**English** | [中文](./README.md)
## Introduction
vue-pure-admin is a free and open source middle and back-end template. Using the latest `vue3` `vite2` `Element-Plus` `TypeScript` and other mainstream technology development, the out-of-the-box middle and back-end front-end solutions can also be used for learning reference.
## Supporting Video
- [Click Watch Tutorial](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1534y1S7HV)
- [Click Watch UI Design](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17g411T7rq)
## Docs
- [Click Watch Docs](https://pure-admin-doc.vercel.app)
## Thin
- [Click Watch Thin](https://github.com/xiaoxian521/pure-admin-thin)
## Tauri
- [Click Watch Tauri](https://github.com/xiaoxian521/tauri-pure-admin)
## Preview
- [vue-pure-admin](https://vue-pure-admin.vercel.app)