@@ -3,15 +3,38 @@
namespace app\user\controller;
-use app\common\Ocr;use think\App;use think\facade\Validate;
+use app\user\model\Headquarters;use app\user\model\SupplierContact;use think\App;use think\facade\Validate;use think\Response;use think\response\Json;
class Supplier extends Base{
public $noLogin=["*"];
public function __construct(App $app) {
$this->model = new \app\user\model\Supplier();
+ /** * @param 参数列表如下:
+ * - name: 供应商名称
+ * - source: 来源
+ * - coop_state: 合作状态
+ * - category: 类别
+ * - delivery_way: 配送方式
+ * - level: 级别
+ * - supplier_type: 供应商类型
+ * - pay_type: 支付方式
+ * - registercode: 注册码
+ * - registertime: 注册时间
+ * - scope: 业务范围
+ * - type: 类型
+ * - nature: 性质
+ * - legaler: 法人
+ * - addr: 地址
+ * - prove_img: 证明图片
+ * - supplier_img: 供应商图片
+ * - contactor: 联系人
+ * - mobile: 手机号
+ * - telephone: 电话
+ * - position: 职位
+ * - email: 电子邮件
+ * - personid: 负责人id
+ */
public function create(){
$param = $this->request->param(["name"=>"","source"=>"","coop_state"=>"","category"=>"","delivery_way"=>"",
@@ -43,17 +66,338 @@ class Supplier extends Base{
'personid|负责人' => 'require|number|gt:0',
if(!$valid->check($param))return error($valid->getError());
+ if ($param['supplier_img']!=''){
+ $param['license_img'] = $param['supplier_img'];
+ $result = $this->GetBusinessInfoByParam($param['supplier_img']);
+ /**
+ * Array of attributes to getter functions (for serialization of requests)
+ * registrationNumber - 老版本营业执照对应注册号。 - 新三证合一版本营业执照对应社会保障号。
+ * name 企业名称。
+ * type 公司/企业类型/主体类型/类型。
+ * address 住所/营业场所/企业住所/主要经营场所/经营场所。
+ * legalRepresentative 法定代表人/负责人/执行事务合伙人/投资人/经营者。
+ * registeredCapital 注册资本/出资额。
+ * organizationForm 组成形式。
+ * foundDate 成立日期/注册日期。
+ * businessTerm 营业期限。
+ * businessScope 经营范围。
+ * issueDate 发照日期。
+ * confidence 相关字段的置信度信息,置信度越大,表示本次识别的对应字段的可靠性越高,在统计意义上,置信度越大,准确率越高。 置信度由算法给出,不直接等价于对应字段的准确率。
+ * @var string[]
+ */
+ if($result['code']==200){
+ $param['ocr_status'] = 1;
+ if ($param['name'] != $result['name']) {
+ $param['remark'] = '企业名称与营业执照不匹配';
+ }
+ if ($param['registercode'] !=$result['registrationNumber']&& $param['registercode']!= '') {
+ $param['remark'] .= '企业纳税识别号与营业执照不匹配';
+ }
+ $param['addr']=$result['address']??"";
+ $param['legaler']=$result['legalRepresentative']??"";
+ $param['registercode']=$result['registrationNumber']??"";
+ $param['registertime']=$result['foundDate']??"";
+ $param['scope']=$result['businessScope']??"";
+ $param['nature']=$result['type']??"";
+ $param['capital'] = $result['registeredCapital']??"";
+ }else{
+ $param['remark'] = '营业执照识别失败';
+ $param['ocr_status'] = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ $this->model->startTrans();
+ try{
+ $data=[
+ 'code'=>makeNo('QS'),
+ 'person'=>\app\user\model\User::where('account_id','=',$param['personid'])->value('nickname',''),
+ 'creater'=>$this->uname,
+ 'createrid'=>$this->uid
+ ];
+ $create = \app\user\model\Supplier::create(array_merge($data,$param));
+ if(!$create->isEmpty())throw new Exception('供应商创建失败');
+ $contact=[
+ "code"=>$data['code'],
+ "contactor"=>$param['contactor'],
+ "mobile"=>$param['mobile'],
+ "position"=>$param['position'],
+ "telephone"=>$param["telephone"],
