role = $this->checkDataShare(); $hand = resign_hand_user($this->uid, 0); if (!empty($role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部])) { $arr = array_unique(array_merge($hand, $role[DataGroupModel::$type_全部])); $condition[] = ["sr.apply_id", "in", $arr]; $condition[] = ["sr.cgderid", "in", $hand]; $condition[] = ["sr.person_id", "in", $hand]; } } //供应商账号不允许看到库存品数据 if ($this->level == 3) $where[] = ['b.is_stock', '<>', 1]; if (in_array($this->roleid, config('app.wsm_cgder_role'))) $where[] = ["b.order_type", "=", 1]; $list = Db::name("sale_return") ->alias('sr') ->field('sr.returnCode 退货单编号,sr.orderCode 销售订单编号,sr.apply_id,sr.apply_name 申请人,"" 申请人部门,sr.cgder 采购员,sr.person 供应商负责人,c.result 错误原因,sr.good_code 商品成本编码,b.skuCode 上线商品编码,sr.good_name 商品名称,sr.good_price 单价,sr.num 退货数量,sr.total_fee 退货金额,d.platform_name 平台,sr.remark 备注,sr.order_type 退货单类型,sr.status 状态,sr.is_all 是否全退货,sr.is_th 供应商是否同意退货,sr.is_addr,e.addr_code,e.addr 发货地址,sr.return_wsm 退货仓库,sr.loop_total 循环次数') ->leftJoin("sale b", "b.orderCode=sr.orderCode AND b.is_del=0") ->leftJoin("result_info c", "c.result_code=sr.error_code") ->leftJoin("platform d", "") ->leftJoin("order_addr e", "") ->where($where) ->where(function ($query) use ($condition) { $query->whereOr($condition); }) ->order("sr.addtime desc") ->select() ->toArray(); $all_createrid = array_column($list, 'apply_id'); $item = get_company_name_by_uid($all_createrid); $order_type = [1 => '直接下单', 2 => '咨询', 3 => '项目', 4 => '平台', 5 => '有赞', 6 => '售后补换货', 7 => '报备转单', 8 => '支付渠道']; $bool = [0 => '否', 1 => '是']; $status = [1 => '待业务审批', 4 => '退货完成', 5 => '业务驳回', 9 => '待供应商审核', 8 => '供应商已驳回待采购审核', 10 => '业务公司修改待供应商确认', 11 => '待设置退货工单', 12 => '待库管发货']; foreach ($list as &$value) { // $value['退货金额'] = round($value['sale_price'] * $value['退货数量'],2); $value['申请人部门'] = $item[$value['apply_id']] ?? ''; $value['是否全退货'] = $bool[$value['是否全退货']] ?? ''; $value['供应商是否同意退货'] = $bool[$value['供应商是否同意退货']] ?? ''; $value['退货单类型'] = $order_type[$value['退货单类型']] ?? ''; $value['状态'] = $status[$value['状态']] ?? ''; if ($value['is_addr'] == 0) $value['发货地址'] = '无地址'; else $value['发货地址'] = GetAddr($value['addr_code']) . $value['发货地址']; unset($value['apply_id']); unset($value['good_price']); unset($value['addr_code']); unset($value['is_addr']); } if (empty($list)) $list[] = ['没有相关可导出的数据']; excelSave('退货单' . date('YmdHis'), array_keys($list[0]), $list); } }