123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338 |
- <?php
- namespace app\admin\controller;
- use app\admin\model\ChangeLog;
- use app\BaseController;
- use think\App;
- use think\facade\Db;
- class Customer extends Base
- {
- public function __construct(App $app)
- {
- parent::__construct($app);
- }
- public function list(){
- $page= isset($this->post['page']) && $this->post['page']!==""? intval($this->post['page']):"1";
- $size = isset($this->post['size']) && $this->post['size'] != "" ? intval($this->post['size']) :"10";
- $pid = isset($this->post['pid']) &&$this->post['pid']!=="" ?intval($this->post['pid']): "0";
- $where =[];
- $where []= ['ci.is_del',"=",0];
- $condition = [['co.is_del',"=",0]];
- if($pid!==""){
- $condition[]=["co.pid","=",$pid];
- }
- $companyNo = isset($this->post['companyNo']) && $this->post['companyNo'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['companyNo']):"";
- if($companyNo !==""){
- $where[] = ['ci.companyNo',"like","%$companyNo%"];
- }
- $creater = isset($this->post['creater']) && $this->post['creater'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['creater']):"";
- if($creater !==""){
- $where[] = ['ci.creater',"like","%$creater%"];
- }
- $name= isset($this->post['name'])&&$this->post['name']!=="" ? trim($this->post['name']):"";
- if($name!=""){
- $condition[]=["co.name","like","%{$this->post['name']}%"];
- }
- $start = isset($this->post['start']) && $this->post['start'] !== "" ? $this->post['start'] : "";
- if ($start != "") {
- $where[] = ["ci.addtime", '>=', $start];
- }
- $end = isset($this->post['end']) && $this->post['end'] !== "" ? $this->post['end'] : "";
- if ($end != "") {
- $where[] = ["ci.addtime", '<=', $end];
- }
- $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']):"";
- if($status!==""){
- $where[] = ['ci.status',"=",$status];
- }
- $creater = isset($this->post['creater']) && $this->post['creater'] !=="" ? trim($this->post['creater']):"";
- if($creater !==""){
- $condition[] = ['co.creater',"like","%$creater%"];
- }
- $name= isset($this->post['name'])&&$this->post['name']!=="" ? trim($this->post['name']):"";
- if($name!=""){
- $condition[]=["co.name","like","%{$this->post['name']}%"];
- }
- $start = isset($this->post['start']) && $this->post['start'] !== "" ? $this->post['start'] : "";
- if ($start != "") {
- $condition[] = ["co.addtime", '>=', $start];
- }
- $end = isset($this->post['end']) && $this->post['end'] !== "" ? $this->post['end'] : "";
- if ($end != "") {
- $condition[] = ["co.addtime", '<=', $end];
- }
- $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['status']):"";
- if($status!==""){
- $condition[] = ['co.status',"=",$status];
- }
- $company_name = isset($this->post['company_name']) && $this->post['company_name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['company_name']) : "";
- if ($company_name !== "") {
- $company_ids = get_company_item_user_by_name($company_name);
- $where[] = ["u.uid", 'in', $company_ids];
- $condition[] = ['u.uid',"in",$company_ids];
- }
- $pidlist = Db::name("customer_org1")
- ->alias('co')
- ->leftJoin("depart_user u", "u.uid=co.createrid AND u.is_del=0")
- ->where($condition)
- ->order("co.addtime desc")->column("co.pid");
- if(!empty($pidlist)){
- $where[]=[["ci.itemid","in",$pidlist]];
- }else{
- if($pid===""){
- $where[]=['ci.itemid','=',0];
- }else{
- $where[]=['ci.itemid','=',$pid];
- }
- }
- $list = Db::name('customer_org1')
- ->alias('co')
- ->where($condition)