+ "email"=>$param['email'],
+ ];
+ $contactC= SupplierContact::create($contact);
+ if (!$contactC->isEmpty())throw new Exception("供应商联系人信息创建失败");
+ $create->updater=$this->uname;
+ $create->updaterid=$this->uid;
+ $hqcreate= Headquarters::createInfo($create,3);
+ if (!$hqcreate)throw new Exception("供应商信息创建失败");
+ }catch (Exception $exception){
+ $this->model->rollback();
+ return error($exception->getMessage());
+ }
+ $this->model->commit();
+ return success("创建成功");
+ /**
+ * 编辑供应商
+ * 参数:
+ * id 供应商id
+ * - name: 供应商名称
+ * - source: 来源
+ * - coop_state: 合作状态
+ * - category: 类别
+ * - delivery_way: 配送方式
+ * - level: 级别
+ * - supplier_type: 供应商类型
+ * - pay_type: 支付方式
+ * - registercode: 注册码
+ * - registertime: 注册时间
+ * - scope: 业务范围
+ * - type: 类型
+ * - nature: 性质
+ * - legaler: 法人
+ * - addr: 地址
+ * - prove_img: 证明图片
+ * - supplier_img: 供应商图片
+ * - contactor: 联系人
+ * - mobile: 手机号
+ * - telephone: 电话
+ * - position: 职位
+ * - email: 电子邮件
+ * - personid: 负责人id
+ * @return Response|Json|void
+ */
+ public function save(){
+ $param = $this->request->param([
+ 'id' => '',
+ 'coop_state' => '0',
+ 'source' => '0',
+ 'type' => '0',
+ 'category' => '1',
+ 'delivery_way' => '0',
+ 'supplier_type' => '0',
+ 'level' => '0',
+ 'pay_type' => '0',
+ 'supplier_img' => '',
+ 'prove_img' => '',
+ 'contactor' => '',
+ 'mobile' => '', // 确保这是经过验证的格式
+ 'telephone' => '',
+ 'position' => '',
+ 'registercode' => '',
+ 'name' => '',
+ 'email' => '', // 更正了邮箱格式
+ 'nature' => '',
+ 'addr' => '',
+ 'legaler' => '',
+ 'registertime' => '',
+ 'scope' => '',
+ 'personid' => ''],"post",'json');
+ $valid=Validate::rule([
+ "id|主键ID"=>"require|number|gt:0",
+ 'name|供应商名称' => 'requireIf:supplier_img,""|max:255',
+ 'source|供应商来源' => 'require|number|in:0,1,2',
+ 'coop_state|合作状态' => 'require|number|in:0,1',
+ 'category|所属类别' => 'require|number|in:0,1',
+ 'delivery_way|提供物流方式' => 'require|number|in:0,1',
+ 'level|供应商级别' => 'require|number|in:0,1,2',
+ 'supplier_type|供应商性质' => 'require|number|in:0,1,2,3,4',
+ 'pay_type|付款方式' => 'require|number|in:0,1,2',
+ 'registercode|纳税识别编号' => 'requireIf:supplier_img,""|max:255',
+ 'registertime|成立日期' => 'requireIf:supplier_img,""|max:255',
+ 'scope|经营范围' => 'requireIf:supplier_img,""|max:3000',
+ 'type|申请类型' => 'require|number|in:0,1',
+ 'nature|公司类型' => 'require|number|in:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9',
+ 'legaler|法人' => 'requireIf:supplier_img,""|max:255',
+ 'addr|公司详细地址' => 'requireIf:supplier_img,""|max:255',
+ 'prove_img|资质证明' => 'url',
+ 'supplier_img|营业执照' => 'requireIf:name,""|url',
+ 'contactor|联系人' => 'require|max:255',
+ 'mobile|手机号' => 'require|mobile',
+ 'telephone|座机号' => 'max:255',
+ 'position|职位' => 'require',
+ 'email|邮箱' => 'require|email',
+ 'personid|负责人' => 'require|number|gt:0',
+ ]);
+ if(!$valid->check($param))return error($valid->getError());
+ $info = \app\user\model\Supplier::with(["contactInfo"])->where('id','=',$param['id'])->find();
+ if(!$info)return error('供应商不存在');
+ $goodUpdateBool=false;
+ if($info->personid!=$param['personid'])$goodUpdateBool=true;
+ $info->name=$param['name'];
+ $info->personid=$param['personid'];