- ->order("co.addtime",'desc')
- ->leftJoin("depart_user u", "u.uid=co.createrid AND u.is_del=0")
- ->column("co.id,co.pid,co.name,co.level,co.depart_link,co.creater,co.addtime,co.status,u.itemid");
- $var=[];
- foreach ($list as $item) {
- $iten=[];
- $iten['name']=$item['name'];
- $iten['id']=$item['id'];
- $iten['creater']=$item['creater'];
- $iten['status']=$item['status'];
- $iten['addtime']=$item['addtime'];
- $iten['kh']=0;
- $iten['company_name'] = implode('/', array_column(GetPart($item['itemid']), 'name'));
- $var[]=$iten;
- }
- $itm = Db::name('customer_info')
- ->alias('ci')
- ->field('ci.*,u.itemid')
- ->leftJoin("depart_user u", "u.nickname=ci.creater AND u.is_del=0")
- ->where($where)
- ->order("ci.addtime desc")
- ->select()
- ->toArray();
- foreach ($itm as $vat){
- $inm=[];
- $inm['name']=$vat['companyName'];
- $inm['id']=$vat['id'];
- $inm['code']=$vat['companyNo'];
- $inm['status']=$vat['status'];
- $inm['creater']=$vat['creater'];
- $inm['addtime']=$vat['addtime'];
- $inm['kh']=1;
- $inm['company_name'] = implode('/', array_column(GetPart($vat['itemid']), 'name'));
- $var[]=$inm;
- }
- return app_show(0,"获取成功",$var);
- }
- public function create()
- {
- $name = isset($this->post['name']) && $this->post['name'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['name']) : "";
- if ($name == "") {
- return error_show(1003, "公司名称不能为空");
- }
- $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['weight']) : "0";
- $pid = isset($this->post['pid']) && $this->post['pid'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['pid']) : "0";
- if($pid!=0){
- $spid = Db::name('customer_org1')->where(['id'=>$pid, 'is_del'=>0])->find();
- if(empty($spid)){
- return error_show(1004,"父级不能为空");
- }
- }
- $rename = Db::name('customer_org1')->where(['is_del' => 0, 'name' => $name,'pid'=>$pid])->find();
- if (!empty($rename)) {
- return error_show(1002, "组织名称已存在");
- }
- $token = isset($this->post['token'])&& $this->post['token']!='' ? trim($this->post['token']):"";
- if($token==''){
- return error_show(105,"参数token不能为空");
- }
- $user =GetUserInfo($token);
- if(empty($user)||$user['code']!=0){
- return error_show(1002,"创建人数据不存在");
- }
- $createrid= isset($user["data"]['id']) ? $user["data"]['id'] : "";
- $creater= isset($user["data"]['nickname']) ? $user["data"]['nickname'] : "";
- $level = isset($this->post['level']) && $this->post['level'] !== "" ? trim($this->post['level']) : "1";
- Db::startTrans();
- try {
- $tada = [
- "name" => $name,
- "weight" => $weight,
- "pid" => $pid,
- "level" => $level,
- "updatetime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
- "addtime" => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
- "depart_link" => "",
- "is_del" => 0,
- "pname"=>isset($spid['name']) ? $spid['name']:"",
- "creater"=>$creater,
- "createrid"=>$createrid
- ];
- $t = Db::name('customer_org1')->insert($tada, true);
- if ($t > 0) {
- if(isset($spid)){
- $depart_link = $spid['depart_link']."{$t}-";
- }else{
- $depart_link="{$t}-";
- }
- $level = explode('-', $depart_link);
- $level = array_filter($level);
- $level = count($level);
- $k = ['depart_link' => $depart_link, 'level' => $level];
- $u = Db::name('customer_org1')->where(['id' => $t])->save($k);
- if ($u) {
- Db::commit();
- return error_show(0, "新建成功");
- }
- }
- Db::rollback();
- } catch (\Exception $e) {
- Db::rollback();
- return error_show(1003, $e->getMessage());
- }
- }
- public function updat(){