+ $info->person=\app\user\model\User::where('account_id','=',$param['personid'])->value('nickname','');
+ $info->source=$param['source'];
+ $info->coop_state=$param['coop_state'];
+ $info->category=$param['category'];
+ $info->delivery_way=$param['delivery_way'];
+ $info->level=$param['level'];
+ $info->supplier_type=$param['supplier_type'];
+ $info->pay_type=$param['pay_type'];
+ $info->type=$param['type'];
+ $info->prove_img=$param['prove_img'];
+ $info->updater=$this->uname;
+ $info->updaterid=$this->uid;
+ if($param['supplier_img']!='' && $info->license_img!=$param['supplier_img']){
+ $info->license_img=$param['supplier_img'];
+ $result = $this->GetBusinessInfoByParam($param['supplier_img']);
+ if($result['code']=='200'){
+ $info->ocr_status = 1;
+ if ($param['name'] != $result['name']) {
+ $info->remark = "企业名称与营业执照不匹配";
+ }
+ if ($param['registercode'] !=$result['registrationNumber']&& $param['registercode']!= '') {
+ $info->remark .= '企业纳税识别号与营业执照不匹配';
+ }
+ $param['addr']=$result['address']??'';
+ $param['legaler']=$result['legalRepresentative']??'';
+ $param['registercode']=$result['registrationNumber']??'';
+ $param['registertime']=$result['foundDate']??'';
+ $param['scope']=$result['businessScope']??'';
+ $param['nature']=$result['type']??'';
+ $param['capital'] = $result['registeredCapital']??'';
- public function businessLicese(){
- $url = $this->request->param('url');
- if(empty($url))return error('参数错误');
- $ocr= Ocr::getInstance();
- $result= $ocr::businessLicense($url);
- var_dump($result);
+ }else{
+ $info->remark = '营业执照识别失败';
+ $info->ocr_status = 2;
+ }
+ }
+ $info->registercode=$param['registercode'];
+ $info->nature=$param['nature'];
+ $info->legaler=$param['legaler'];
+ $info->registertime=$param['registertime'];
+ $info->capital=$param['capital'];
+ $info->addr=$param['addr'];
+ $info->scope=$param['scope'];
+ $this->model->startTrans();
+ try{
+ if($info->save()){
+ $contact=[
+ 'contactor'=>$param['contactor'],
+ 'mobile'=>$param['mobile'],
+ 'position'=>$param['position'],
+ 'telephone'=>$param['telephone'],
+ 'email'=>$param['email'],
+ ];
+ $contactC=$info->contactInfo->save($contact);
+ if (!$contactC)throw new Exception('供应商联系人信息保存失败');
+ $hqcreate= Headquarters::createInfo($info,3);
+ if(!$hqcreate)throw new Exception('供应商信息保存失败');
+ }else throw new Exception('供应商信息保存失败');
+ $this->model->commit();
+ }catch (Exception $e){
+ $this->model->rollback();
+ return error($e->getMessage());
+ }
+ if($goodUpdateBool)event("updateSupplierGood",["code"=>$info->code,"personid"=>$info->personid,"person"=>$info->person]);
+ return success("保存成功!");
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取供应商列表
+ */
+ public function list()
+ {
+ $param=$this->request->param(["page"=>1,"size"=>15,"createrid"=>"","name"=>"","start"=>"","end"=>"",'status'=>'','ocr_status'=>''],"post","trim");
+ $where=[["is_del","=",0]];
+ if($param['createrid']!='') $where[]=['createrid','=',$param['createrid']];
+ if($param['name']!='') $where[]=['name','like',"%".$param['name']."%"];
+ if($param['status']!='') $where[]=['status','=',$param['status']];
+ if($param['ocr_status']!='') $where[]=['ocr_status','=',$param['ocr_status']];