- $id = isset($this->post['id'])?intval($this->post['id']):"";
- if($id===""){
- return error_show(1004,"参数id不能为空");
- }
- $sid = Db::name('customer_org1')->where("id","=","$id")->find();
- if($sid==false){
- return error_show(1004,"公司不存在");
- }
- if($sid['status']==1){
- return error_show(1002,"状态是启用状态,无法编辑");
- }
- $pid = isset($this->post['pid']) && $this->post['pid'] !=="" ? intval($this->post['pid']):"";
- if($pid===""){
- return error_show(1004,"父级id不能为空");
- }
- if($pid!=0){
- $fpid = Db::name('customer_org1')->where(['id'=>"$pid",'is_del'=>0])->find();
- if(empty($fpid)){
- return error_show(1004,"父级不能为空");
- }
- }
- $weight = isset($this->post['weight']) && $this->post['weight'] !==""? intval($this->post['weight']):"0";
- $name = isset($this->post['name'])? trim($this->post['name']):"";
- if($name==""){
- return error_show(1004,"公司名称不能为空");
- }
- $repeat_name = Db::name('customer_org1')->where(["is_del"=>0,"name"=>$name,'pid'=>$pid])->where("id","<>","$id")->find();
- if(!empty($repeat_name)){
- return error_show(1004,"部门名称已存在");
- }
- if(isset($fpid)){
- $depart_link=$fpid['depart_link']."{$id}-";
- }else{
- $depart_link= "{$id}-";
- }
- $level =explode('-',$depart_link);
- $level = array_filter($level);
- $level= count($level);
- $vir=[
- "id"=>$id,
- "name"=>$name,"pid"=>$pid,
- "weight"=>$weight,"depart_link"=>$depart_link,
- "level"=>$level,"is_del"=>0,"addtime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
- "updatetime"=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
- ];
- $org = Db::name('customer_org1')->save($vir);
- if($org){
- return error_show(0,"更新成功");
- }else{
- return error_show(1004,"更新失败");
- }
- }
- public function selec(){
- $id =isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !==""? intval($this->post['id']) :"";
- if($id==""){
- return error_show(1004,"公司客户不存在");
- }
- $tod=Db::name('customer_org1')->where(['id'=>$id,'is_del'=>0])->find();
- return app_show(0,"获取成功",$tod);
- }
- public function dell(){
- $id=isset($this->post['id']) ?intval($this->post['id']):"";
- $custy = Db::name('customer_org1')->where(["is_del"=>0,'id'=>$id])->find();
- if($custy==false){
- return error_show(1004,"公司不存在");
- }
- $db= Db::name('customer_org1')->where(['pid'=>$custy['id'],'is_del'=>0])->count();
- if($db>0){
- return error_show(1004,"下一级还有组织,不允许删除");
- }
- $var= Db::name('customer_info')->where(['itemid'=>$id,'is_del'=>0])->count();
- if($var>0){
- return error_show(1004,"下一级还有分公司,不允许删除");
- }
- $custy['is_del']=1;
- $custy['updatetime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- $compy = Db::name('customer_org1')->save($custy);
- return $compy ? error_show(0,"删除成功"):error_show(1004,"删除失败");
- }
- public function status(){
- $id = isset($this->post['id']) && $this->post['id'] !==""? intval($this->post['id']):"";
- if($id==""){
- return error_show(1002,"参数id不能为空");
- }
- $info = Db::name("customer_org1")->where([["id","=",$id]])->find();
- if(!$info){
- return error_show(1002,"未找到对应数据");
- }
- $status = isset($this->post['status']) && $this->post['status']!==""? intval($this->post['status']):"";
- if($status===""){
- return error_show(1002,"参数status不能为空");
- }
- if(!in_array($status,[0,1])){
- return error_show(1002,"参数status无效");
- }
- $info['status']=$status;
- $info['updatetime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
- $msg = $status==1?"启用":"禁用";
- $update = Db::name("customer_org1")->save($info);
- return $update? error_show(0,"{$msg}成功"):error_show(1004,"{$msg}失败");
- }
- }