+ if($param['start']!='') $where[]=['addtime','>=',$param['start']];
+ if($param['end']!='') $where[]=['addtime','<=',$param['end']];
+ $list = $this->model->with(["contactInfo"])->where($where)->order('id desc')
+ ->paginate(['page'=>$param['page'],'list_rows'=>$param['size']]);
+ return success("获取成功",["list"=>$list->items(),"count"=>$list->total()]);
+ }
+ /**
+ * 获取供应商详情
+ */
+ public function info()
+ {
+ $code=$this->request->param("code");
+ if(!$code=="")return error("参数错误");
+ $info = $this->model->with(["contactInfo"])->where('code','=',$code)->findOrEmpty();
+ if($info->isEmpty())return error("供应商不存在");
+ return success("获取成功",$info);
+ /**删除供应商
+ * @return Response|Json|void
+ */
+ public function delete()
+ {
+ $param=$this->request->param(["id"=>""],"post","trim");
+ if($param['id']=="")return error("参数错误");
+ $info = $this->model->where('id','=',$param['id'])->findOrEmpty();
+ if($info->isEmpty())return error("供应商不存在");
+ $info->is_del=1;
+ if($info->save()){
+ $headquarters = new Headquarters();
+ $headquarters->update([
+ 'is_del'=>1,
+ 'updater'=>$this->uname,
+ 'updaterid'=>$this->uid,
+ ],['code'=>$info->code]);
+ }
+ return success("删除成功");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return Json|Response|Response|Json|void
+ */
+ public function status()
+ {
+ $param=$this->request->param(["id"=>"","status"=>""],"post","trim");
+ $valid=Validate::check($param,[
+ 'id|供应商id'=>'require',
+ 'status|状态'=>'require|number|in:0,1',
+ ]);
+ if($valid!==true)return error(Validate::getError());
+ $info = $this->model->where('id','=',$param['id'])->findOrEmpty();
+ if($info->isEmpty())return error("供应商不存在");
+ $info->status=$param['status'];
+ if($info->save()){
+ $headquarters = new Headquarters();
+ $headquarters->update([
+ 'status'=>$param['status'],
+ 'updater'=>$this->uname,
+ 'updaterid'=>$this->uid,
+ ],['code'=>$info->code]);
+ }else return error("修改失败");
+ return success("修改成功");
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param $post
+ * @return Response|Json|void
+ * @throws PDOException
+ */
+ public function upgrade()
+ {
+ $post = $this->request->only(['code', 'inv_bank', 'inv_bankNo', 'inv_addr', 'invoice_mobile', 'uid', 'uname', 'invoice_title'], 'post', 'trim');
+ $val = Validate::rule([
+ 'code|供应商编码' => 'require',
+ 'inv_bank|银行名称' => 'require|max:255',
+ 'inv_bankNo|银行卡号' => 'require|number',
+ 'inv_addr|联系地址' => 'require|max:255',
+ 'invoice_mobile' => 'require',
+ 'invoice_title|公司抬头' => 'require',
+ ]);
+ if ($val->check($post) == false) return error($val->getError());
+ $supplier = $this->model->with(["contactInfo"])->where([['code',"=", $post['code']],["is_del","=",0]])->findOrEmpty();
+ if ($supplier->isEmpty()) return error("供应商不存在");
+ if ($supplier->status == 0) return error("供应商未启用");
+ if ($supplier->is_upgrade == 1) return error("供应商已升级为业务公司");
+ $this->model->startTrans();
+ try {
+ $post['uid']=$this->uid;
+ $post['uname']=$this->uname;
+ $up= $this->model->upgrade($post);
+ if(!$up)throw new Exception("升级失败");
+ $this->model->commit();
+ }catch (Exception $exception){
+ $this->model->rollback();
+ return error($exception->getMessage());
+ }
+ return success("升级成功");
+ }